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1、英语辅导练习(十一) Feb , 19th1、 家长们十分关心孩子们的健康,并且仔细记下了医生的劝告。( be concerned about )2、 新种的的树将一定能够增添城市的美丽。( add to )3、 音乐会一开始,激动的观众就平静了下来。(calm down )4、 这个老人经历了第二次世界大战,所以仍然记得当时所遭受的痛苦。( go through )5、 目前,电视和互联网是重要的交流途径。(communication)6、 众所周知,因特网在我们的现代社会里起很重要的作用。( play an important role )7、 她喜欢多种运动,例如网球、篮球和跑步。( s

2、uch as )8、 很多外国人开始学汉语,而且来中国学习汉语的人数正在增加。( a number of / the number of / gradually )9、 信不信由你,他已经放弃了竞争。( believe it or not)10、一个小男孩走过来像我们要那个空瓶子。( come up to )11、他们坚持不完工就不休息。( insist )12、一旦你下了决心就不该轻易改变主意。( make up ones mind )13、父母所关心的是孩子的未来。( care about )14、我试图劝他放弃这次比赛,但是他不听。(persuade )15、最后妈妈让步了,给吉姆买了那

3、本图画书。( give in )16、世界似乎到了末日!( at the end )17、人们用任何他们能找到的东西建起了庇护所。(shelter)18、言语无法表达我对父母的感恩之情。( express)19、一场地震使得整个城镇成为废墟。( in ruin )20、陷入洪水的人数增加到了10,000人。(be trapped in )完形填空Every day, I would see a one-legged man. He went through ash cans for 1 and trash cans outside of 2 looking for food. It was o

4、nly a month before Christmas, starting to get cold and I could not quit thinking about him. It was a year when we didnt have enough 3 to really have much in the way of presents, but I figured what was too 4 for us would be a lot for someone who had nothing. So I 5 a toothbrush, toothpaste, a pack of

5、 cigarettes, cans of tuna, just little things that didnt cost much and then I added a blanket and 6 . I made a box up like a 7 , and went in search of this man. I saw him hobble (蹒跚) outside McDonalds. I went up to him, saying, “Id like to give you a 8 present. There are some food items in here and

6、some things you might be able to use.” He 9 and said, “No, thank you. I just had lunch. I dont need anything.” Then he 10 on down the sidewalk, leaving me standing there 11 . I took the box down to a little shop that gave things out to the 12 and homeless and told them what had happened and asked wh

7、ether they would give the box to someone who could 13 it. The person there told me not to be 14 and let my feelings be hurt as I was still crying. I told her it was not for me but for him because what I had done took away his 15 . What a great lesson for me to learn!1. A. moneyB. drinkC. cigarette D

8、. candy2. A. shopsB. roomsC. streetsD. restaurants3. A. foodB. moneyC. powerD. patience4. A. littleB. difficultC. importantD. necessary5. A. madeB. boughtC. broughtD. wrapped6. A. sweatshirtsB. pantC. umbrellaD. bowls7. A. treeB. packageC. presentD. flower8. A. ChristmasB. birthdayC. New YearD. Fath

9、ers Day9. A. stoppedB. hesitatedC. sidesteppedD. continued10. A. wentB. keptC. walkedD. hobbled11. A. in angerB. in tearsC. in silenceD. in surprise12. A. oldB. sickC. youngD. poor13. A. useB. enjoyC. valueD. want14. A. disappointedB. happyC. sadD. surprised15. A. senseB. abilityC. dignityD. respons

10、ibility 语法填空: (A) At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroads with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but 16 _ I drove up to the light, it turned red, and I braked to a halt. I looked left, right, 17_ behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there

11、I sat, 18 _ (wait) for the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction. I started wondering 19 _ I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of 20_ (catch) by the police, because there was obviously no policeman anywhere around and 21_ certainly would have been no dan

12、ger in going through it. Much later that night, the 22 question of why Id stopped for that light came back to me. I think I stopped because its part of a contract we all have with each other. Its not only the law, but its 23_ agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor it: We dont go through

13、 red lights. Like most of us, Im more ready to be stopped 24_doing something bad by the social agreement that disapproves of it25 _ by any law against it.(B)The interest in studying abroad, particularly in ESL, is on the rise around the world as students seek to obtain 26 _ university degree to adva

14、nce their job opportunities when they step into society. 27 _ , students need to decide if studying abroad will help them reach their goals.First of all, you are supposed to try to determine whether studying abroad will really help you in your future 28_ if going overseas is just a fashion or right

15、of passage for citizens in your country. Ask people 29 _ have studied overseas if the experience has helped them 30_ (educate) and financially in the long run.Secondly, consider 31 _ impact studying abroad will have on your family. Will 32 _ be a financial burden to study overseas? What are your familys expectations for you once you


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