Lesson3 How many pupils are there[1].doc

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1、Lesson3 How many pupils are there?教学内容本节课的教学内容为科普版英语(三年级起点)五年级下册Lesson3 How many pupils are there?本节课以会话教学为主,通过教材提供的示范性对话,引导学生使用所学重点句型进行有意义的表达,并鼓励学生创编新对话,以培养学生的语言表达能力。设计思路1. 以任务型教学为导向,以整体语言教学的理念为引领,注重学生整体理解文本。2. 采用多种有效的方法创设情景,鼓励学生运用对话,在真实交际中使用所学语言。教学目标1. Can read and understand the words: blackboard

2、, pupils, forty.2. Can listen, read and understand the sentences “How many are there?” “There are” “What do they/we have?” “They/We have ”等,并能运用句型在情景中交流。教学重难点1. 重点:理解与模仿朗读对话。2. 难点:在实际生活和任务中运用句型。教学准备多媒体课件、畅言教学通教学过程Step1. Greeting and warm-up.1. Song the greeting song.2. Teacher asks students “Look at

3、 our classroom. How many teachers are there?”3. Teacher asks students “How many pupils are there?”(抛出问题,虽然问题简单,但意在抓住学生的注意力,同时引出重点学习句型。)Step2. Presentation1. Today lets learn Lesson3 How many pupils are there?板书课题。2. Listen to the text and answer “How many pupils are there in Kates class?”3. Why? Loo

4、k at the text and find out the sentences.板书 How many pupils are there in your class this term? There are four(fourteen; fourty; forty) five.(在forty的学习过程中,教师故意将板书写为four,继而改为fourty,最后更正为forty。让学生在一步步纠错中体会forty的正确书写和发音。)4. How many pupils are there in your class? (全班回答) How many boys are there in group

5、 two? (教师问,一个学生单独回答) How many pens are there in your pencil case? May I borrow one? (教师问,一个学生单独回答)Do pair work to practice “How many are there?” “There is/are”(同桌合作,运用身边的事物,练习重点句型。)5. Look at the picture and answer “Whats Kate doing?” Read the text quickly and answer “Why is she making the flowers?”

6、Read the text carefully and choose the pictures of Kates classroom.6. Talk about “What do they have?” What do they have?They have(板书)7. Talk about “What do you have in your classroom?”(结合学生的生活实际,让学生运用所学句型。)Step3. Reading Practice1. Listen and repeat.2. Read for twice in role.Step4. Practice1. There

7、are many pupils from Freeman Bay School. They want to know about our school. Can you introduce our school to them? Do the activity with desk mates.2. Do you want to know about their school? Think and write down your questions. Then share with us.(国外小学生想要了解我们的学校,你能否给他们介绍?大家对他们的学校有没有想了解的问题?同桌相互练习介绍我们的学校。思考并写出问题。设置情景练习重点句型。)3. Teacher gives students the email address of the principal. HomeworkA. Introduce our school to your parents or friends.B. Write an Email.Students can choose one to finish.


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