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1、 高考英语口语提高:乘车陋习连连看If youre reading this on the train, prepare yourself for a shock. Theres a good chance youre one of the most annoying people in the carriage. 看新闻 假如你正在列车上读这篇文章,那就做好震动的心理预备吧。你很可能就是车厢中最讨人厌的乘客之一。 学表达 chance表示“可能性”,a good chance表示“很有可能”,a slight chance则是“不大可能”。 A company based on Britai

2、n carried out a study to find the actions that make people see red on their rail journeys. Researchers looked at the behavior of 2,000 passengers to find that eight in ten of Britons display annoying habits that drive their fellow travelers up the wall. 看新闻 英国一家公司开展了一项调查,旨在了解哪些不良乘车习惯会让同车的乘客火冒三丈。讨论人员

3、调查了2022名英国乘客的行为举止,发觉80%的调查对象都有令人反感的乘车陋俗。 学表达 1.see red火冒三丈 2.drive sb. up the wall使某人愤怒 Unsurprisingly, one in four people have experienced a brisk telling-off or had cross glances from other passengers while travelling on the train. 看新闻 因此,有四分之一的人曾在列车上受到他人的斥责或怒视也就缺乏为奇了。 学表达 1.telling-off责骂;训斥 2.cro

4、ss作形容词,意为“愤怒的”。 A 40 per cent would tell a fellow passenger if they were doing something annoying. But the average person said they would put up with sitting next to someone irritating for 17 minutes before finally giving them a piece of their mind. 看新闻 调查显示,遇到同车乘客行为不当时有40%的人会直言相告。不过,大多数人在表达不满前会花17分

5、钟来忍受身旁的厌烦鬼。 学表达 1.put up with忍受 2.give sb. a piece of ones mind斥责某人 例:If he doesnt turn that music down soon, Im going to give him a piece of my mind.假如他不快点把音乐声关小,我就要说说他了。 以下是排在榜单前十位的乘车陋俗: 1.Playing music too loudly over headphones耳机里音乐声过大 2.Smelling bad身上有异味 3.Drunken behavior醉酒乘车 4.Talking loudly

6、with friends/colleagues与朋友或同事大声喧哗 5.Kicking the back of the seat constantly不时踢他人的座位靠背 6.People forcing themselves on, when others still getting off没等人下完就挤上车 7.People breathing down your neck紧靠别人 8.Parents not controlling kids家长不管好孩子 9.Putting feet on seats把脚放在座位上 10.Eating food that has a strong smell吃味道浓烈的食物 学表达 breathe down sb.s neck既可表示“紧跟着某人”,也可引申为“亲密监视”。 例:I cant work with you breathing down my neck all the time.你始终盯着我,我没法工作。


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