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1、教学课题:新课标九年级(上)Module 6 Save our world Unit 1 Its wasteful to throw away paper and metal.广东省佛山市三水区西南街道第六中学 吴丽霞教案背景:不知从什么时候起,人们被眼前出现的一幕幕情景所震惊:河里污水横流,大量的鱼暴尸水面;隆冬季节,光秃的树枝上挂满白色的塑料袋和塑料薄膜,被狂风吹得飘飘扬扬,哗哗作响,如同招魂的白幡,而在车站,码头或是闹市街头,星罗棋布地撒满了白色地膜和废弃塑料袋;蓝天白云不知道什么时候已经离我们远去。所有这一幕幕的情景预示着环境污染日渐严重,结合初三上册Module6 Save our

2、world 的教学,唤起学生们对环境保护的意识。教材分析: 本单元中心话题- “绿色环保”保护我们的地球。Save our world第一单元是以对话的形式讨论绿色环保这一话题。内容从学生自己办的网络杂志入手,谈到 “绿色学校”等。还讨论了如何从点滴小事做起,节约能源,保护环境。本模块内容贴近学生生活实际,学生既有学习英语的乐趣,又有保护环境,保护地球的意识,为发起全球环保的总动员而准备。 教学活动目标: 1. 在地球环境日趋恶劣的情况下,引导学生关注人类共有的生存环境地球,使学生懂得保护生态环境,爱护人类资源的重要性。树立环保意识,提高环保实践能力,激发热爱共有家园的情感,增强环保责任感。

3、2 以此有关环保课题为契机,指导学生充分利用互联网优势,培养学生借助“百度”搜索引擎,根据主题收集、整理、筛选资料的能力。 3 培养学生的合作意识,引导学生学会自主、合作学习。 4 培养学生在综合活动中的创新意识和创造能力。 5 借助网络,关注世界,加强环保意识。 Unit 1. its wasteful to throw away paper and metal.课型Teaching model课时Length of the lesson教法Teaching method学法Learning approachListening & Speaking1 period (45)Top-down

4、approachDiscussion, observation 教学目标Teaching aims知识目标: Words and phrases:Waste, wasteful, throw away, metal, energy, pollution, recycle, reader, environment, reusable, hopelessGrammar: 前后缀构词法能力目标:listening , speaking德育目标:Teach students to protect our environment教学重点Main points1 The use of while2 tho

5、usands of 3 Its wasteful to 4. enjoyable, careful, wasteful, reusable, recycling, electricity, hopeful, pollution, hopeless教学难点Difficult points前后缀构词法教具Teaching aidsComputer, Tape recorder, video, picture课前准备Pre-ready要求同学们课前通过网络,尤其百度搜索,选贴家乡、祖国最新变化的图片或视频,了解地球环境污染情况,收集日常如何参与环保活动。教学步骤 Teaching steps目的教师

6、活动/方法学生活动/方法条件/手段Warming-up: Students share their pictures or videos on the computer downloaded from baidu百度. http:/ 1. Look at the screen and talk about the pictures.:1. (Picture One) What can you see? What do you think of the environment?2. (Picture Two) What are they doing? Is it good for the env

7、ironment?Step2 Read the words in the box aloud and look at the photos. Which words in the box can you use to describe them?(Activity 1)Step 3. listen to the description of the photos. Check the words as you hear them.(Activity 2)Step 4. Listen and answer two questions. (Activity 3)1. Which kind of s

8、chool is Zhao Ming in?2. Whats a green school?Step 5. Read the dialogue aloud after the recorder.Read the dialogue aloud again in pairs Then answer the questions in Activity 5.Step 6. Complete the table with the notes below.(Activity 4)1. Things we should do for environmental protection.2. Things we

9、 shouldnt do for environmental protection.Then think of two more ways of environmental protection and add them to the table.(according to their materials searched from baidu百度)http:/ 7. Complete the sentences according to the passage1. Zhao Ming first saw New Standard while_.2. Zhao Ming wants to kn

10、ow when_.3. We can save our world if _.Step 8. Show some photos on the book and searched from Baidu百度 。Work in pairs. Say what you should do about these problems.Eg. -We should stop the factories from polluting the rivers.-I agree. And we should stop them from polluting the air as well.Step 9. Summa

11、ryStep10. Enjoy the pictures of our beautiful wold, listening to the song Country Road Take Me Home.http:/ be good for, energy, protect 等。初步感知新词汇的运用渗透听力微技能训练加强听力微技能训练,有助于学生提高使用听力技能的意识学生通过分角色大声朗读,感悟对话中人物的情感与态度加强对对话的理解巩固新学的词汇,加强环保意识,渗透日常生活。扩展学生词汇量和知识面再次熟知课文,并重点突出对话中的词汇句型 训练学生关于环保词汇方面说的口头表达能力进行美的教育保护环境,共享美丽地球讨论式提问式提问式听力技能训练任务式听力技能训练任务式指导朗读练习指导学生合作讨论提问式指导学生口头表达指导学生口头练习发掘学生巩固书本、创造新知的能力归纳总结搜集的资料讨论式讨论式听力要点训练抓准听力要点模仿标准语音语调,分角色投入语境。两人一组问答活动讨论式学生自主、合作学习学生自主学习讨论式的小组学习放松,愉快小组合作学习活动师生话轮练习



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