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1、Unit 4 Body languageReading Communication: No Problem?授课时间 班级 姓名 Learning aims:1. Learn some new words and expressions.2. Train your reading ability and learn different reading skills: skimming ,scanning ,get the main idea and get the detailed information etc .3. Learn some information and examples

2、about body language.4. Know about cultural differences and intercultural communication.Learning important points:1. Try to understand the passage and know cultural differences and intercultural communication.2. Learn to use different reading skills for different reading purposes.Learning approaches:

3、1. Independent learning approach2. Cooperative learning approach 3. Explorative learning approachLearning steps. Previewing (课前预习案)(1) Preview the new words and expressions1) _ (v.) 迎接,问候 2) _ (n.) 社团,联系,联想3) _ (v.) 代表,象征 4) _ (n.) 宿舍5) _ (v.) 接近,靠近 6) _ (n.) 食堂7) _ (v.) 保护,保卫 8) _(n.) 航班,飞行9) _ (v.

4、) 误解,误会 10) _(n.) 面颊11) _ (v.) 猛冲,突进 12) _ (adj.) 主要的 13) _ (adj.) 口语的 14) _ (adv.) 好奇地 15) _ (n.) 手势 16) _(n.) 姿势17) _ (adj.) 面部的 18) _ (adj.) 可能的 19) _ 很可能,有希望 20) _ 总的来说,通常 (2) Preview the textu How many international students are there in the story?A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8II. Reading (课内探究案)Step1: Le

5、ad inStep2: Fast reading Please try to divide the whole passage into four parts and match each part with the main idea .Part 1. (para. _) The cultural mistakes of “body language”.Part 2. (para. _) Different body languages in different countries.Part 3. (para. _) Summary of body language.Part 4. (par

6、a. _) Meeting this years international students.Step3: Careful reading Tas1: Fill in the blanks according to the para1. Time: _People: _Place: _What to do: _ Task2: Find out the two cultural mistakes in Para2.Tony Garcia Julia SmithThe first mistakeHe approached Julia, _ _ _and _ her on the _.She _

7、_ appearing _ and put up her hands, as if _ _.The second mistakeAkira NagataGeorge CookHe_ his hand _ to the Japanese student.He _ so his nose _Georges_ _. is useful to you! _Task3: Read Para.3 and answer the following two questions. 1. How did Ahmed Aziz greet “I”, and how did I react?_2. Is the au

8、thor of this passage a man or a woman? How do you know?_Task4: Read Para.4 and answer the following question.When an English man met a man from a Muslim country, what would happen? _Task5: SummaryDifferent countries have _(不同)cultures, so when people greet each other, they will have different_(方式).

9、If people dont know the cultural differences well, people may have difficulties in _(交流)with others throughout the world. Step4: Post readingConclusion: When in Rome, do as Romans do. III. HomeworkPlease write down what you have learned aboutthe ways of greeting in different countries. Make a report

10、. Ladies and gentlemen, Id like to represent our association to make a short report on the greeting ways. To be honest, the greeting ways differ from country to country. For example, Japanese prefer to People in Columbia are more likely to The French custom has its unique way, that is Usually, English people will choose to while the Muslim country will so you can imagine its funny to see Believe it or not, men from Jordan will make it a rule not to In general I hope it is useful to you! Thank you for your attending! _


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