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1、Un it 5Travelli ng abroadI 阅读理解A(2017 江西重点中学联考)There are a number of ways to obtain a high school diploma, either through online programs, or attending schools or colleges. Yet another form of earning diploma is through various free programs offered by the educatio nal departme nt. Some of the progr

2、ams offered by the board of education to earn a free high school diploma include Exter nal Diploma Program (EDP), Con ti nuing Educatio n Credit Diploma Program, and Gen eral Educati onal Developme nt.In the first type of program, an adult can earn a free diploma by dem on strat ing his/her skill ac

3、quired through life experie nee. Here, the participa nt has to meet the advisor weekly after completing a fixed number of tasks in the related field and exhibit the progress. The course durati on can vary from four mon ths to two years. The residentsof the specified area can earn a free high school

4、diploma through theseprograms.The sec ond type of program is available for stude nts who have experie nee in military, occupati on al, or volun teer services. Here the stude nts can earn their credits through eve ning classes or through in depe ndent study courses.The free high school diploma can al

5、so be earned through Gen eral Educati onal Developme nt (GED), a certificate that states that the can didate has high school level academic skills. Free diploma equivale ncy classes are offered for those appl ying for free high school diplomas that prepare the stude nts to complete the five-part exa

6、m. It can also be attended by anyone who is interested in improving basic skills. It is often provided to the participant either free of charge or financed by state boards of educati on.There are a nu mber of fraudule nt uni versities and sites that offer free high school diplomas. While going for a

7、 free high school diploma, one has to look for accreditedinstitutesand universities. High School Diploma provides detailedinformationon High School Diploma, High School Diploma At Home, High School DiplomaOnline, Fake High School Diploma and more. High School Diploma is affiliated with Graduatio n S

8、on gs.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了在美国可以获得免费的高中毕业证的几个项目。1. Howmany ways of earning a high school diploma are mentioned in the passage?A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.答案与解析:B细节理解题。根据关键句以及下文内容可知,本文共提到了三种可以 获得高中毕业证的途径。故选Bo【关键句】 There are a nu mber of ways to obta in a high school diploma, either through on li ne programs,

9、or atte nding schools or colleges. Yet ano ther form of earning diploma is through various free programs offered by the educational departme nt.(第一段第一、二句)译文:想要获得一张高中文凭可以通过很多方式,例如参加网上的项目,去学校或大学学习。然而,还有一种方式就是参加教育部门提供的各种各样的免费项目。2. Accord ing to the passage, some one who is servi ng or has served in the

10、 army can get a free high school diploma through.A. Exter nal Diploma ProgramB. Gen eral Educati onal Developme ntC. Con ti nuing Educati on Credit Diploma ProgramD. accredited in stitutes答案与解析:C细节理解题。该题提问的是正在参军或参过军的人可以通过哪类课程 获得免费的高中毕业证。根据关键句并结合第一段最后一句中的in elude ExternalDiploma Program (EDP), Contin

11、uing Educati on Credit Diploma Program, and Gen eralEducationalDevelopment” 可知,他们可以通过参加 ContinuingEducationCreditDiploma Program获得免费的高中毕业证。故选C。【关 键句】 The second type of program is available for students who have experienee in military.(第三段第一句 )译文:第二类课程适用于那些有从军经历的学生3. The purpose of the writer writin

12、gthe last paragraph is to tell that A. one should be careful whe n appl ying for a high school diplomaB. uni versities are always reliable for high school diplomasC. in stitutes are always reliable for high school diplomasD. it is not difficult to obta in a high school diploma答案与解析:A推理判断题。该题提问的是作者在最

13、后一段主要想告诉我们什么。根 据关键句并结合该段内容可推知,作者在最后一段主要是想告诉我们在申请免费高中毕业证书时要小心,因为有的地方会作假。故选A。【关键句】 There are a nu mber of fraudule nt uni versities and sites that offer free high school diplomas.(最后一段第一句 )译文:提供假的免费高中毕业证的大学和场所也有很多。4. The best title of thepassage can be “A. Ways to Obtain High School DiplomasB. Types o

14、f High School Diplomas ProgramsC. High School Diplomas Are Offered by the Educati onal Departme ntD. What to Do to Obtain a High School Diploma答案与解析:A标题概括题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了可免费获得高中毕 业证的几种方式。A项意为“获得高中毕业证书的方式”体现了本文的中心,适合做标题。 故选A。【长难句分析】The free high school diploma can also be earned through Gen eralEdu

15、cati onal Developme nt (GED), a certificate that states that the can didate has high school level academic skills.(第四段第一句)分析:这是一个复合句。第一个 that引导定语从句,指代先行词“ a certificate ”, 在从句中作主语;第二个 that引导宾语从句,作“states ”的宾语。译文:通过GED也可以获得免费的高中毕业证书,这份证书表明持证人具有高中水平的学业技能。dem on straten.学院Bduration n.持续时间【词汇积累】diploma

16、n .证书fraudulent adj.欺骗性的institute(2017 河北省高三质量监测)I was stopped at a red light only a mile or so from my goal of my brothers house. We were planning to drive down together to North Carolina to be with my father who was badly ill.As I waited at the stoplight experiencing this forced slowdown, I noticed Sharpers Florist over to the left. It w



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