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1、教案课题Unit 1 Wise men in history课型Writing备课时间1 Period教材分析教学目标1. The students can check their writing to improve the work.2. Form the good habit of writing.教学重点Teach them the ways to check their work.教学难点Habit of writing something.教学关键Form a good habit of writing.教法与学法指导Self-study, Cooperation, pair wo

2、rk.教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题Step:Warming upReading:.1. Read the article which has some mistakes and answer the questions.1. Find out a passage which includes some grammar mistakes spelling mistakes and punctuation mistakes .1. To train their reading ability and the ability

3、of finding mistakes .6第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法Step:writing1. Before writing: .2.While writing: Imitating.3.After writing: Check with each other.2 .Find the mistakes in the passage they did just now.3.Summarize kinds of the mistakes .4.Finish the Exercises on P12 in group .2. Ask the students to find out t

4、he mistakes they find in the passage 3 Ask student to summarize the kinds of mistakes according to the teacher hints;gr=grammar mistakes sp=spelling mistakesp=punctuation mistakes .4. Ask them to finish the exercises.2.To train their ability of observation and form the good habit of writing. 3.To pr

5、actice their ability of summarizing .4.To consolidate what they learn.6106第三环节课堂练习Step:practice Students work in group and write a passage according to the teachers instruction .Then their partner check their work using what they learn ,after that show to the classmates .7第四环节课时小结Step4. developmentImprove your own work and rewrite them.Help them to develop their work in words, sentence and structure.Let them improve the writing.5第五环节课后作业Write a passage according to the teachers instruction.课堂教学流程ReadingBrain storming Writingpractice development. 效果评价与反思


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