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1、Refer to the EETech (Standalone) section in the eepc_620_eetech_user_guide_en-us.pdf guide. Not all covered in these instructions below are in this guide.根据EETech(Standalone)部分内容写出的文档,不包括EEPC所有部分的说明。1. Unzip the and burn the ISO to a CD. Make sure the disk can boot from t

2、he CD.解压,并加ISO文件压入CD。刻完之后请确认PC可以从光盘启动。2. Boot up to the EETech Standalone CD.启动EETech Standalone CD。3. Click the “Disk Information” button and write down the Key Check value.点击“Disk Information”按钮记录Key Check value.2. Type the following URL in a browser:键入如下地址(NOTE: The bel

3、ow URL is case sensitive, please copy and paste as is) https:/EPOSERVERNAME:PORT/remote/eeadmin.exportMachineKey?keyCheck=VALUE&oldKeys=trueMake sure to replace EPOSERVERNAME:PORT and VALUE with the proper values.Enter the EPO credentials:3. When the URL is displayed, copy and paste the first key in

4、formation to notepad. 当网页打开,复制粘贴第一个“key”信息写入记事本。4. Log into EPO Console, find any machine that has EEPCEEMac installed on it, export its XML file. 登陆进入EPO控制台,查找相应的安装了EEPC的机器,然后导出XML文件。5. Edit this XML file, replace its key value with the one you pasted into your notepad file from step 3.编辑XML文件,用第三步

5、我们粘贴在记事本的key的值来代替。6. Now you have a decryption key that should be able to decrypt the machine in question;Ensure you validate this XML file is the correct XML file (decryption key) for this machine:现在你有了解密的key,然后可以在机器发生问题的时候进行解密。请确保你的XML文件时此机器正确的XML文件。(以上为EEPC_TECH的简介,以及获取XML文件的操作方法,下面是工程师的操作)1. Cop

6、y the XML file to a USB drive and plug into the machine.复制XML文件到U盘然后插入电脑。2. Boot to the EEtech Standalone CD.从CD启动EETech standalone3. Click theAuthorizebutton with the code of the day from the EETech code generator.点击Authorize用当天的code认证,此code由EETech code生成器生成。4. Click Enable USB under Actions.点击Acti

7、ons下面的Enable USB5. Click the Authenticatebutton and load the XML file from the USB drive. (always first try to authenticate with token if possible)点击Authenticate按钮导入XML文件从U盘。(如果可能的话请先通过用户的token来验证,和XML文件的功效一样)6. Click the Emergency Boot button under Actions.点击Emergency Boot按钮在Actions选项里7. Accept the

8、 informational Master Boot Record dialog box.在弹出的主引导记录对话框选择接受8. The machine should boot into Windows.机器就能从windows启动9. Log into Windows.登陆windows10. Right click the McAfee Agent Shield and choose McAfee Agent Status Monitor.右击McAfee Agent右下角图标然后选择McAfee Agent Status Monitor11. Click the Collect and S

9、end Props button.点击Collect and Send Props按钮12. Verify in ePO that the user is assigned to the machine.在ePO里确认用户信息已经被分配给机器13. Assign the user to the machine if not already provisioned.如果还没有被分配信息,将用户的信息添加到机器上14. Right click the McAfee Agent Shield and choose Quick Settings Show Endpoint Encryption Status.右击McAfee Agent 图标,然后学着Quick Settings Show Endpoint Encryption Status.15. Verify that policy enforcement is complete.确认策略推送是否完毕16. Reboot and have the user attempt to logon to EEPC.重启电脑然后尝试正常登陆EEPC


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