课题名称Lesson 13.doc

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1、课题名称Lesson 13 How old are you? 小学英语冀教版四年级下册单位:鄚州镇李庄子中心小学授课教师:杨文敏 教学背景分析学情分析 本班学生已经学了一年多英语,而且他们对英语的兴趣很浓,尤其喜欢歌曲、游戏、角色表演。学习氛围较好,善于合作,交流。教材分析 本节课是围绕着“年龄”(How old are you?)这个题材展开多种教学活动的一节课。本节课的重点句型是,“How old are you? Im .years old.”在以前的课程中我们学过这一句型的运用,但这一课,进一步地加深这一句型的运用和理解。通过对 “When is your birthday? My b

2、irthday is ”这一句型的伸展,进一步提高学生听、说、读、交际等综合素质能力。教学目标知识技能目标1.能听懂,会说,会认并正确书写amwhenbirthday.2.能认读理解并运用 (1) How old are you? Im _years old.(2)When is your birthday? My birthday is _.情感目标1.在对话活动中鼓励学生敢于开口,积极尝试使用英语。询问父母生日并送上祝福,感恩父母。2.培养学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性。学习策略目标1.在学习交流中注意倾听,积极思考。2.与同伴合作完成对话并主动向他人学习。教学重点1.能听懂,会说,会认并正确

3、书写 amwhenbirthday.2.能认读理解并运用(1) How old are you? Im _years old.(2)When is your birthday? My birthday is _.教学难点试着扩展(1)How old is shehe? HeShe is _years old. (2)When is herhis birthday? HerHis birthday is _.教学准备 PPT课件教学过程学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Warming-up1.教师与学生交流问候T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?Ss: Im

4、 fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you. First, lets listen to a song.2.听月份歌,复习月份T: Do you know this song?Ss: The months song.T: Yes. How many months are there in a year?Ss: 12.T: Yes. What are they? Lets review.Ss: January, February, March 3.出示图片,复习日期T: Look at this calendar. Whats the

5、 date? (date 日期)Ss:学生和老师交流,听月份歌。对话复习月份和日期。回答月份和日期 通过简单的交流和听音乐,让学生渐渐放松下来。鼓励学生敢于开口,积极尝试使用英语。复习月份和日期为下面学习有关生日的句子做铺垫。Step 2 New concepts1. 出示图片,展示情景,询问年龄。学习句子:How old are you? Imyears old.How old is he/she? He/She isyears old.2. 练习句型活动练习a:How old are you? Imyears old. 同桌互相问答 以列为组,做链式问答活动练习b:出示图片,师生问答How

6、 old is he/she? He/She isyears old.(注意一岁时year 后不再加s.)图片示例,四人一组做链式问答练习并展示:Im ten years old. How old are you? Im nine years old. He is ten years old. How old are you? Im nine years old. She is nine years old. How old are you? 3.出示图片,师生问答,学习句子:When is your birthday? My birthday isWhen is his birthday?

7、His birthday is When is her birthday? Her birthday is4.活动练习:出示图片问答:When is his birthday? His birthday is When is her birthday? Her birthday is5.听课文录音,学生回答问题Qs: How old is Danny? How old is Steven? When is Stevens birthday? When is Dannys birthday?学习句子,并回答跟读句子与老师、同学问答练习句子与同学练习句子学习句子跟读句子师生问答练习句子听课文录音回

8、答问题问年龄的句型是学过的,再重复,跟读,加强巩固记忆。通过对话练习让学生熟练运用,并可以做替换练习。小组做链式问答并展示,既锻炼学生英语的练习运用,也培养他们上台展示的勇气。学习询问生日的句型,再重复,跟读,加强巩固记忆。对话问答,加强对句型的操练和掌握。经过练习上面学习的句子,此处以听力形式考查学生对句子的掌握情况。Step3 Practice:巩固练习四人一组,做调查,用句子边提问,边填表,完成后,课堂展示。1.How old are you? Im _ years old.2.When is your birthday? My birthday is _.NameAgeBirthday

9、 Step 4 Conclusion总结:今天你学会了什么?1.询问年龄 How old are you? Imyears old.2.询问生日 When is your birthday? My birthday is 小组合作句子问答、填表讲台展示跟随老师总结今日所学。学生自己组织对话操练并填表收集信息,让学生对知识有一个内化的过程。展示时培养上台表达的能力。让学生总结不仅加深了他们对新授内容的印象,更培养了他们勤于总结知识的学习方法。Step 5 HomeworkAsk your father and mothers birthdays, and remember. On their birthdays, please say happy birthday to them.记下自己父母的生日,当他们生日的时候,给他们送上生日祝福。自主表达,关心父母询问父母生日,练习所学句子,在父母生日时送上祝福,关注学生情感培养,让学生关心父母,懂得感恩。板书设计Lesson 13 How old are you ?How old are you ? Im . years old.When is your birthday? My birthday is.


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