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1、八(上)书面表达专练书面表达一:上星期我和父母去了北京。北京是一个很棒的城市。我游览了很多名胜古迹,例如故宫、颐和园、长城等等。我最喜欢的是长城。它是世界上最伟大的奇迹之一。人们把它看做中华民族的象征。我还吃了北京烤鸭,很好吃。我在北京玩得很愉快。我希望有一天能再到那去。I went to Beijing with my parents _ _. Its a wonderful city. I visited many _ _ _, such as the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and so on. I like t

2、he Great Wall _. Its one of _ _ _ of the world. People _ it _ a _ of China. I also _ Beijing Roast Duck. It was _. I _ _ _ _ in Beijing. I hope _ _ I can go there again.书面表达二:1月2日 星期天 晴今天天气很好。我和朋友们去公园玩。我们坐公共汽车去。到那大概9:00. 在公园里,女孩们放风筝,男孩们踢足球。我们玩得很高兴。中午,我们在草地上吃了点水果和面包。吃过午饭,Michael弹吉他,Maria伴着音乐跳舞。Jane唱了

3、几首歌。我拍了很多照片。我们都感到很累,但是很开心。多么愉快的一天啊!Sunday, January 2nd Sunny Its a fine day today. I went to the park with my friends. We _ _ _ there. We _ _ _ about 9:00. In the park, girls _ _ and boys _ _. We had a good time. _ _, we had some fruit and bread _ the lawn. After lunch, Michael _ _ _ and Maria _ _ t

4、he music. Jane _ some songs. I _ many _. We all _ _ but happy. _ _ wonderful day!书面表达三:电脑在我们的生活中变得越来越重要。它可以帮助我们做很多事。例如,我经常在电脑的帮助下学习。有时,我在网上购物。在业余时间,我听歌、看电影。电脑使我的生活更简单、更美好。但一些学生喜欢打游戏。我们不应该在网上花费太多时间,这对我们有害。The computer is becoming _ and _ _ in our life. It can help us to do a lot of things. _ _, I oft

5、en study _ the help of the computer. Sometimes, I do some _ _ the Internet. _ _ _ _, I listen to music and _ _. It makes my life _ and _. But some students like _ computer games. We shouldnt spend _ _ time _ it. Its bad _ us.书面表达四: 众所周知,健康对我们所有人都很重要,但我们如何才能保持健康呢?首先,我们应该多吃水果蔬菜。每天一杯牛奶,一个苹果可以帮助我们强壮起来;其

6、次,我们必须多做运动来强身健体。这对我们的心肺有好处。第三,我们必须勤洗手。如果生病了,我们最好马上去看医生。拥有健康的习惯对我们来说是必须的。_ _ _, _ is important _ all of us. But how can we keep _? _, we should eat more fruit and _. _ _ _ _ and _ egg a day can help _ us strong. _, we must do more _ to build us up. Its good for _ _ and lungs. _, we must _ hands often

7、. If we _ _, we _ _ go to see a doctor _ _. Its _ for us _ _ _ habits.书面表达五: 我们所有人都有爱好。我们的爱好总是在变。我过去喜欢看电视,但现在,我的爱好是做运动,例如跑步和打篮球。我认为这样可以使我强壮,对我的心肺有好处。我曾经是个电影迷,但现在,我对集邮很感兴趣,因为我可以从中学到很多。你和我的兴趣相同吗?All of us have hobbies. And our hobbies are _ _ _ _. I _ _ enjoy _ TV. But now, my hobby is _ _, such as _

8、and _ basketball. I think it can make me strong and its good _ my _ and _. I _ _ _ a movie fan, but now Im _ in _ stamps because I can learn a lot _ them. Do you _ my hobbies?书面表达六: 不同的人有不同的爱好。在我们的业余时间,很多学生喜欢听音乐,因为听音乐可以帮助他们放松。30%的学生喜欢做运动。他们认为做运动可以使他们强壮。一些学生喜欢看电视。他们认为那很有趣。只有少数学生对读书感兴趣,因为他们能从书中学到很多。你的

9、爱好是什么呢?Different people have different _. _ _ free time, many students like _ _ music because it can help them _. 30% _ _ _ enjoy _ _. They think it can _ them _. Some students love _ TV. They think its very interesting. Only _ _ students are _ in _ because they can learn a lot _ books. What is _ _?

10、书面表达七:敬爱的王老师:我很遗憾地告诉你我生病了。今天早上起床的时候,我感觉很糟糕。我发烧,咳得很厉害。妈妈带我去医院。医生让我躺在床上,好好休息一下。他还告诉我要喝大量的开水,吃点药。因此,我想要请两天假。别为我担心,我会很快好起来,回到学校去。 您的学生 李雷Dear Miss Wang, Im sorry _ _ you Im ill. When I got up this morning, I _ _. I _ a fever and _ _. My mother _ me _ the hospital. The doctor _ me _ _ in bed and _ a good

11、 rest. He _ _ me to drink _ _boiled water and _ some _. So Id like to _ _ _ _ _. Dont worry _ me. Ill _ _ and _ _ school soon._, Li Lei书面表达八: 我喜欢住在农村。在城市里有越来越多的楼房和汽车,但太脏太嘈杂。在农村,空气更清新,天空更蓝,树更绿,水更清。还有各种各样的动物,我很喜欢他们。那里更安静,人们可以享受大自然的美景。我的爷爷奶奶住在农村,我每年都去那度假。I like _ _ the countryside. In the city, there a

12、re _and _ buildings and cars. But its too _ and _. In the countryside, the air is _, the sky is _ and there are also _ trees and _ rivers. There are different kinds of animals. I like them very much. And its much _. People can enjoy the _ of _ there. My grandparents live in the countryside. I go there _ my _ every year.书面表达九: 地球上有许多不同种类的动物。我最喜欢的是熊猫,因为他们很可爱。他们住在中国西南部的山林里。他们以竹子为生。但现在,熊猫可以居住的土地越来越少。熊猫的数量也越来越少。他们正处在危险之中。我认为,动物是我们的朋友。我们和他们共同享有这个世界。我们应该保护他们。There are many _ _ _ _ on the


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