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1、必修2 Unit 1、2单元测验学号: 姓名: 成绩:一、 单词拼写35分1. As is known, the Great wall is one of the w_ of the world.2. In the accident, only two people s_ at last.3. The building is specially d_ for the homeless people.4. The f_ in your room looks new at the first sight.5. Enough e_ can help him a lot in the court.6.

2、 I got a very friendly _ (接待) when I arrived there.7. I have some _(怀疑) whether they will come here on time.8. He _(移开) his trousers and I found the wound.9. Havent you seen through (识破) he had enough _(财宝) by cheating?10. The _(奇特的) style attracted a large number of people.11.You cannot c_ with oth

3、ers in the job market if you dont have a special skill.12.The reporter tried to i_ more people to collect more information.13.The newspaper has lots of a_, which help us to find a good job.14.The suspect(嫌疑人) a _ his crime to the police.15.He is an h_ person. You can believe in him.16.The boy made a

4、 _ (诺言) to his parents about his plans.17.The family has many _ (亲戚) in Canada.18.The _ (有魔力的) tools are popular with young children.19.I went to see my grandfather _ (每几周).20.He decided to travel by car _ (而不是) by train.21. People have lived in this valley since a_(古代的) times.22. The dancers are ha

5、ving their physical training in the g_.23. The a_ won two gold medals in the Olympics.24. There is a r_(定期的) bus service to the airport.25. “Think before you act” is my m_.26. Most people _ (现今) know the importance of a healthy diet.27. There were more _ (奴隶) than citizens in ancient Athens.28. The

6、_ (志愿者) for community service are doing a good job.29. Thousands of football fans went to the _ (体育场) to watch the match.30. Many overseas students海归学生 are planning to return to their h_.31. Youre responsible to whoever is in c_ of sales(主管、负责). 32. If you break the traffic laws, you will be f_ by t

7、he traffic police.33. How much time do you usually spend doing p_ (身体的)activities every day?34. If you want your products to sell well, you should a_ them(做广告).35. Students have put up a beautiful _ (海报) in their classroom. 二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空 10分1. The man went into the house and _ up a cigarette. (lig

8、ht)2. To my surprise, Jack and Lily were _ married last week. (secret)3. I dont want to go; _, I havent enough time at the moment. (beside)4. Some students hold the view that universities should be centers of _ (cultural).5. I have _ seen such a beautiful present. (rare)6. Finally we got several _ o

9、f his innocence(无罪) (prove)7. The price of the _ beds is reasonable, I think. (wood)8. Two of the _ (compete) failed to turn up for the race.9. We have a _ (magic) view over the calm water of the lake from our window.10. The report on the accident showed that the bus driver had no _ (responsible). 三

10、、1)定语从句专练习: 用恰当的关系词填空。30分 1. Do you know the place _ he borrowed the book? 2. He talked about the teachers and schools _ he had visited. 3. Some of the roads were flooded, _ made our journey more difficult. 4. The novel _ youre interested was written by Mark Twain. 5. _ is often the case, we have wo

11、rked out the production plan. 6. I walked in our garden, _ Tom and Jim were trying a big sign onto one of the trees.7. He came to the street _ he had first met Sue.8. He returned home at last, _ made the whole family very happy. 9. This ticket contains the users identity, and the organization _ the

12、user belongs.10. The police have found the lost boy, _ mother has been looking for him here and there.11. He was thinking of the time _ he had stayed in a small town in Nebraska. 2)用定语从句将下列句子补充完整。12. 他告诉了我们他为什么想要放弃数学的原因。He told us the reason _. 13. 他问了一个有关我在学校学习的问题。He asked me a question _. 14. 他父亲在

13、广东工作,昨天晚上给他打来了电话。His father, _, telephoned him last night.15. 那座房子是我们的宿舍,它的窗户朝东。The house, _, is our dormitory. 3)将来时的被动语态语法专练1. Dont worry about that. It _ (finish) next week.2. She _ (meet) by her friends as soon as she arrives.3. I hear that more than one million dollars _ (spend) on the project.4. Many chances _ (lose) if you dont work hard.5. The sports meeting _ (hold) next month.6. The baby _ (look after) by the baby sitter tomorrow.7. His book _ (publish) in a month.8. Some new computers _ (send) back to the factory to be repaired tomorrow.9. Hundreds of jobs _


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