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1、七年级下任务型阅读 Aom is a little boy. He is four. Today his mother is taking him to see hisgrandmother. His grandmothers home is very far, so they are going there by bus.There are only twenty people on the bus. They are all sitting on their seats. Tom isvery happy. He is running on the bus. His mother asks

2、,Why are you running?“I want to see my grandmother very soon. I want this bus to go faster(更快地)”Tom answers.根据短文内容,回答下列各题。(每小题1分)1. How old is Tom?2. Who are Tom and his mother going to see?3. How do Tom and his mother go to his grandmothers home?4. What are people on the bus doing?5. Why is Tom run

3、ning on the bus?BThere are differences between boys and girls favorite subjects at school. Manyyoung girls like math,music and languages(语言)Most young boys like P. E. Butmany sixteen-year-old boys like science and math. Many sixteen-year-old girls likeforeign(外国的)languages, but science and math aren

4、t their favorite subjects.Why dont girls and boys have the same favorite subjects? We do not know.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。任务一:根据短文内容,完成句子。(3分)1 Boys and girls favorite subjects arent2. Many girls of sixteen like3. and are many sixteen-year-old boys favorite subjects.任务二:根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)o (2分)()4. All girls l

5、ike .math,music and languages.()5. We dont know why girls and boys have different favorite subjects.C Im David and I come from the U. S. Every day I go to school by walkingschool bus. Do you know about it?1 It is some children walking to and from school with one or more adults(成年人)!These adults are

6、drivers. We are the bus,and our feet are the wheels(车轮)” 2 Andour legs are the engine(发动机)”We leave on time andwalk along a set route(路线)It is fun,isnt it? What do you get in a library? Books, of course. But in some libraries in the U. S. you can also play video games!The libraries hold a video game

7、 competition(比赛)every month. They want to get more kids to come to the libraries. 3 After enjoying games, many kidsgo to read or borrow books. 4 But now there are so many boys in the libraries.根据表格内容,完成下列任务。任务一:把下列四句话分别填人文中的空格处,使短文意思完整。(g分)A. And it works.B. Usually the drivers are our parents.C. Th

8、e walking school bus is not a real(真正的)bus.D. As we know, some boys dont like libraries.1 2. 3. 4.任务二:回答问题。(2分)5. Where do the two stories happen(发生)?6. What do many kids do after enjoying games?D People from the city often take holidays in the country. They walk in the mountains or ride bikes on th

9、e country They see many trees, plants and animals. Some think that the clean sky, the moon and bright stars at night are the most beautiful things in the country. Others like to hear the sounds of the animals.: At first these people enjoy the country. But at last they like the city better. After a w

10、eek they are bored. They want to return to the city. Now they want very much to see a movie or to be back on a busy street. They leave for home in the city.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(每小题1分)1把句译成汉语。2在处空白处填上一个合适的单词:3文中画线单词bored的汉语意思是。4判断正(T)误(F)。 ()They can see a movie or drive on a busy street in the country.5回答

11、问题。 What can they do in the country?ENew York is a very big c-二一in America. Tall bwe一 2 are common in thecity. New York is rich but it faces many problems. There are t_旦一many cars andbuses on the road. And its noisy in the city. But New York is still an attractive(吸引人的)place to 1-生一and work in. It o

12、ffers(提供)different k -旦一of life.F 根据图示内容,完成下面的表格。 Information CardPlaceLocationParkOnStreetBankthe restaurantGardenthe museum and the marketShopOn Center StreetPost officeAcross from thePublic phoneNear theG This is a map of our community. Its quiet. My home is an apartment. Theschool is near my hom

13、e. There are a lot of teachers and they help me learn aboutmany subjects. Theyre very friendly to me. If I want to read books or play on thecomputer, I can go to the library. Its on Green Street. When I get ill(生病)or hurt, the doctors in the hospital can help me.Doctors can鱼些out whats wrong and make

14、 me feel(感觉)better.Canyou find it? Its on Pink Street. Of course,if I get ill or hurt at school, I can go tosee the school nurse. Theres also a big supermarket in our area. I can buy a lot of things there.Its across from my home. But the post office is far from my home. If I want tomail a letter, I

15、have to go along Center Avenue and turn right at the turning. Goalong Red Street and turn right again,and the post office is on my left. Its a good place to have fun. Welcome to our community.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。1根据短文内容,回答问题。 (1)Whats the community like? (2)What kind of home does the writer live in?2给文中空白处选一个合适的句子。 A. Can I go to the hospital? B. Where is the hospital? C.


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