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1、Unit 5 Knowing About ChinaTopic 1 How much do you know about China?Section AThe main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:a great number of, fetch, introduce, lie in2. Learn the attributive clauses which use“that”or“which”.(1)China is a great c

2、ountry that has about 5 000 years of history.(2)Its a book which introduces China in detail.(3)Its Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province.3. Learn about the geography of China.4. Cultivate the students patriotism through learning about the geography of China. Teaching aids教具 五岳的图片/幻灯片/中国地图/录

3、音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:5分钟)让学生尽可能地用英语和同伴谈论他们最喜爱的名胜,培养他们的爱国之情。导入新课。(表现一些五岳等名胜的图片,引导学生快速谈论My favorite place is .,激发他们的英语思维。)T:Look at these pictures. Are they beautiful?Ss:Yes.T:Yeah. They are very beautiful. S1, what places have you been to?S1:Ive been to Mount Hu

4、ang.T:Do you like it? Why?S1:Yes. I like it very much. Its a wonderful place.T:Whats your favorite place, S2?S2:T:Can you describe it for us?S2:(双人活动。谈论My favorite place is ,并对其加以描述。让1-2组学生表演。)S3:S4:T:Well done. Youve just talked about many places of interest. As we know, China is a great country. I

5、t has about 5 000 years of history. Do you want to know more about it? OK, lets come to the new unit.(导入新课。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 表现(时间:13分钟)继续谈论中国的名胜古迹,表现1a内容,引出并学习文中生词及定语从句。1. (教师出示泰山图片。)T:Have you been to Mount Tai?(教师介绍。)T:I went there two years ago. I like it best. Mount Tai lies in Shandong

6、Province. Every year many tourists visit it. It attracts a great number of tourists from all over the world.(板书并要求学生掌握lie in和a great number of,理解attract和province。然后让学生用所学新词说出他们最喜爱的名胜,操练新知识。)lie in=be inprovinceattracta great number of=manyT:Now talk about your favorite places with the new words and

7、phrases. You can say them like this: My favorite place is It lies in It attracts many/a great number of tourists S1:My favorite place is Mount Wuyi. It lies in Fujian Province. It attracts a great number of tourists from home and abroad.S2:My favorite place is S3:T: In our country, many places of in

8、terest attract many tourists. And China also has a great number of beautiful mountains and rivers. Can you say some? S4:The Yellow River. S5:The Changjiang River.S6:Mount Tai.S7: Mount Emei.S8:T:I think a number of students want to know more about our country. Now I can fetch you a book. I can also

9、say: I can fetch a book for you. Here“fetch”means“go and bring sth. back”.(板书并要求学生掌握fetch。)fetch(示范fetch动作展示Guide to China这本书。)T:The book is Guide to China. It introduces China in detail. I can also say: Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail.(板书并要求学生掌握introduce,理解guide。)intr

10、oduce guide(板书句子,教师适当讲解,要求学生初步掌握that和which引导的定语从句。)Guide to China is a book. The book introduces China in detail.= Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail.T:Boys and girls, do you think the book is helpful to the people who wants to know more about China?Ss:Yes.T:OK, lets intr

11、oduce the book to Susanna. Because she has just come to China. She wants to know more about the country. Now, she is talking with her mother. What are they talking about? Lets listen to 1a and get it.2. (利用幻灯片出示下列问题,让学生听1a的录音,回答问题。)T: Now, lets listen to the tape. Prepare to answer the questions:(1)

12、 What are they talking about?(2) How long have Mr. and Mrs. Green been in China?(3) Can you say some beautiful mountains or rivers in China? What are they?(核对答案。)3. (读1a,让学生找出定语从句,教师讲解其用法。) T:Please read 1a and find out attributive clauses within one minute.(核对答案。教师利用幻灯片出示定语从句,并让学生找规律。)1.China is a

13、great country that has about 5 000 years of history.2.There are many places of interest which attract millions of tourists from all over the worldevery year.3.Its a book which introduces China in detail.T:What rules can you find? Please tell us.S1:S2:(教师总结学生所找的规律,讲解定语从句的用法并要求学生掌握。然后用幻灯片给出两组简单句,引导学生将

14、其合并成含有定语从句的复合句。)1.My favorite place is Kunming. It is known as the Spring City.2.She was not on the train. The train arrived just now.(答案:)1.My favorite place is Kunming which/that is known as the Spring City.2.She was not on the train which/that arrived just now.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:8分钟)

15、通过角色扮演、复述等形式巩固1a。1. (再读1a,同时画出文中的关键词并完成1b。)T:Please read 1a again and underline the key words. Then fill out the form of 1b. I will ask some of you to give your answers.(师生共同核对1b答案。)2.(两人一组,分角色表演1a。)T:I will ask some students to act out the dialog in roles.3. (让学生根据1b和1a的关键词复述1a。)T:Please look at 1b and the key words of 1a, then retell 1a.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:10分钟)利用2中的图片和例子,继续学习并操练定语从句,然后完成3的听力训练。1. (教师展示一幅中国地图,练习定语从句。) T:What place is this?(教师手指“合肥市”问。) Ss:Its Hefei. T:Where is it?


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