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1、2011年安徽省中考英语词汇表A1. a (an) (art) 一(个,件)There is an eraser in the box.What a shame! = What a pity!真遗憾!A knife and fork一副刀叉(用于价格,数量,比率等)He was driving at 50 miles an hour.当时他正以每小时50英里速度驾车。(用于一星期中某天的名称前,表示具体某一天)She died on a Tuesday. 她是在一个星期二去世的。【经典试题】A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _ secon

2、d. A. / B. the C. a D. an How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _ voice. A. the best B. a best C. the betterD. a better 2. ability (n) 能力; 才能;He is a man of great ability. 他是位能力很强的人。She has no ability in that kind of work.The ability to use a language can be achieved by the act of using the

3、language.Almost everyone has some musical ability.几乎人人都有一定的音乐才能。(ability后可接介词in或for引导的短语表示“有某方面的能力”,也可接动词不定式做定语,但不接“of + v-ing”)3. able (a.) 有能力的,能够I am afraid I wont be able to visit you on Saturday. 恐怕我无法在星期六来拜访您了。I didnt feel able to disagree with him. 我觉得无法不同意他的意见。The ablest student in the class

4、.班上最有才华的人。He is an able lawyer. 他是一位能干的律师。* unable (a.) 不能的,不能胜任的4. about (prep, ad.)关于,在各处;大约,到处 My mother often spoke to me about you.家母常和我谈起你。She sat up and looked about her. 她坐了起来,环顾四周。It happened about 5 oclock in the morning. 这事发生在早晨约莫五点钟的时候。She likes to walk about. 她喜爱四处走走。John is about the s

5、ame age as Tom. 5. above (prep) 在.上面 在.之上, 超过Water came above our knees.水淹过我们的膝盖 We cannot accept children above the age of 10.我们不能接受10岁以上的儿童。【词语辨析】Above与最低限度和固定点相连,如:2000 feet above sea level海拔2000英尺。Temperatures will not rise above zero tonight.而over与数目,数量,年龄,金钱和时间相连,如: Hes over 50。他已年过半百。It cost

6、over $100.这个值100美元。We waited over 2 hours. 6. abroad (a. ad.)在国外;到国外My son is still living abroad.He was famous both at home and abroad.(abroad前不可用in或to,但可用from表示“从国外”)7. absent (a.)缺席的,不在场的(+from)To be absent from work / school / a meeting缺勤,缺课,未出席会议。Three members of the class were absent this morn

7、ing. 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。Today David is absent from school because he is ill.今天大卫因为生病没上学。【注意区别】He was absent from London.他不在伦敦。He was absent in London. 他不在这里,而在伦敦。l absence (n)不在, 缺席l according to按照,根据8. accent (n) 口音,腔调Judging by her accent, she must be a Southerner. 从她的口音判断,她准是南方人。9. accept (v)接受,领受;答应,同意

8、(区别于receive)He has accepted our invitation. 他已经接受了我们的邀请。It was raining heavily so I accepted his offer of a lift.天正在下雨,所以我领了他的情,搭了他的便车。Shes decided not to accept the job.她决定不接受这项工作。10. accident (n)事故;灾祸avoid an accident 避免事故cause an accident.导致事故to have an accident出事故A terrible accident has happened

9、.by accident = by chance偶然地11. ache (n)痛,疼痛There were aches in his joints. 他关节疼痛。She felt an ache in her bank.她感觉背痛。【复合词】toothache, stomachache, heartache12. achieve (v)完成,实现,达到,赢得You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way. 你若总是这样消磨时间,就永远不会有所成就。achieve peace实现和平 achieve progress

10、获得进步(表示“取得成就,达成目标,目的”时用achieve; 表示“达成协议,决议,合同,得出结论”时用reach或arrive at)13. across (prep)横越,穿过(区别于through)We walked across the street. 我们穿过马路。Theres a hotel across the road.路另一边有一家旅馆。14. act(n, v)法令, 条例;表演, 扮演, 行动The time for thinking is past. We must now act.思考的时间过去了,我们必须行动。He acted Othello at the Roy

11、al Theater that evening. 那天晚上他在皇家剧院扮演奥赛罗。The medicine acts well. = The medicine works well. 这药有效。The actress acts very well. 这演员戏演得好。John acted as chairman in his absence. 他不在时,约翰充当主席。(act后接as短语,作“担任”解时,其后表示职务或职业的名词前通常不用冠词)15. action (n) 行动;行为;活动He took strong action.他采取了强硬措施。He was sorry for his ac

12、tions.他为自己的行为感到懊悔。(take action采取行动,中间不加冠词)16. active (a.)积极的,主动的She is an active supporter of womens rights.她是争取妇女权利的积极支持者。The sentence is in the active voice.本句子用的是主动语态。Mrs. Brown is over 80 and not very active now.布朗太太已八十多岁,现在不大活动了。17. activity (n)活动(outdoor activities户外活动/ classrom activities课堂活动

13、)I take an active part in all kinds of activities including tennis, swimming and running.我积极参加诸如网球游泳跑步等各种各样的活动。18. add (v)添加;增加,加The fire is going out. Will you add some wood? 火快熄了,请你加些木柴好吗?Add 5 to 3 and you have 8. 3加5等于8.If the tea is too strong, add some more water.如果茶太浓,加些水吧。增加(+to)The snowstor

14、m added to our difficulties. 暴风雪增加了我们的困难。* addition (n) 增加,加19. address(n)住址,地址Whats your home address? 补充词义:演说,致词The headmaster gave an address to the school before the prizes were given away.在发奖之前校长向全校发表了讲话20. advantage (n)优点,优势,好处,Whats the advantage of using wind power?使用风能有何好处?Living in a big c

15、ity has many advantagesgood schools, libraries, theaters and concerts.住在大城市有许多便利,如好学校,图书馆,剧院和音乐会。We took full advantage of all the seats in the hall.我们充分利用了礼堂里的所有座位。21. advertisement (n)广告Advertisement helps to sell goods.广告有助于推销商品。“AD” is the short form of advertisement.AD是广告的缩写形式* advertise(v) 为做广告22. advise (v)劝告,建议We advised her that she (should) wait. 我们劝她等He advised me to work harder.他劝告我要更勤奋工作。Its easy for you to advise, but difficult to take



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