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1、新课标初中英语教案一、课型:Listening and speaking 二、教材分析 本单元围绕“我的学校生活”这一主题展开教学活动,内容紧密结合初中生在现实生活中的学习、生活情况。通过此单元的学习,学生可以就自己学校生活为话题来阐述自己的基本情况。 三、教学对象分析 这个单元涉及到两大块知识点,先呈现,再通过一系列的练习巩固,学生会顺利掌握这个单元的学习内容。 四、教学目标 (一)知识与技能目标 1. 词汇:熟练掌握和运用所学的词汇。 2. 语法:实义动词一般现在时的陈述句形式。 3. 技能:学会钟点的表达,能简要介绍学校里的课程科目。 4. 功能:能与同学交流学校生活这一话题。 (二)过

2、程与方法 创设情景导入-课件出示学习目标-分小组讨论-小组汇报讨论结果-教师评价补充-小组对话练习-学生自编对话练习(三)情感态度价值观 通过对学校生活的讨论,使学生更加喜欢中学生活,从而激发学生学习积极性。积极运用所学英语和同学就学校生活这一话题展开交流。 五、教学重点和难点 1. 时间的表达方法。 2. 表示时间的介词in, on, at的用法。 3. 一般现在时的肯定句和否定句。 六、教学准备 PPT演示文稿制作、课堂练习的准备。 七、教学过程 Step 1 The teacher comes into the classroom and asks the students: Whats

3、 the time now? Help the students to say: Its eight oclock. (设计意图:通过询问时间,引出接下来将要学到的时间表达法。) Step 2 Show some pictures about different time, such as 2:15, 8:20, 6:28, 7:40, 11:55, 4:30, learn other ways of telling the time, teach“quarter, past, to, half”. 2:15 two fifteen / a quarter past two 8:20 eigh

4、t twenty / twenty past eight 6:28 six twenty-eight / twenty-eight past six 7:40 seven forty / twenty to eight 11:55 eleven fifty-five / five to twelve 4:30 four thirty / half past four (设计意图:学生已经掌握了简单的按照数字读出时间的方法,这里教授时间的另外读法,并对此作出总结,让学生有更加直观的印象。) Step 3 (Play a game)The teacher shows a clock which c

5、an give different time, asks the students to say the time in English. The quickest student is the winner. (设计意图:这一活动通过小组竞赛的游戏,检验并巩固前面的学习成果。) Step 4 T: Now its eight oclock, we are having an English class. What other subjects do you have? Learn different subjects: Chinese, maths, English, art, chemis

6、try, history, science, music, computer and so on. Ask the students: When is your history class? Tell the students to say the sentences: We have history at / We have maths at / We have art at Chinese 8:55 science 9:45 art 10:20 music 3:30 history 1:15 (设计意图:学习不同学科的英语单词和实义动词一般现在时的陈述句形式。) Step 5 T: Lis

7、ten to the dialogue and answer the questions: What day is it today? What subject is Bettys favourite lesson? (设计意图:带着问题有针对性地听,训练学生的听力。) Step 6 T: Read Part 3 fast and fill in the blanks. (设计意图:训练学生快速阅读获取相关信息的能力。) Step 7 Read the dialogue and check the true sentences. Daming and Lingling have a Chine

8、se lesson at half past eight. Damings maths lesson is at ten oclock. Linglings art lesson is at one oclock. Lingling and Daming dont have history today. Bettys science lesson is at half past ten. Bettys favourite lesson is art. (设计意图:通过对文章的阅读,获取具体信息。) Step 8 Talk about your school life. I like / I dont like I have / I dont have My favourite lesson is (设计意图:根据所给提示,要求学生以小组为单位讨论学校生活这一话题,勇于开口表述自己的情况。) Step 9 How to make a report: Today is Monday. We havein the morning. We havein the afternoon. We dont havetoday. is my favourtite lessons. We have it at



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