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1、毕业设计(论文)设计说明书题 目 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 重庆XX大学2014年前 言道路是为国民经济、社会发展和人民生活服务的公共基础设施,道路运输在整个交通运输系统中也处于基础地位。道路运输系统是社会经济和交通运输系统的重要组成部分,社会经济水平和交通运输需求决定着道路交通的发展进程,而道路交通也会影响并制约社会经济和交通运输的发展水平。公路作为一种现代化的公路运输通道在当今社会经济中正在发挥着越来越重要的作用。时间证明公路作为基础设施对沿线的物流、资源开发、招商投资、产业结构的扩大调整、横向经济发展起到积极的促进作用。公路的发展程度直接关系到国家及地区的政治发展及进步乃


3、二级公路的设计,培养学生的综合运用所学知识编制设计书的能力,使我们熟练掌握二级公路的设计过程,掌握资料的收集和分析,相关规范的选择和运用,掌握二级公路一般技术指标的确定、路线的布置和计算、路基设计、路面设计、设计方案的选择成果图的绘制以及设计说明书的编制全过程,踏上岗位后能够思路清晰,迅速发展自己的作用。目 录摘要IABSTRACT第1章 绪 论11.1概述11.1.1设计任务11.1.2设计原始资料11.1.3设计内容11.1.4设计的基本依据11.1.5设计日期11.2 沿线的自然地理概况21.2.1自然地理条件:21.2.2材料供应21.3设计标准2第2章 线形设计32.1概要32.2平

4、面线形设计42.2.1基本线形设计的要求42.2.2平面设计步骤52.3 纵断面设计102.3.1纵坡设计102.3.2 竖曲线设计14第3章 路基路面设计143.1 路基设计143.1.1横断面设计143.1.2路基边坡163.1.3路基排水设计163.1.4资料的读取及超高加宽的计算173.1.5一般路基设计173.1.6路基土石方数量计算和调配183.2 挡墙设计193.2.1挡土墙类型的选择193.2.2挡土墙断面设计193.2.3挡土墙的基础193.2.4相关设置193.2.5挡土墙验算193.3 路面设计303.3.1路面结构设计303.3.2对材料的介绍38第4章 桥涵设计384

5、.1小桥涵概要384.1.1小桥涵设计原则384.1.2小桥涵位置的选择394.2涵洞设计394.2.1涵位选择394.2.2涵洞结构的拟定394.3小桥设计414.3.1小桥位置的选择414.3.2小桥尺寸的拟定41第5章 专题特色设计425.1概述425.2 绿化景观构想425.2.1 指导思想425.3景观设计43第6章 施工图预算446.1公路工程预算概要446.2预算编制的依据446.3施工图预算编制程序446.3.1准备工程446.3.2公路工程预算费用组成446.3.3公路工程建设各项费用的计算方式456.3.4公路工程预算完成的表格46第7章 结 论47谢辞48参考文献49摘



8、,路线,路基,路面,桥涵ABSTRACT In this design, our task is to design an secondary road. The road, which is 3083.25m from K0+000.000 to K3+083.25. The design speed is 60km/h and the wide of the subgrade is 10m. construction cost is 6127787 yuan. This graduation design mainly includes route design, subgrade and

9、 drainage design, pavement and drainage design, small bridges and culverts design and engineering budget. First of all in the contour map on the tentative route scheme, a wire and determine the alignment index, calculation of pile coordinate, draw the curve graph; longitudinal section design, accord

10、ing to the pile height repeated test slope, section drawing. The design should pay attention to the collocation of longitudinal curve and the plane curve. Design of subgrade cross section, measure ground elevation of subgrade transverse within a certain range, the hat to the cross section using a st

11、andard template, and then calculate the cubic meter of earth, protection for special section and reinforcement mainly adopts the retaining wall. Design code for design of drainage design on the basis of drainage and related geological conditions. At the same time, the design of pavement structure, p

12、avement structure design for the design of asphalt concrete pavement, asphalt pavement design is based on the theory of elastic layered system. The first known traffic into the standard axle load calculation of accumulative equivalent time, and give the design deflection value. Using the determined

13、parameters of materials and design deflection value tentatively set the pavement structure layer thickness of each scheme, and the structure of the tensile stress check, the surface layer and the shear strength calculation.Bridges and culverts design, including the design of bridge and culvert form,

14、 size. This section of the design of reinforced concrete slab of a 10m span at K1+350, and select K0+800 at the design of the slab culvert together 2.5m1.5m. Shear strength calculation. Bridges and culverts and retaining wall design, including the design of bridge and culvert form, size. The entire design process, in strict accordance with the relevant standards of the state.Keywords:Road design, Route, Subgrade , Pavement, Bridge and Culvert第1章 绪 论1.1概述1.1.1设计任务根据重庆交通大学土木工程(道路)专业毕业设计要求,指导老师所给课题名称为“XX


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