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1、高二练习 薛飞 倒装练习 B Y X F知识总纲英语的基本语序是“主语谓语”如果将谓语放在主语之前,这种语序叫做倒装。倒装分为两种:全部倒装和部分倒装。在倒装语序中若整个谓语都在主语之前称为全部倒装;若谓语的一部分(情态动词或助动词)位于主语之前称之为部分倒装。一、 全部倒装1、以介词开头的地点状语位于句首。例:In front of the house stand a lot of trees. 注:谓语动词要与其后的主语保持时态和数的一致。2、表示时间和方位的副词there, here, out, off, now, up, down等,位于句首。例:Here came a bus.注:若

2、主语是人称代词时则用正常语序。如:Here you are.3、such位于句首。例:Such was Doctor Li.4、表语位于句首。例:Gone are the days when we lived in that city.5、直接引语的一部分或全部位于句首。例:“Dont do it again!” said the mother to her son.注:如果主语是代词时则不倒装。如:“What are you doing?” he asked.6、为了使全句平衡,而将较长的主语放在句末。例:Among these men was a man called Tom.二、 部分倒

3、装1、否定词或否定短语位于句首时,常见的否定词或否定短语有:no, not, never, hardly, scarcely, little, seldom, not until, no soonerthan, hardlywhen, not onlybut also, in no time, in no way, by no means等.例:Never did I saw it. Not until she went home did I leave.(主句倒装,从句不倒装。)注:上述句子中的否定词或短语不位于句首时,句子结构不倒装。2、so/such + adj/adv + that 句

4、型位于句首,表程度。例:So dirty is the cloth that we cant use it.3、表示程度、方式、时间频率的状语位于句首且表强调时,常用的状语有: always, often, once, every day, usually, many a time, now and then等。例:Often did I tell you not to do it.注:若不表强调时,也可用 Often I told you not to do it.4、在虚拟语气中,当连词if省略时,助动词移到句首。 were had 主 should例:Were I in your pla

5、ce, I wouldnt agree with her.5、as或though引导的让步状语从句(只需将表语、状语或动词原形提到as或though之前)。例: Hard as he studied, he failed. Try as they might, they couldnt do it better. Child as he is, he is brave.注:作表语的单数可数名词放在句首时,冠词要省略。如例。6、Only+状语位于句首。例:Only in this way can we do it better.注:only位于句首修饰主语时,则无需倒装。如 Only I can

6、 do it.7、neithernor连接两个句子时,两个句子都要倒装。例:Neither will they study nor will they play.8、no soonerthan; hardly scarcelywhen表示“一就”时,从句用过去完成时(倒装)主句用过去时。例:No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.9、代词so, nor, neither位于句首,表示谓语所述情况与上句的“也一样”或“也不一样”(主语不同)时。例: I saw the movie, so did he. I dont smoke, nor d

7、o you.注:前面所说的内容既有肯定又有否定或前后的谓语动词形式不一致时,用“It is the same with +主语”结构或“So it is with+主语”结构。如:She is a teacher and she enjoys music, so it is with me. so+主语动词(be动词助动词情态动词)则表示对前句内容的肯定和附和,译成“确实,就是”。如: John studies hard, so he does.10、强调宾语,表语、状语时,将其位于句首。例: Very strange it looks.(强调表语) Very good holiday we

8、had last year.(强调宾语)11、在一些“祝愿句”中。例:May you succeed!1、我们可以通过“口诀”来学习倒装。 疑问句变语序(1)条件句中省if (2) Only句首强调时(3) 否定词组作状语(4) 3N倒过来一半(5) 2N全部倒过来(6)(1) 大多数疑问句都要倒装。 如:What did you do last night?(2) 虚拟条件从句中若省去if,句子需要倒装。 如:Were it is fine tomorrow, I would go shopping with you.(3) 当Only修饰状语位于句首表强调时,需要倒装。 如:Only in

9、 this way can we succeed.(4) 当含有否定之意的词组或副词位于句首时,需要倒装。 如:Never before have I seen such a beautiful picture.(5) “3N”指的是 (not onlybut also, notuntil, no soonerthan)在这些句型中,“but also, until, than”后引导的从句中主谓不倒装。 如:Not only is she a teacher but also a singer. Not until the teacher told me did I realize I wa

10、s wrong. No sooner had they got home than it began to rain.(6) “2N”指的是neithernor 如:Neither will they sing nor will they dance.2、高考书面表达中可应用倒装句来强调表述内容,并可使语言生动,从而增强文章的可读性。 如:I havent met such a girl before. 如改为: Never have I met such a girl before.既起到了强调作用,又使语序灵活,不呆板,给作文增色不少。下面是一些作文中常用的倒装例句参考:1. No soo

11、ner had I gone there than I began to work.2. Only after my teacher told me, did I realize that I had made a mistake.3. Such is my teacher.4. In front of the school stands a building.5. Child as he is, he is brave.6. Tired as he was, he still went on studying.7. In came a man of about fifty.8. Never

12、in my life have I done such a thing.9. Difficult as the problem is, it can be solved by us.10. Here comes the man that you want to see.Mary doesnt like milk and_.A so I dont B so dont IC either I do D neither do I2.Little_ about her safety, though she was in great danger.A did she care B does she ca

13、reC she cares D she cared3.Not until all the living things died in the river_ how serious the pollution was.A the villagers realized B did the villagers realizeC the villagers did realize D didnt the villagers realize4.Only in this way_ succeed.A you can B did youC can you D do you5.Not a single son

14、g_ at Toms birthday party.A she sang B sang sheC did she sing D she did sing6. Look! In front of the building_.A does a big tree stand B stands a big treeC a big tree stands D a big tree does stand7. You like singing and dancing. _.A So do I B I do soC So I do D Do I so8._, his mother cooked for him.A However he was late B However late he wasC No matter late he was D No matter how he was late9._ from Beijing to France.A What a long way is it B How long way it isC What a long way it is D How long



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