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1、Unit 5 Our new home教学设计【教学内容】译林版小学英语4A Unit5 Our new home 第一课时Story time。【教学目标】1、在情景中三会掌握单词sofa,bedroom,living room, kitchen, bathroom。2、初步感知句型Wheres the ? Is it ? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Its Where are the ? Theyre ,并尝试运用这些句型来谈论单复数物品的方位。3、通过看图、听录音和阅读等方式学习文本,把握文章的主要内容。4、通过合作探究,提高学生英语语言的思维能力和交际能力。5、

2、通过对家庭布置的交流,激发起学生对家的热爱之情。【教学重点】1.理解和掌句型Wheres the ? Is it ? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Its Where are the ? Theyre 2.理解阅读课文。【教学难点】对复数物品的方位表述。【教学过程】课前:1.Enjoy some songs: on in under, table and tennis, wheres the T-shirt? 2.出示how to learn, what to learn.(本节课教学内容、目标、ticking rules)Step1.Greetings and free

3、 talk1.Greetings2. Free talk:(1)T:Do you like animals? What animals do you like?Listen:Whats this? Ss: Its a bird. (2)Listen to the song : Wheres the bird 听音乐寻找鸟的位置3.Game: Wheres the bird快速大声说出鸟的位置(玩游戏复习方位介词in,under,on) 复习并巩固 Wheres? Its 句型 4.Where s the bird now? Its in Yang Lings home.引出地点home (a

4、big/new/nice/smallhome)5.Lead-inPPT: Su Hai and Su Yang have a new home. There are many rooms in it.Come and look.Step 2. Pre-reading 1.T:This is Su Hai and Su Yangs new home. Today they are moving to it. Some workers are helping them.PPT录音(Welcome to our new home.Look, this is Su Yangs bedroom)2.教读

5、bedroom T :There is a bed in the bedroom.(大小声读bedroom)a.What can you see in the bedroom? 教读clockb.介绍Su Hai and Parents bedroom(教Is it nice? Yes,it is./No, it isnt)c.T: How many bedrooms do they have?3.PPT录音介绍livingroomT: We can sit here and watch TV. So we also can say sitting room.Theres a sofa and

6、 table in it.(教读sofa, table)4. PPT录音介绍kitchenT: Is it a living room? We can cook food here, such as: chicken (区分kitchen, chicken)5.How do you think of the room? Ss: How nice/cool/T: Su Hais family have nice home. And they take many things to theirnew home.What are they?6. T: Wow, so many things. The

7、 workers put the things every where. Where are they? Lets help father and mother(教句型Wheres ItsWhere are? They are并板书)a.Model b. Give a tip: 并说明Here is one table. So we should use “is and Its “, Here are two sofas, so we use “are and They are “ c.Work in pairsStep 3:While-reading1. T: Now, father and

8、 mother know where the things are. But Su Hai and Su Yang cant find their things,either. What are they looking for? Task1:Watch and circle: What are Su Hai and Su Yang looking for?:2. Try to ask “Where is /are my?T: Who can help them ask? 根据学生陈述板书3.Task2:Read and underlineQ1: Wheres the bag?Q2: Wher

9、e are my skirts?Q3: Where is my cap?a.逐个检查并听、模仿、指导语音、语调、语气b.Read after the tapeStep 4.While reading1.Show time:(1) Read in roles (one star)(2)Dub the story(3) Act the story creativelya.T: I ll choose 3 (Give a model)b. Work in pairs and show2.Task3: Retell the story(根据板书)T: So we should keep our hom

10、e clean and tidy. We should love our homeStep 5: HomeworkA and B (分层作业)欣赏创意房子板书: Unit 5 Our new homeWheres?Where are?ItsTheyrebedroomliving roomkitchensofa 反思:本课教学始终围绕苏海苏阳搬新家这一情境而展开,教学环节环环相扣,活动有层次性,过渡自然,语篇教学扎实有效。课初始我通过bird在哪的游戏引入苏海苏阳的新家,紧接着参观她们的新家来学习单词living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, table, fridge并帮助她们整理物品来学习句型WheresIts. Where are? They are做到学以致用。在教学中我注重在学生朗读方面的指导,采用先听音,后试读,模仿读,小组读,等多种方式,细化朗读时的语音、语调、语气。在教学单词过程中,我一直采用了示范读,学生跟读的方式,应加以音标,或者同音词比较,让学生自主体验发音,培养学生对音标的感知能力。 2


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