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1、七年级上Unit4 Topic3 Section A教学设计教学内容分析 : 本课是本单元的最后一个话题的第一部分,围绕就餐这个话题展开。通过对话教学使学生感受到英语在生活中的实践意义,从而提高学生的学习兴趣和口头表达能力。这些话题与学生的生活实际非常贴近,通过小组合作、调查、激励等任务型教学的设计和新课改理念的渗透,使学生相互增进了解,并了解中西方文化的差异,以培养学生学习英语的兴趣,从而提高交际能力。 设计思想 任务型教学就是以具体的任务为学习的动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学的成就。在当前新课改滚滚的浪潮中,如何根据新课标中提倡的任务型教学,作者主

2、要探究新教材Project English(仁爱版)任务型英语教学,树立全新的课堂教学设计理念,探究在 “大班化”英语课堂中实施英语任务型课堂教学的途径,使学生不但在课堂上大胆开口,而且课后通过调查实践也可以运用英语。 教学目标(一)知识目标: 1、掌握并运用下列句型,学会讲英语国家用餐的用语。 What would you like (to do)? Id like (to do) .Would you like.? Yes, please. / No, thanks. What about you? Id like . 2、掌握可数名词与不可数名词。 hamburger, French f

3、ries, a cup, etc. chicken, fish, meat, rice, tea, milk, bread, coffee, etc. (二)能力目标: 1、培养学生听说能力和朗读技巧; 2、通过设计任务、小组合作等形式,培养学生学习策略与思维技巧,以及分析、解决问题的能力; (三)情感态度目标: 通过有趣和贴近学生生活实际的任务,互通信息,交换意见,培养听说能力。通过小组活动的设计,让更多的学生有机会参与课堂活动,培养合作意识,达到对学生的情感态度的影响和塑造。 教具准备 1、教师准备的教具:录音机、实物、图片、单词词条、任务题卡、小奖品等。 2、学生准备的学具:收集有关食品

4、的实物、图片(包括自己动手画的图画)、玩具用品等。 教学重点和难点 1、学习可数名词与不可数名词; 2、如何表达点餐和就餐的句型。 教学环节实录 Step 1. Warm up. Sing an English song. The more we get together. Lets chant Here is father. Step 2. Lead- in. Today Im very happy. Why? Because I had my hair cut yesterday. So I look _.( young/ cool . The students give the answ

5、ers.) What good boys/ girls! How clever you are! Are you happy, boys and girls? Why? So many teachers have come to our class. Lets welcome. (鼓掌) I m very, very happy today. Look! Ive brought a lot of food here. Can you guess what they are ? Step 3. Task 1 Class activities-Guessing game. The teacher

6、hides the foods and the pictures behind the recorder. Let the Ss guess what food they are. hamburger, tea, milk, French fries, a cup, chicken, fish, meat, rice, bread, coffee, coke, etc. Ask the Ss what have they brought. Ask them to show them and let them say the words out. Step 4 Task 2 Ask and an

7、swer. (Deal with the points. ) W hat would you like (to do)? Id like (to do) . Would you like.? Yes, please. / No, thanks. What about you? Id like . 目的:在这个活动中,教师由单纯的讲授者转向参与者和帮助者,给学生的任务是较开放的。学生可以根据教师的教具和学生自己的学具,锻炼口笔头的交流能力。 Step 5. Teach the dialogue. 1. The teacher hands out the big picture of the di

8、alogue. Ask: What would they like to have (eat/drink? 2. Play the tape and let the Ss listen and follow. Then finish the task. Task 3 Pair work. Get the Ss to work in pairs and fill in the form according to the dialogue. What would they like to eat? What would they like to drink? Michael Jane Maria

9、Report. Ask some pairs to report their work using “What would Michael / Jane/ Maria like to eat/drink?” 目的:通过对对讨论,获取新知识,培养学生处理信息和分析能力,以及提高口语能力,在合作中实现了学习和进步。 Task 4 Make a survey. 1. Ask the Ss to work in groups of four, making a survey by asking: What would he/ she (classmates/ friends) like to have? 2. Fill in the chart according to the answers. What would he/she like to eat? What would he/she like to drink? 3. Report. Have the Ss ask and answer in groups.


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