外研版版 英语 必修5:Module 2 SectionⅢ速效提能演练

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《外研版版 英语 必修5:Module 2 SectionⅢ速效提能演练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版版 英语 必修5:Module 2 SectionⅢ速效提能演练(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.词汇知识1_(adj.)长久的;永久的;永恒的(n.)永久;持久性_2_(vi.)申请(n.)申请;应用_3_(adj.)组织的(vt.)组织_(n.)组织_4_(vt.)需要(n.)需要,需求_5_(adj.)可利用的,可获得的6_(adj.)传统的(n.)传统_7_(vi.)遭受(痛苦)(n.)受难者;患者_(n.)受苦;苦难_8_(n.)个性;性格(adj.)个人的;私人的_(adv.)亲自;就个人而言_9_(vt.)签字,签署10_(n.)模特11double (vi.)_12outgoing (adj.)_答案:1.permanent;permanence2.apply;appli

2、cation3.organisational;organise;organisation4.require;requirement5.available6.traditional;tradition7.suffer;sufferer;suffering8.personality;personal;personally9.sign10.model11.加倍12.外向的.重点短语1have a day _请一天假2be fluent _ (讲话、语言说得)流利3_location 外景拍摄4in response _ 回答,答复5be _ to 与有关6combine. _. 结合成一体7suff

3、er _ 受苦;遭受8_ demand 需要9look forward _ 期待;渴望10be _ to do sth. 可能做某事答案:1.off2.in3.on4.to5. related6.with7from8.in9.to10.likely.必背句型1_,the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to computers and health.根据美国一所大学发布的调查报告,增长速度最快的十种职业将与电脑和健康有关。答案:According to a survey published by an American university2F

4、or people doing this job,common sense,physical fitness and an outgoing personality _ computer skills.对做这种工作的人来说,常识、身体健康和外向的性格可能比电脑技术更重要。答案:are likely to be more important than3Of course there will be plenty of other new jobs,_.当然还会有许多其他新兴的职业,其中一些我们很可能猜不出来。答案:some of which we probably cant even guess4_,more travel agents will be needed,but the real demand will be for guides to take groups and even individuals on adventure holidays.随着越来越多的国家开放旅游业,将需要更多的旅行社,但真正需要的将是那些为旅游团,甚至为冒险度假的个人做导游的人。答案:As more and more countries open up to tourism


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