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1、参加2013-2014学年度普宁市英语教育课例设计评比 Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 1 You should see a dentist. Section B(仁爱版八年级上册) 作者姓名: 杨卓群 任教年级: 八年级 所属单位: 占陇镇教育组 桥柱初级中学 .Analysis of the students学生分析 本话题主要围绕身体各部位病痛、提建议等展开,贴近学生的日常生活,可以让学生感受到英语在实际生活中的实践意义,本堂课也将设置表演环节,让学生们表演身体不适的状况,用英语与他人交谈并提出建议和表达关心,从而提高他们英语学习的兴趣,增加学习动力。.Mater

2、ial analysis 教材分析 教学内容为仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B。本课时将生病、关心询问及提建议综合运用,呈现了提建议的另外两种说法sb. had better (not) do sth和Why dont you? 对话中还呈现询问对方病情的问句:How long have been like this? 及对病情的描述:I am feeling terrible. 本课的语法重点sb. had better (not) do sth 和Why dont you? 语言功能方面要求学生学会用英语描述疾病并能就疾病征求他人意见、给他人提建议等。.

3、Teaching aims 教学目标1. Go on learning how to talk about illnesses.2. Learn the expressions of how to give suggestions and advice with “should/ shouldnt/ had better/ had better not”.The key points and difficult points 教学重难点Key points:Understand and know the usage of the phrases,for example,feel terribl

4、e, have the flu, take some medicine, have a good rest, etc. Difficult points:Understand the sentence “How long have you been like this ?” and know the difference between “too much” and “much too”.Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Review 第一步:复习1. Review the words about illnesses by playing a game. I do

5、,and you say. Ask a student to do different actions of illness, and other students say them in English.(一学生表演,其他人猜,通过表演的方式,复习上节课学过的关于身体疾病的单词,从而激发学生的兴趣。)2. Review how to give advice with “should/ shouldnt”. Show the following pictures. Let students practice the dialogs. Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

6、Picture 4For example(Picture1):T: What is the matter with him?S: He has a toothahce.T: What should he do?S: He should see a dentist.Encourage students to make similar dialogs after the example with other pictutes, then act them out.(利用图片,鼓励学生仿照例子编对话进行表演,复习巩固上节课所学的重要单词和表达法。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步:呈现

7、1. The teacher points to the picture in la and lead to la. For example: The boy doesnt look well. Whats wrong with him? Lets listen to 1a and find out the answer.(通过展示图片和创设语境的方式,让学生预测和感知听力活动,为1b和1吃的听力做引入。)2. Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers. Finish 1b.Then ask one student to give the answ

8、ers.3. Listen to 1a again and mark T (True) or F (False). Finish 1c and check the answers. (1b和1c的听力在于训练学生听音获取具体信息的能力。)4. Let students read 1a alone and underline some important sentences. Then the teacher explains some language points for the students and write down“had better do sth.” on the black

9、board. Ask students to understand and master the following sentence patterns:You dont look well.Im feeling terrible.Im sorry to hear that.How long have you been like this?Youd better take some medicine.(让学生掌握1a中的重要句型和重点知识。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步:巩固1. Let students read 1a in pairs. Teacher asks thr

10、ee pairs to read the dialogue for the whole class.2. Let students read 2 and number the sentences in the right order. Then check the answers. Write down “day and night”, “feel like doing” and “had better not” on the blackboard. Let students master the usage of them. The teacher explains them if nece

11、ssary.3. Teacher sums up the expressions of how to give suggestions with “should/ shouldnt/ had better/ had better not” and “Why not/ Why dont you.?”.(本环节让学生通过朗读1a,来完成任务2,掌握一些重点知识和句型,并总结出所学过关于给别人提建议的句型,进行积累和消化。)Step 4 Practice 第四步:练习1. Work in pairs. Practice 3 with “should/ shouldnt/ had better/ ha

12、d better not” in pairs. Suppose one is ill and the other gives his/ her some advice. 2. Then ask several pairs to act out their dialogs in front of the class. Finish 3.(鼓励学生用所学过的关于提建议的句型,根据1a或者2中的形式编造对话,训练学生综合语言用能力。)Step 5 Project 第五步:活动Role play. Doctor and patient.Let a student act as a doctor and

13、 the other student act as a patient.Then let them make conversations according to the following example.For example:D: Hello, this is Qiaozhu Hospital. I am Dr. . Whats your name?P: Hello, Dr. .My name is .D: Oh, Mr./ Miss . Whats the matter with you?/ Whats wrong with you?P: Im feeling terrible. I

14、have a headache and I dont feel like eating.D: Im sorry to hear that. How long have you been like this?P: Three days.D: You may have a cold. Youd better take some medicine and have a good rest. Take these pills, three times a day. Rememer, drink more boiled water.P: Thank you, I will.Encourage stude

15、nts to make similar dialogs after the example and use more expressions that have learnt. Then act them out in class.(创设生活中生病看医生的情境,让学生根据自己的想法或创意,创编一段看病和询问病情的对话。)Step 6 Summary 第六步:总结The teacher sums up the key points and asks students to rememer the language points.Step 7 Homework 第七步:作业1.Review the summary after class.2.Prepare Section C after class.Step 8 Layout of the Bb 板书Unit 2 Topic 1. Section B1. had better (not) do sth.



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