高二外研版选修八备课资料:Module 1 试题 单元测试题 2 含答案精修版

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《高二外研版选修八备课资料:Module 1 试题 单元测试题 2 含答案精修版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二外研版选修八备课资料:Module 1 试题 单元测试题 2 含答案精修版(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版英语精品资料(精修版)Module 1 South Pole 单元测试题2第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A We are sailing toward the San Blas Archipelago, a chain of more than 360 islands in the Caribbean Sea. “Theres a boat!” Our daughter Hayley shouts suddenly. Three men, far out at se

2、a, are in a canoe called a cayuco. We pull up near them and they offer to sell us a spiny lobster (龙虾), but they have not caught enough for each of us. “Un momento, por favor One moment, please,” the man says. He dives overboard, holding his breath, goes down 40 feet, and comes back up with another

3、lobster in his bare hands! We buy the lobsters and visit with the men.These fishermen are the Kuna Indians from the San Blas Islands. The Kuna Indians have made their homes famous because of their efforts to protect their rain forests, their independence, and their culture. For more than 400 years,

4、the Kuna Indians have fought to keep their traditional way of life. Theyve formed their own system of government and laws. Theyve kept the Kuna language, though many speak Spanish, too. And while visitors are welcome, non-Kuna people are not allowed to own land. Once we are on the island, we visit t

5、he sahila, or chief. It is an important part of Kuna culture for a visitor to receive an invitation and pay a fee to the sahila before entering his village. We walk around the village and look at the way the Kuna people live. Kuna villages vary in size. They can range from a few dwellings (住所) to la

6、rge villages with some modern conveniences. Hayley and her brother Jackson are being homeschooled while we are traveling on our boat. Part of our homeschool day is spent learning about the countries and people we visit. Earlier today we read about Kuna foods and money. The Kuna eat a lot of fish, lo

7、bsters and coconuts (椰子). The coconut is also used for money. Each coconut tree has a Kuna owner, so the coconuts cannot be taken or touched.21. According to the text, the Kuna Indians have been trying their best to _.A. expand their landB. prevent strangers visitingC. keep their traditions aliveD.

8、learn more about the outside world22. Why does the authors family visit the sahila?A. To ask for his help.B. To show respect for him.C. To invite him to travel with them.D. To get permission to enter his village.23. The main purpose of this text is to introduce _.A. the meaning of travelingB. the be

9、nefits of homeschoolingC. the history of the San Blas IslandsD. the native people living on the San Blas IslandsBOne of the most significant parts of my high school career would be playing in the orchestra. I remember when I first started playing the viola (中提琴) in my schools program as an inexperie

10、nced fourth grader. As my interest in music grew, I decided to find a private instructor.During my first lesson, I was surprised at what Dr. T was teaching how to hold the viola and play open strings! To me, these were basic concepts I had long ago mastered. However, the following week, what I thoug

11、ht I had learned was completely disproven. With such high expectations, Dr. T criticized many aspects of my posture, intonation and bowing (音准和弓法). But as I became more familiar with my viola, Dr. T started assigning(分配) me actual compositions. Meanwhile, I became more and more interested in our sch

12、ools ensemble (合奏组).I first decided to become a section leader in middle school, when we were given the opportunity to try out for our ensembles first and second chairs. During the first class, our conductor, Mrs. V, introduced us to a section leaders responsibilities. These duties included helping

13、others with the concert music and setting a good example. After discussion, I decided to try out and started preparing the assigned piece. Every day, I would practice for at least 45 minutes. Needless to say, this was easier said than done. It required a lot of concentration and will power. Regardle

14、ss, by the end of the week, I had become more familiar with the music.To my surprise, the audition (试听) process was more pleasant than I had imagined. As I unpacked my viola, I started to doubt my decision. However, when I entered Mrs. Vs homely office, I felt more relaxed. By the end of my audition

15、, Mrs. V said that I had a good chance of becoming the principal violist! The next day, during orchestra, I learned that indeed, I had become our sections first chair. 24. Before the author studied under Dr. T, she _.A. had never played the violaB. had expressed interest in musicC. had written some

16、compositionsD. had been a promising young artist25. The underlined word “disproven” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “_”.A. lazy B. wrongC. foolish D. surprised26. Which of the following can best describe the author?A. Unusual and scholarly.B. Self-centered and proud.C. Independent and optimistic.D. Hard-working and determined.2


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