【精品】高中英语人教版 必修3教师用书:Unit 2 SectionⅣ GrammarWriting Word版含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料情态动词()Section_Grammar_&_Writing1ought to的用法(1)表示责任和义务,意为“应该”,与should同义。You ought to be more careful when you cross the road next time.下次过马路时,你应该更小心些。You ought to work harder than your brother.你应该比你哥哥学习更努力。点津ought to的否定形式为ought not to(oughtnt to);一般疑问形式是将ought提至句首,其否定答语通常用dont have to或neednt

2、。Ought he to see the doctor?他该去看医生吗?Yes, he ought to./No, he dont have to.是的,他该去。/不,他不必去。You ought not to make this kind of mistake again.你不应该再犯这种错误了。(2)表示可能性,一般指较大的可能性,意为“按道理应该”。They ought to win theyve trained hard enough.他们应该能赢,他们训练得够刻苦的。If he started at six, he ought to be here now.要是他6点就出发的话,这会

3、儿该到这里了。2have to的用法have to意为 “不得不”,有时态、人称和数的变化,其否定形式和疑问形式需要借助助动词do。His mother is ill. He has to stay at home to look after her.他妈妈病了,他得待在家里照顾她。点津(1)have to 侧重客观需要,有时态、人称和数的变化;must强调说话人的主观看法。(2)have to的否定式为dont have to,表示没有义务或没有必要做某事,意为“不必”,常可以回答must提问的一般疑问句;而must的否定式mustnt表示“禁止”。I have to go now, for

4、 my mother is ill.现在我不得不走了,因为我妈妈生病了。I must stop smoking.我一定要戒烟。They dont have to buy a computer at present.他们目前没有必要买电脑。You mustnt come here without permission.未经允许,你不能来这儿。3need的用法(1)need作情态动词时,后跟动词原形,表示“需要,有必要”,无人称和数的变化,多用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。You neednt go there now.你现在不必去那儿。Need I go there now?我现在需要去那儿吗?点

5、津由need引导的一般疑问句的肯定回答常用must或have to,否定回答常用neednt。Need I hand in my paper now?我现在需要交上论文吗?Yes, you must./No, you neednt.是的,你必须。/不,你不需要。(2)作为实义动词,同其他实义动词一样,可用于各种句式,有时态、人称、数的变化,构成否定句和疑问句时要借助于助动词do。You need to be careful.你得小心些。You dont need to be so worried.你不必如此担心。Do I need to say my telephone number agai

6、n?我还需要再说一遍我的电话号码吗?点津当need作“需要”讲时,其后跟不定式的被动形式相当于跟v.ing的主动形式,在这一点上,与want和require作“需要”讲时一样。The house needs/wants/requires repairing/to be repaired.这所房子需要修葺。4dare的用法(1)dare既可以作实义动词,也可以作情态动词。作情态动词时多用于疑问句、否定句、条件状语从句以及表示怀疑的名词性从句中,意为“敢”。I dare not walk through the wood at night.夜间我不敢在小树林里走。If you dare cheat

7、 in the exam, I will give you some punishment.如果你(们)敢在考试中作弊,我就惩罚你(们)。Dare you ask him personally?你敢当面问他吗?How dare you ask me such a question?你怎么敢问我这个问题?(2)dare作实义动词时,在否定句中不定式符号to也可以省略。The children dont dare (to) make a sound while their parents are sleeping.孩子们在父母睡觉时不敢弄出一点声音。5情态动词have done结构的用法(1)mu

8、sthave done表示对过去发生事情所作出的合理或确有把握的推测,意为“想必/准是/一定”,只用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中通常被can/canthave done代替。From what you said, she must have told you all about it.从你所说的来看,她一定把一切都告诉你了。(2)can have done一般用于疑问句和否定句中,用于表示对过去所发生事情的推测。could have done用于肯定句时,表示“可能已经做过某事”或“本有能力做某事而未做”。Mr Smith cant have gone to Beijing, for I s

9、aw him in the library just now.史密斯先生不可能去北京了,我刚才还在图书馆看见他了。You made a mistake again; you could have been more careful.你又犯错了,你本能更仔细些的。(3)should (ought to) have done表示“过去本应该做某事而(实际上)没有做”,含有责备或遗憾的语气,其否定形式表示“某种行为不该发生却发生了”。You should have done more exercise before.以前你应该多进行锻炼的。You shouldnt have let anyone e

10、lse know the secret.你本不应该让其他任何人知道这个秘密的。(4)need have done表示“本需要做而实际未做”;neednt have done表示“本不必做某事而实际做了”。You need have done it instead of him yesterday.昨天你本需要代替他做那件事的。You neednt have woken me up; I dont have to go to work today.你本来不必叫醒我,今天我不用上班。(5)may/might have done表示对过去发生的事情的推测,意思是“也许已经做了某事,可能已经做了某事”

11、,多用在肯定句中,用might时表示语气更加不肯定。You might have read about it in the papers.你可能已经在报上看过这个消息了。.选词填空1You mustnt go there alone; its too dangerous.(mustnt/neednt)2Its so near; we shouldnt have taken a taxi.(shouldnt/cant)3You oughtnt_to have spent so much time playing computer games.(mustnt/oughtnt to)4Shall I

12、 leave the room so that you two can talk?No, you neednt.(mustnt/neednt)5He cant have missed the train;he arrived at the train station two hours early.(cant/mustnt)6Well be very glad if you can join us in going camping.(can/may)7They had_to stay in the office last night because of the snowstorm.(have

13、 to/must)8We should have helped him; in that case, he would have been able to finish the work.(should/can).完成句子1他们应该明天来。They should/ought_to_come tomorrow.2我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得在午夜把医生请来。My brother was very ill, so I had_to_call_in the doctor at midnight.3你不必把此事告诉他。You dont_have_to/neednt tell him about it.4严

14、禁在图书馆吸烟。Smoking must_not_be_allowed in the library.5这辆自行车需要修理。英文广告写作The bike needs_repairing/to_be_repaired.如今,“绿色生活”的理念已经深入人心,越来越多的城里人喜欢到郊区过周末。位于重庆市西部的西山农场(the West Hill Farm)就是一个绿色农场。在这里,人们可以享受大自然带来的乐趣。请根据下面的表格提示,写一篇英语短文宣传介绍一下西山农场。注意:1短文要包括表格中的所有提示内容;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3词数:100左右。地理位置重庆市西部,离市区只有10千米,

15、乘公交车可以直接到达工作人员约200人规模约53公顷(hm2),是重庆市第二大农场动物猪、牛、羊等许多种动物水果苹果、梨、橘子等20多种优质水果休闲方式游客可以在农场钓鱼、野餐、学习饲养动物、摘水果等联系电话02365734618The West Hill Farm is located in the west of Chongqing.It is only 10 km away from the city area, and you can go there by bus.There are about two hundred people who are working on the farm.It has an area of about 53 hm2 and it is the second largest farm in Chongqing.On the farm many different animals are kept


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