about 与名词、形容词、动词的搭配.doc

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《about 与名词、形容词、动词的搭配.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《about 与名词、形容词、动词的搭配.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、A.about名词 1.about East正确的(方向),对的:He found out what was about East and shaped his course accordingly. 他找到了正确的方向,于是他采取了相应的行动。 2.about ones ears 彻底破灭,完全落空:I dont believe that her hope will come crashing about her ears.我相信她的希望不会落空。 3.about face 向后转(指操练动作), (立场,观点的)彻底改变:He made a 180 about face.他来了个180的大

2、转弯。 4.about ones person在某人的衣服里,在身上:He had a gun hidden about his person. 他身上藏有一支枪。B.形容词about 4.busy about ( or with, or over)忙于:What are you busy about? 你在忙什么? /Dont disturb your sister; she is busy about her lessons.别打搅你姐,她在忙功课。 5.careful about (or of)当心,注意:You should be more careful about your spe

3、lling. 你要更加注意你的拼写。 6.cautious about谨慎于,注意:He is never cautious about his clothing. 他从不讲究衣着。 7.certain about确知,相信:She was not certain about the grammar and some of the idioms. 她对语法和一些成语没有把握。 8.clear about 明白: I am not clear about the reason why he wants to go. 我不明白他要去的原因。 9.conceited about为自满,自誇:She

4、hasnt anything to be conceited about. 她没有任何事情可骄傲的。 10.crazy about狂欢于:The villagers were crazy about their rich harvest. 村民们狂热地欢庆他们的大丰收。 11.generous about (or in) 慷慨,乐于:Mr. White is generous about helping the poor. 怀特先生乐于帮助穷人。 12.glad about对喜欢: Mary was glad about the book I gave her.玛丽很喜欢我送给她的书。 13.

5、guilty about因而有罪:Didnt he feel guilty about hiring children workers? 难道他不觉得雇佣童工是有罪的吗? 14.happy about因而高兴,喜于:Are you happy about your new car? 你喜欢你的新车吗? /My brother is happy about getting a new job.我兄弟因得到一份新工作而高兴。 15.keen about迷于:Her daughter is keen about the game on the computer.她的女儿迷于电脑游戏。 16.lazy

6、 about懒于:He has become lazy about doing morning exercises.他已经懒于做早操了。 17.mad about 着迷,狂热追求:A classmate of mine gets mad about Mary. 我的一位同学狂热地追求玛丽。 18.optimistic about对乐观:Liu Hua is very optimistic about his future.刘华对他的前途很乐观。 19pensive about 而忧愁:She was pensive about her losing work. 她在为失去工作而忧愁。 20.p

7、essimistic about (or of)对悲观:Luce is pessimistic about passing the examination. 露西对她能否通过考试感到悲观。 21.proud about (or of)因而骄傲:We are proud about being Chinese.我们作为中国人而感到骄傲。 22.sensitive about对注意: She is sensitive about her appearance. 她很注意她的外表。 23.serious about对认为严重,拼命的:Dick was serious about being the

8、champion. 狄克拼命地要当冠军。 24.shy about羞于:Reed is a boy who is shy about getting in with a girl. 理德一个羞于同女孩子交往的男孩。 25.sure about (or of)对有把握,确实知道: Mr. Ma is not sure about the grammar and some of idioms. 马先生对语法和一些成语没有把握。 26.suspicious about (or of) 对感到疑惑:I am suspicious about his theory. 我对他的理论感到怀疑。 27.une

9、asy about 担心,为感到不安: Mrs. Wang was uneasy about her daughter who didnt come home. 王太太为没有回家的女儿担心。 28.upset about心慌,混乱:Xiao Ya was upset about her missing friend. 萧雅因她的朋友失踪而心慌意乱。 C)动词about 29.ask about询问,探听:She often asks Lao Cao about Mr.Chih 她常常向老曹询问纪先生的情况。 30.beat about四处闲逛:The wandering boy was bea

10、ting about the street. 那个流浪儿在街上四处闲逛。 31.beat about for搜寻,寻求:He always beats about for an excuse not to attend the meetings.他总是寻找借口不参加会议。 32.beat about (or around) the bush推诿,逃避:Tell me the truth; dont beat about the bush.告诉我实话,不要吞吞吐吐。 33.boast about (or of)吹嘘:Jimmy keeps boasting about having been t

11、o the moon.吉米不停地吹嘘说他到过月球。 34.bother about因烦扰,麻烦:Dont bother about your little son. He has grown up.别为你的儿子麻烦了,他已长大了。/I never bother about clothes.我从不为穿着的事费心。 35.bring about 导致,引起,产生,实现: Her husbands death brought her about great sadness.丈夫的死亡使她悲哀。 /What brought about that bloody incident? 那次流血事件是怎样引起

12、的? /We hope to bring about a peaceful solution of the problem in Middle East 我们希望中东实现和平。 36.care about 关心:A selfish person does not care about other peoples problems.一个自私的人是不会关心别人的困难的。 在意,计较:She didnt care about anything that people might say.人们说什么她都不在乎。 喜欢:I dont care much about watching TV. 我不太喜欢看

13、电视。 /The Emperor cared more for fine new clothes than for anything else. 那位皇帝热中于漂亮的新衣胜过一切。 37.caution about警告:The boss has cautioned Rose about her carelessness in her work. 老板已经警告过罗斯她工作上的粗心。 38.close about包围: Mountains close about the small town. 群山环抱着那个小镇。 /The police has closed about the house. 警

14、察已经包围了那座房子。 e about (adv) 发生:I dont know how the accident came about。我不知道这事故是怎么发生的。 /A great change in peoples thinking has come about.人们的思想发生了很大的变化。/How does it come about that you are always so thin? 你怎么总是那么瘦? 40.concern about 关心,挂念:Dont concern about your grades only at the end of the term.不要只在期末

15、才关心你们的分数。 /Many people are concerning about the future of Iraq. 很多人在关心伊拉克的前途。 41.confuse about 使混乱:His long lecture confused about the topic. 他的长篇演讲把讲题都弄混了。 42.consult about请医生看病,与商量:You should consult the doctor about your cough. 你应当请医生检查你的咳嗽。 /You can consult my cousin about buying a car. 你可向我的表兄请教购买小汽车的事。 43.cry about (or over) 叹惜(不幸等):She often cries about the death of her husband. 她常常叹惜丈夫的死


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