英语人教版必修3练习:Unit 3 Period 1 Warming Up Reading Word版含解析

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1、 精品资料Unit 3Period 1.语境填词A.根据句意及汉语意思或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1.The reason he gave to _ (解释) for his absence was unreasonable.2.There are a lot of _ (过错) in that page.3.Visitors are not p_ to touch anything without permission.4.On reaching the station,the passenger found someone in rags _(游荡) around the station.5

2、.As soon as he finished the letter,he took out of the e_ at once.B.填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空6.The cat sought _ (catch) the mouse which had just come out of the hole.7.Robert _(bring) up in a poor family.8.The children look healthy on account _ being well looked after.9.Would you mind _(wash) the

3、dishes tonight?I am so tired.10. _ (tell) you the truth,I fell asleep in the middle of the speech.答案:A.1.account2.faults3.permitted4.wandering5.envelopeB.6.to catch7.was brought8.of9.washing10.To tell.选词填空by accident,account for,on the contrary,stare at,as a matter of fact1._,I dont really like Amer

4、ican food.2.Here are many reasons _ this phenomenon.3.The little girl _ the little dog playing on the floor.4.We are not in a contest;_,we learn from each other.5.Xrays were first discovered by a German scientist in 1895,almost _.答案:1.As a matter of fact2.accounting for3.stared at4.on the contrary5.

5、by accident.单句改错1.Time permitted,we shall hold the meeting next week._2.After you get abroad,Ill take care for your dog._3.His parents died when he was born and he brought up by his uncle._4.He knows what to deal with children very well._ _5.Honest speaking,I dont like him very much._答案:1.permittedp

6、ermitting2.forof3.brought前加was4.whathow或dealdo5.HonestHonestly.完成句子1.我进来时发现他们正在玩电脑游戏。When I came in,I _ computer games.2.我正在网上搜索信息,这时突然停电了。I _ some information on the Internet _ the electricity was cut off.3.是孩子们在花园里弄出这么大的噪声。It _ making so much noise in the garden.4.事实是他是他那个时代最伟大的作家之一。_ he was one of the greatest writers in his times.5.他们刚一在电影院坐下,电影就开始了。They _ the film began.答案:1.found them playing2.was seeking/searching for;when3.is the children who/that are4.The fact is that5.had just sat down in the cinema when


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