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1、新概念三年级春季学期英语连词成句专题练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 连词成句。1are, how, you, old (?)2time, for, is, it, lunch (.)3to, Toy, welcome, Museum (!)4lovely, a, puppy, what (!)5robot, you, is, this, for (. )2. 连词成句。1at, duck, Look, the (.)2in, truck, the, Its (.)3is, It, fat (.)4bird, Act, a, like (.)5have, a, I, carrot (.)3. hi

2、s, This, foot, is (.)4. eat Cows grass (.)5. Its, book, a, (.)6. 连词成句。1it, time, please, what, is(, ?)2time, for, class, its(.)3oclock, it, three, is, now(.)4are; these, what(?)7. can,gifts,we,get (.)8. herispenThat (只写序号)_.9. liveTheyalltogether (写序号)_.10. is, very, it, tall(.)11. Good Sam Im . mor

3、ning (只填序号)12. Im, class, in, one (.)13. nameisDuckMy14. tobirdthePoint (只填序号)15. close, please, the ,book (.)16. Liu Tao, shout, Dont, in, library, the (.)17. Its tall so (!)18. plays, he, basketball, Sundays, on(.)19. 连词成句。1like, would, tea, you, Jenny, some (, ?)2would, is, that, like, what, I (.

4、)(缩写形式)3a, us, look, let, have (.)(缩写形式)4have, stone, a, magic, I (.)5is, dinner, there, for, no, food (.)20. 连词成句。1eat, will, I, you, now (.)(缩写形式)2now, wants, me, but, to, he, eat (.)3bad, is, a, wolf, he (.)4clever, sheep, the, helps, monkey, the (.)5wants, wolf, to, sheep, the, the, eat (.)21. s

5、ee it and Open22. me, your ,show, eyes (.)23. make, head, lets, the (.)24. a girl is this (.)25. likeawouldsweetyou (?) (写序号)_26. Point “hello” to (只填序号)27. Jenny, My, is, name, (.)28. isnameWhatyour29. is, a, this, jacket (.)30. Its, in, hot, summer (夏天天气很热。)31. red, Its, yellow, and (.)32. my is sister this (.)(只写序号)33. you fromWhere are页码 / 总页数


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