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1、 并 列 句 与 状 语 从 句各种题型分析 误用not-until 的句式1)-May I go and play with Dick this afternoon, Mum? - No, you cant go out _your work is being done A. before B. until C. as D. the moment2) -Did your father come back early last night? -Yes, It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home. A. before B. while C. th

2、at D. until 误用as 与while句式 3) -I am going to the post-office. - _ you are there, can you get me some stamps. A. As B. While C. Because D. If 误用连词4)- When did he leave the classroom? - He left _you turned back to write on the blackboard. A. the time B. the moment C. until D. since5) One Friday, we wer

3、e packing to leave for a weekend away _my daughter heard cries for help A. after B. while C. since D. when心得:高考对状语从句的考查主要集中在时间状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句,重点是根据题干掌握主从句的逻辑关系来选择相对应的从属连词。解题方法: 看选项看是否考查状语从句 明确选项是什么意思,可以用来引导的是什么状语从句 如果有同义与近义词,要注意区分这些选项间的含义 一些从属连词具有多种含义,可以引导不同的状语从句 熟记一些含有状语从句连词的固定句型Since 引导的时间状语从句的

4、谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可以是终止性的。一般情况下,从句的谓语动词用一般过去式,主句用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。但在“It+be+时间+since从句”主句多用一般现在时。6) She says that she will have to close the shop _business improves A. if B. unless C. after D. when7) 考查固定句型中从属连词的选择I had hardly got to the office _my wife phoned me to go back home at once A. when B. than C. un

5、til D. after8) 考查引导词熟词新意How can I help them to understand _ they wont listen to me A. when B. while C. where D. unless9) 考查状语从句与其他从句的区别It was April 29, 2011 _Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony. A. that B. when C. since D. before10) 考查“疑问词+ever” 引导状语

6、从句的用法In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, _it is discovered, will create many possibilities around the world A. whatever B. whoever C. wherever D. whichever11)Try_ she might, she couldnt get the door open A. if B. when C. since D. as12) 状语从句与时态的综合考查- When shall we start our business?- Not u

7、ntil we _ our planA. will finish B. are finishing C. are to finish D. have finished13) 状语从句与虚拟语气的综合考查If my car _more reliable, I would drive to Lhasa instead of flying last summer. A. was B. had been C. should be D. would be 并列句和状语从句的练习1) Dont turn off the computer before closing all programs, _ you

8、 could have problems A. or B. and C. but D. so2)I have heard a lot of good things about _ I came back from abroad. A. since B. until C. before D. when3) _ we have enough evidence, we cant win the case. A. Once B. As long as C. Unless D. Since4) One can always manage to do more things, no matter _ful

9、l ones schedule is in life. A. how B. what C. when D. where5) Mark needs to learn Chinese _his company is opening a branch in BeijingA. unless B. until C. although D. since6) _a mans age, he can reduce it several years by wearing a confident smile A. Whichever B. Whatever C. Whenever D. However7) Ho

10、use prices vary from place to place and are usually high _ there are famous schools. A. when B. since C. where D. whether8) The pupils were playing games in the classroom _ a gunman entered and began shooting wildly at them. A. while B. when C. as D. before9)It was several years_ I realized _David h

11、ad lied to me A. when, that B. that, when C. before, that D. until, why10) -Where did you see the movie American Dream in China directed by Peter Chan?- It was in the cinema _ I regularly go.A. which B. that C. where D. what11) -Some Chinese students find it difficult to understand native speakers w

12、hen in London. - Exactly, _ they have learned a lot about grammar and known many words.A. if only B. now that C. even if D. as if12) This is the room _I slept in that morningA. where B. which C. when D. in which13) It was only a very short time _ the young lady found her cellphone stolen as she got

13、on the crowded bus. A. before B. when C. since D. after14) The courts will treat the Korean passengers differently from others, _ they took the same airport. A. as if B. even if C. in case D. as long as15) Word came that some delicate awards will be given to _ comes to the party first. A. no matter whom B. whomever C. no matter who D. whoever2014年高考名词性从句考题集粹1) Half an hour later, Lucy still couldnt get a taxi _ the bus had dropped her. A. until B. when C. although D. where2) I will be out for some time. _ anything important happens, call me up immediately A. In case B


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