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1、博文学校初中部八年_班 姓名:_ 考号:_八年级20102011学年度第一学期期中考试英 语 试 题听力部分(30分)A.录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出每个句子的正确答语(5分)。( )1. A. Tuesday. B. Spring. C. May 1.( )2. A. Yes. He is sixteen. B. Yes. Hes from American. C. Yes. Hes tall.( )3. A. Shes fine. B. Shes a nurse. C. Shes 35. ( )4. A. Good news. B. Lets go

2、. C. Thanks a lot. ( )5. A. Yes, he does. B. On foot. C. On Saturday.B.听小对话,回答问题(5分)( )6.A. On Saturday. B. On Subway. C. Twice a week. D. Every day.( )7A. Tara is shorter than Tina. B. Tara is taller than Tina.C. Tina is shorter than Tara. D. Tina and Tara are twins.( )8.A. Hes going to the beach.

3、B. Hes looking after his sister.C. Hes babysitting his brother. D. Hes going to the cinema.( )9. A. 30 minutes. B. 45 minutes. C. 5 minutes. D. 15 minutes.( )10.A. By train. B. By bus. C. By air. D. By car.C.听长对话,回答问题(5分)听下面一个长对话,回答1112 两个问题( )11. How are Petros parents coming? A. By train. B. By bu

4、s. C. By plane. D. On foot.( )12. What time are they getting ? A. At 8:00. B. At 8:30. C. At 9:00. D. At 10:00.听下面一个长对话,回答1315 三个问题( )13. Whats the matter with Ted? A. He has a fever. B. He has a headache. C. He has a cold. D. A, B and C( )14. When did the cold start? A. This morning. B. yesterday a

5、fternoon. C. Last night. D. A moment ago.( )15.What did the doctor ask Ted to do? A. To take some medicine and drink more water. B. To stay in bed for a few days. C. To have a good rest. D. To do more exercise.D、听力填表,根据你听到的短文内容和表格中的提示,将主要信息填入表格中相应的位置。短文听两遍。(5分)Class Threehave no classes next 16What

6、to dohelp farmers on the17Where and when to meetat the school 18 at 8:30 in the morningHow to get thereby _19_What to weartheir _20_16 17 18 19 20 E)短文理解(10分)( )21.Mrs. Browns grandfather lived _. A. with Mrs. Brown and her daughter B. with Mrs. Brown and her husband C. in the country by himself D.

7、with his wife and daughte( )22. Every morning the old man _. A. goes out to have breakfast B. goes to do some shopping C. telephones the police D. goes for a walk in the park( )23. One morning _. A. the old man had some problems B. couldnt find his way home C. a police car sent the old man home D. t

8、he police telephoned Mrs. Brown ( )24. The old man telephoned the police because _. A. he didnt want to walk home that morning B. he couldnt find the way home C. Mrs. Brown asked him to do so D. he was too old( )25. Which sentence is right from the story?A. The old man couldnt find the way. B. The o

9、ld man was tired.C. The old man lost his way. D. The old man liked taking a car.笔试部分(90分)I.根据首字母填空。(5分)1. Our math teacher is a s_ man . It seems that he never laughs.2. T he was poor , he was happy .3. Thanks for i_ me to your party.4. Youre not the same. You look d_ .5. Mike and Helen had to r_ a

10、house because they had no money to buy oneII、单项选择。(20分)( ) 6. do you go to the movies ? Once a week . A . How long B . How often C . How much D .How soon( ) 7. Whats she doing vacation ? Shes _ . A. on ; go camping B. for ; going camping C. for ; goes to camp D. in ; going camping( ) 8. Look ! He is

11、 very tired. Yes .He just finished his first TV show . A. to make B. making C. make D. makes( )9. Most of us go to school foot . A .on B .in C .by D . for( ) 10. _ does it take her to get from home to school ? A .How far B. How long C. How often D. How many( ) 11. Can you come to my house on Wednesd

12、ay afternoon ? _ .A. Sure .Id love to B. Sorry . I dont C. Sure . Id like D. Sure . Im glad .( ) 12. Though we are very tired, we are very happy. A. but B. / C. so D. yet( )13. Paul is wilder than Tony. A. much B. more C. very D. quite( ) 14. She cant come here , because she has _ homework to do thi

13、s weekend . A too many B . very more C . too much D. many more ( ) 15. Please remember _ to my house on Sunday . A . to come over B . coming over C . comes over D . came over ( )16. Our classroom is bigger than _. A .them B . they C . their D. theirs ( )17 . How can you get from Italy to Brazil? _.



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