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1、(完整版)新概念第二册第一课辅导学案Lesson 1 A private conversation 背诵下列单词,并将括号中所给单词的适当形式填入横线上。New words and expressions private pravtadj。 私人的angrygradj. 生气的conversationknvse()nn。 谈话angrilygrladv. 生气地theatretn. 剧场,戏院attentiontennn。 注意seatsitn。 座位bear(bore, borne) bev. 容忍playplen. 戏businessbznsn. 事loudlyladladv。 大声地ru

2、delyrudliadv. 无礼地,粗鲁地Last week I _(go) to the theatre. I _(have) a very good seat。 The play _(be) very interesting。 I _(do) not enjoy it。 A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me。 They were talking loudly. I _(get)very angry。 I _(can)not hear the actors. 。 I _(look)at the man and the wom

3、an angrily. They _(do) not pay any attention。 In the end, I _(can) not bear it. I _(turn) round again. I cant hear a word! I _(say) angrily。 _ the young man _(say) rudely。 This is a private conversation!回答下列问题【选句填空】请从以下所给的句子中,选出最合适的两项,填入文章中标号为的横线处。A。 I enjoyed the play very much。B。 I turned round.C。

4、 The actors were very angry with the young man。D. I am really sorry about it.E. Would you please listen carefully?F. Stop talking!G。 Its none of your business。【单句改错】1. Last week, I go to the theatre.2. I look at the man and the woman angry。3. At the end, I could not bear it.4. “I cant hear word。” I

5、said angrily.5. This is private a private conversations.【根据文章内容回答问题】Why did the writer complain to the people behind him?【课文注释】1 go to the theatre,去看戏。2 got angry,生气。3 turn round,转身,也可用turn around.4 pay attention,注意。5 I could not bear it。我无法忍受.6 Its none of your business,不关你的事.【课文详解】1Last week I wen

6、t to the theatre。上星期我去看戏.go to the theatre = go to the theatre to see a play go to the cinema = go to the cinema to see a film注意在以下的短语中名词前通常不加冠词:go to school上学go to bed上床,睡觉go to church上教堂,去做礼拜2had a very good seatthe front seat of a car汽车的前座Take a seat, please。请坐。3The play was very interesting。This

7、 is an interesting book/idea.She is interested in the book/idea.4were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly.5I got very angry. 6in the end She tried hard to finish her homework by herself. In the end, she had to ask her brother for help。7none of your business,This is none of his business。None

8、of my friends left early。【语法基础】简单陈述句的语序主语部分谓语部分主语动词宾语状语(通常无强制性)方式地点时间ISamThe manheardlistened toran awaya voicethe storysuddenlyquietlyquicklyat the doorjust now试着将以下句子拆分放入表格中,并且对比英语与中文表达中语序的不同。Last night Lucy went to the theatre。昨晚露西去剧院看戏了。A young man and a young woman were talking loudly。一对年轻男女正在大声讲话。A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me。一对年轻男女坐在我后边。I look at the man and the woman angrily。我愤怒地看着那对男女。5


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