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1、(完整word版)2016新概念第一册Lesson59-60课堂及课后练习新概念一Lesson5960课内语法新课内容:一、单词:拼读、过关、讲解1.envelope eg. I want some envelopes , please. 请给我拿几个信封 n.C 信封;封皮 an envelope: 一个信封 2。writing paper Do you have any writing paper?你有信纸吗?3.shop assistant 售货员4。 size n. 大小, 尺寸: ” Whats the size of your room ? 你的房间有多大? ” C( 服装等的)尺

2、码: What size shoes do you want ( 或wear )?你要(穿)多大尺码的鞋子? eg. Do you want the large size or the small size ? 你要大号的还是小号的?5.pad n. C 垫; 衬垫; 便笺簿; 拍纸簿 eg. I dont have any small pads 我没有小本的信纸 Do you want a pad ? 您要本吗?6。glue n。 胶; 胶水 eg. I want some glue。 我要些胶水7chalk n.粉笔 eg。 I want a large box of chalk ,too

3、 . 我还要一大盒粉笔 。8.change vt。 改变;变革;改造change ones mind 改变主意 ( 同 exchange ) 交谈言之 change seats with sb。 和某人换座位 vi。 变,改变;变化:The weather changes very often in England 。在英国, 天气常常变化。 零钱 ; 辅币; 找头 eg. I want my change。 我要找零钱.二、课文:领读,句子过关,讲解1。 want sth。 想要某物 2。the large size 大号的, the small size小号的 3.a bottle of

4、glue 一瓶胶水 4。 a box of 一盒 a large box of一大盒5。 too 用于肯定和疑问句中表示“也”6。Is that all? 就这些吗? Thats all.就这些。(此句也常用于将话时的结束语)7.what else什么别的东西三、语法:完全动词 have (1)完全动词 have 的意思相当于“拥有”、“具有”,其疑问句、肯定句及否定句形式分别如下:Do you / we / they have any 。.?你(们)/我们/他们有一些吗?Yes, I / we / they have some.。.。?是的,我/我们/他们有一写 No, I / we / t

5、hey do not / dont have any.。.。.不,我/我们/他们没有一些have 当“用有”讲时,可用于所有的一般时态,却不能用于进行时态(is having, are having等)四、课内知识点。1、Do you want the large size or the small size? or连接选择疑问,回答时不能直接用Yes / no,选择内容来回答.2、some, any后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。some用于肯定句,any用于疑问句或否定句中,如表示建议、请求的疑问句中则用some代替any,此时希望达到肯定回答,如:Would you like some c

6、offee?3、Do you want one? 你要一盒吗?one代词,代替可数名词单数,ones作为代词,可代替可数名词复数。eg:- I have some red pencils. I have some green ones.一. 单词连线close 信封 glue 信纸chalk 售货员 tired 尺寸,尺码give 信笺薄 writing paper 胶水envelope 粉笔 sharp 零钱shop assistant 关着的 size 累,疲乏pad 给 change 尖的,锋利二。 单选1.I have _ writingpaper.A.someB。anyC.anD。a

7、2._ she want _ envelope?A.Do, anB。Does, aC。Do, aD.Does, an3。_ do you want?A。What elseB。Whats elseC.Else whatD。Else where4。Do you want the large size_ the small size?A。andB.orC。butD.for5.-Do you have any brothers? -_。A。Yes, I am。B.Yes, I do.C.Yes, I have。D.No, I do.新概念一Lesson59-60课前测试一、单词:1、信封 2、信纸 3

8、、售货员 4、尺寸,尺码5、信笺薄 6、胶水 7、粉笔 8、零钱9、关着的 10、累,疲乏 11、给 12、尖的,锋利二、词组:1、大号的 2、一大盒,粉笔3、就这些 4、什么别的东西三、选择:1.Tom usually_TV _night。 A。watch, at B.sees, at C。watches, at D。see, in2。 Would you like_coffee? A。any B。some C。an D.many3。The plane is flying_the bridge. A。in B。over C.on D。for4。Please give the book_me。

9、 A。to B.for C.at D.in5.Where_you_? Im_Japan。 A。do, from; from B.are, from; from C。are, from; for D。come, from; from6.Do you want_? A。something else B.anything else C。else anything D.else something7。My father often goes do work_7 oclock_the morning。 A。at, on B.in, in C。at, at D.at, in8。Do you go to s

10、chool_bus or_foot? A。by, on B.by, by C。on, on D。on, by9。There_a desk and four chairs in the room。 A.are B.is C.be D。X10。I have some envelopes, _. A.either B.too C.yet D.neither11.Look! He_the radio。 A。listening to B。is listening C.is listening to D.listen to12。_the moment, he_his homework。 A。In, is doing B。At, is doing C。At, do D。In, does13。This is_interesting book。 I like it very much。 A。a B.an C。the D。X14。Whats the climate_in your country? A。likes B。like C。look like D.looks like15。In spring the sun rises_and sets_. A。early, late B.late, early C.lately, early D。early, lately16.-D



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