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1、5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文3篇 一篇好的英语演讲稿能够打动评委的心灵,而且在演讲时也朗朗上口。小编为大家整理了5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文3篇,欢迎大家阅读。5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文篇I tere ae ncof goodnd bad oranges,you shud a god nges d hrow awayadorange; if y first eat bad orange, ood ornges wildeteriorte,nd yu wll nvr eat goo ornes, ifei asheaseOrage re nt the oly ft .I mens tha thre a l

2、ot o goodting inlife,we cant ony pursu heoly one. Iell u thatpople sold knw ho give p the bad ad rish t od. &uot;If you cry ly ymissin the on, henyou il also ms the tars. &q;vyo mut know hw t forgeeat nd eristhe present, eausew i e ms imporant. veryon has te past, or happy,rdHowever,he t i only in h

3、e at, w aot o bck o tepst and bry i deply in our heat. ost of the ieweieinth s,livingin he crow. Only by kwig how to gv up te ps we can go furtheforwad. We il lways kee ptisic atitud t acell, adw will have greatcuge n stggl on te roadof ife.5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文篇2 it srue thamo ofuvaluehonesty ghly. wever, o

4、aays ofnonront confece crisissuh as cheating, vchang, fae comdiesad soon. i thik that w hould b hones becse eihone is n ly bnficialto orelbtalsoto ohers andthe ole set he reasons blsted s foow.firsly,onlhonest eple canbe truly repected y the ters and can makemoe frn oe alonperd ofim. ecodly, hoety,

5、wiish aditinl virtue of the cinesepeo, cnmae our ie easer and more haronious. thirdy, onety an makeour somorea.a as in poi is tha singapre, a oietfeturigtrustworinsand integri, ha coprativellw criminal t. responbitycbundersoodinmany ways. or the rents ,they ave hadthe resnsibiiy or cain rand foseint

6、heir cldrn sicthe birh of heirbbforteahes,bothinindegarten and colles,ey lso hl e resposie orthetdy and lfo their stdents,hais o sy,teaers aretescon parents of childen smewl.frs,as a riend oters,it is our esposiblit o elp ur friendshe heyarn tle fcd ithifficulies each one s te ffrentrspnsiily ba n t

7、eirroes ut we us take it fr grnte that w ar ronsilfor teoci5分钟大学英语演讲稿范文篇3 My deinitin of ucess Today I m verylad to bereo share with yomy ideas f cess. Wht i uccs It iswhateverone is longin or.Smeimesccess ouldbeathersimple.ning a gme s success; gtin ahig gde inhe exam s succes; ng new fiend iscc;vn

8、nowIam sadig here giing speech is somhowaso sucs. Hweer, as a person&suo;s wollie i concre, sucessbecomes ver comlcae. Is fotune uccess I fam uccesshigh soci sauuccessNo, on&squo;t hink so. Ibeliee successite reaizatio o people&rquo;sos n ia.owadays, in the mode scety there ar mn peole w areregrdeda

9、s the scesful. Ad the mot ovouschacerss ofhm ae mny,hihpoition n lurius life. omostpepe believ hat succes an al that teydo i forthi purpoe u e po i weter t is realuces ellknow hr arealsmre my, hher psitioa etteodion frontf u. If eep hasngthm, where is the ed What wil atify u at ast Theeo, casee, get

10、 the ral Succ emus need soetig insid,whichs te reaiatio pople&rsuo;hops anidals. Diffeen peple havedffent ides about ucss; aus peope&r;s hope n ias aryfrom on anoter. B I a s every succss is dear to everybody, ausei is notey t coe by, case n thercs of r stiving fr sucess, we gotbothour bodan soutete

11、d, eawil are enighted byhemost valuae qualities fhuman beings: loe, patient,couag nd seneorspnityThee ar he best treur. So no I avey prod that I av his pprtuniyo tad herspekg toal f you. ismysccs, case I raiseto hallengemy h hais success vryne has hisow interretaons I o. ut I amsure eey sucessleads toanver-brghter utur. Soladie adgelen,beieve in or hpes, beleen oursvs,we, eery ne us, amkasuccesful lfe! ish you all god succss!


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