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1、第二单元知识点总结Unit 2: Grammar Summary (一般过去时,过去进行时,现在完成时)1. 一般过去时1) 构成: 主语+ 动词过去式 (V+ed 或特殊变化) He attended the wedding last Sunday. He didnt attend the wedding last Sunday. Did he attend the wedding last Sunday? (Yes, he did. / No, he didnt) 2) 常见时间状语: last week / year / summer 3 years ago / 2 hours ago

2、in 1998 / in May, 1998 / on Feb. 23rd 3) 使用:A. 过去大背景下,表达习惯,状态等。比如: - When he was young, he had many friends and he liked hanging out with them. They often went to the lake for summer vacation. (可用于写人物传记:) - When my grandpa was a boy, he was poor and couldnt afford to go to school at all. (表过去的状态) 我爷

3、爷是小孩子的时候,他很穷,根本上不起学。 - I went to the museum twice last year. (这个是去年的规律,有last year这个时间状语,所以用过去时) 【注意比较:He has been to the museum twice. 指到目前为止,他去过两次这个博物馆,所以用现在完成时。】 B 过去某一点时间发生的动作或事情。比如; - In 1939, the Second World War broke out. (过去某一点发生的事件)(历史书都是这么用滴)- He left two hours ago. (过去某一点发生的动作)- He droppe

4、d out of college in 1973. (传记) C表达过去一个阶段的状态。 - He worked as a journalist for 10 years. (过去一段时间内做的事情)(传记) - He was happily married for about 5 years. 他过了五年的美好婚姻生活。 D表达见面的一刻已经意识到,但是之前不知道。 - Oh, Mary, its you! I didnt know you were here in Beijing too. 2. 过去进行时 (past continuous) 1) 构成:was / were doing

5、He was watching TV at 10 oclock last night. Was he watching TV ? (Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt) He wasnt watching 2) 使用:A. 表达过去某个时间点正在做的事情,比如:- What were you doing at about 6 oclock on Wednesday? - Let me see. I was drinking in a bar with my friend Tom. (周三晚上六点正在做的事)(上面对话在警察审问时常用哦)- When he came in,

6、I was doing my homework. (时间点用从句形式表达,即他进来的时刻) B. 表达过去某段时间正在持续的动作,比如:- I was thinking about it for the whole week. (当时)我一周都在想这件事。- I was watching writing a paper on air pollution that week. 那周,我正在写一篇关于空气污染的论文。C. 过去进行时与always, never, forever 等词连用,表达感情色彩- When we were in high school, he was always comi

7、ng late to school. 当我们在高中时,他总是上学迟到。- When she was alive, she was never helping others. 她活着的时候,她从来没帮过别人。D过去进行时用于描述故事发生背景,而过去时用于表达主要动作或事件。比如:- It was raining hard that day. And I was walking in the street when suddenly I heard a loud cry coming from a store. I rushed there. (was raining, was walking 用

8、于描述故事发生背景, 而heard , rushed 用于描述主要动作)3. when, while, as 用法: 1) while 后面一般接可以持续一段时间的动作或状态,此时相当于when。 比如:- While he was doing his homework, someone knocked at the door. = When he was doing his homework, someone knocked at the door. 当他正在做作业时,有人敲门。- While I was six, I lost my father. = When I was six, I

9、lost my father. 我六岁的时候,我失去了父亲。2) when 引导的从句中,还可以是瞬间动作,即某个点时间的动作。而while是不能用在这种状况里的。比如:- When he came in, he saw a great mess in the room. (本句里,came in 是个瞬间动词, 所以此处不能用while )- When I saw him, I waved to him immediately. (本句里,saw him 也是瞬间动词) 3) 位于句中,表达“转折”,只能用while,翻译成“而”。比如: - I was cooking while he w

10、as watching TV. 我在做饭而他在看电视。 - I was only 14 years old while he was already 18 years old. 我只有14岁而他已经18岁了。- I like classical music while he likes pop music. 我喜欢古典音乐而他喜欢流行音乐。4)位于句中,翻译成“这时”,只能用when。比如: - I was having a shower when I heard someone knock at the door. 我正洗澡呢,这时,我听到有人敲门。 - I was walking in t

11、he street when I saw someone stealing a ladys purse. 我正走在街上,这时,我看到一个人偷一位女士的挎包。 - I was just about to leave home when I heard the phone ringing in the living room. 我刚要出门,这时,我听到客厅的电话响了。5) 位于句首,翻译成“随着”时,只用as, 比如: - As times passed by, things got even worse. 随着时间的流逝,事情变得更糟了。 - As children grow old, they

12、 go through many changes. 随着孩子长大,他们会经历很多变化。 - As more and more people begin to use emails, writing letters has become a rare thing. 随着越来越多的人开始使用电子邮件,写信已经成了稀有的事。6) as 如果译成“当什么时候”,所引导的从句中既可以是持续性动词,也可以是瞬间动词。 - As I was looking out of the window, I heard a crash downstairs. = While I was looking out of

13、window, = When I was looking out of window, 【注意:此时这三个连词都位于句首,后面都可以接持续性动作】 - As Yang Liwei returned into the earths atmosphere, helicopters were flying to where he would land, ready to collect him. = When Yang Liwei returned into the earths atmosphere, 【注意:此时as, when都位于句首,而且后面的returned into the earth

14、s atmosphere 是瞬间动作】4. 现在完成时1) 构成:主语 + have / has + 动词过去分词(V+ed 或特殊变化) I have seen that movie twice. I havent seen him yet. Have you seen Tom lately? 2) 常用时间状语:Since then, he has never looked back. Ive been to Hong Kong three times. I have known him for ten years. Ive already done my homework. Have you ever been abroad before? Ive seen 4 doctors so far, but no one knows whats wrong with me. He has made some progress recently / lately. I have always liked chocolate since I was a kid. People have often dreamed of traveling to out



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