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1、s wedding band5. “Aunt Jennifers TigAedrsrien”ne RichAunt Jennifer s tigers prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens in a world of green.They do not fear the men beneath the tree; They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.Aunt Jennifer s fingers flutterihnrgout gh her wool Find even the ivory need

2、le hard to pull.The massive weight of UncleSits heavily upon Aunt Jennifers hand.When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by. The tigers in the panel that she made Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid. 杰妮夫姨妈的老虎在屏风上窜腾, 安居在绿草世界犹如黄玉般晶亮。 对于树下的人类它们不屑畏惧

3、; 自信的步态骑士般孔武而自如。 詹妮孚姨妈的手指在毛线间摸索, 甚至那象牙色钩针也难以穿梭。 姨父硕大的婚戒沉甸甸地缠绕 将詹妮孚姨妈的手指紧紧套牢。 姨妈亡故,她惊颤的双手终于放松 但主宰终生的磨难依然是她的指环。 她编织的装饰图案中,那些老虎 继续窜腾,一如既往,傲岸且无灵活运用,押韵铺垫借代比喻联想等多种修辞手法,烘托出悲怆的气氛,逼真描绘女主人公被男权社会压迫 的命运,与威风凛凛的老虎形象形成鲜明对比,表达作者对男权社会,女人的地位状况的同情和不满。The fearful,gloomy woman waiting inside her darkening room for the e

4、motional and meteorological devastation to hit could be Aunt Jennifer, who is similarly passive and terrified, overwhelmed by events that eclipsed her small strength. Aunt Jennifers Tigers is, however, an even clearer statement of conflict in women, specifically between the impulse to freedom and im

5、agination (her tapestry of prancing tigers) and the massive weight of gender roles and expectations, signified by Uncles wedding band. Although separated through the use of the third person and a different generation, neither Aunt Jennifer in her ignorance nor Rich as a poet recognizes the fundament

6、al implications of the division between imagination and duty, power and passivity. The tigers display in art the values that Aunt Jennifer must repress or displace in life: strength, assertion, fearlessness, fluidity of motion.Introduction to PoetryBilly CollinsI ask them to take a poem and hold it

7、up to the light like a color slide or press an ear against its hive.I say drop a mouse into a poem and watch him probe his way out, or walk inside the poems room and feel the walls for a light switch.7. This is Just To SayWilliam Carlos WilliamsI have eatenForgive me它们the plumsthey were delicious大概是

8、你that were inso sweet留着the iceboxand so cold.当早餐用的and which原谅我you were probably我吃了它们太好吃了saving冰箱里的那么甜for breakfast.梅子那么凉非常生活化的一首便条诗,语感棒极了,读起来就两个字:舒服.要有感情,此诗的最后四行就是抒情的 ,抒发了一种偷吃的快感。要有意象,这里是梅子。所以,它是一首诗,而且是一首经典的诗歌,曾在美国引起了哄动。此诗的前四行是叙事, 吃了冰箱里的梅子。而中间部分事遐想。能力有限,到此思维就停止了,希望得到你们的补充。I want them to waterskiacro

9、ss the surface of a poem waving at the authors name on the shore.But all they want to dois tie the poem to a chair with rope and torture a con fessi on out of it.They begi n beat ing it with a hose to find out what it really mea ns.我让他们拿起一首诗对着灯把它举起像举彩色幻灯片一样 或者把一只耳朵贴在它的巢上。王君如是说:切身地体会诗歌,才会同作者有共鸣,像我说丢只

10、老鼠到一首诗里 看它如何摸岀来, 或者在诗的屋子里走动 摸墙上的灯闸。我想要他们乘水橇 滑过一首诗的表面 冲着岸上作者的姓名挥手致意。可他们只想 拿绳子将诗捆在椅子上 给它来个屈打成招。他们开始用软管抽它 想弄清它的真正含义。他们”一样,挖空心思 以找岀它真正的意义”只会对诗歌造成伤害。我 分析们要记住的是诗中种种有趣的片段,这些瞬间而动人的,才是最本质的体验。由是,对于诗歌,我们只谈感受,不谈8. The Red WheelbarrowWilliam Carlos Williamsso much depe ndsbeside the white手推车uponchicke ns.因为雨水a r

11、ed wheel而闪光barrow这么多旁边是一群glazed with rain全靠白色的小鸡water一辆红轮子的诗人试图尝试将我们的文明根基还原到一个朴素的存在,即简单的农具和家畜的饲养。他在宣示我们的文明,无论如何绚烂夺目抑或已经走向颓势,都离不开简单的劳作和简单的工具。而这些简单的农场元素,又恰恰是我们文明最初获得生命力的表现, 人以自己对世界的认识,反省着我们和自然的关系,于是便在形而下的层面创造了我们和自然得以互动沟通的方式。9. The House on the Hill Edwin Arlington RobinsonThey are all gone away,Nor is

12、 there one to-dayFor them is wasted skill:The House is shut and still,To speak them good or ill:There is nothing more to say.There is nothing more to say.There is nothing more to say.There is ruin and decayThrough broken walls and grayWhy is it then we strayIn the House on the Hill:The winds blow bl

13、eak andAround the sunken sill?They are all gone away,shrill:They are all gone away,There is nothing more to say.They are all gone away.And our poor fancy-play他们都已离去,人迹渺茫,满目空虚,那梦幻般的嬉戏欢娱,只留下大门紧闭的老屋,谁来把陈年是非讲述,太过久远,太过模糊,冷冷清清,默默无语。冷冷清清,默默无语。冷冷清清,默默无语。断壁灰暗,往日的旧居,我们为何踏着蹒跚的步履,眼前唯有废墟,凄厉的寒风吹拂,围绕破败的门窗徘徊盼顾?山上的这

14、间老屋:他们都已离去。他们都已离去。他们都已离去,冷冷清清,默默无语s older brothers left to live“ The House on the Hill ” was once a place full of life and laughter. Once Edwin s on their own, the house became lifeless. He was already alienated by his parents, which added to his loneliness. Throughout this poem Robinson used refrai

15、n to emphasize hisloneliness.10. Richard CoryWhenever Richard Cory went down town, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a gentleman from sole to crown, Clean favored and imperially slim.To make us wish that we were in his place. So on we worked, and waited for the light, And went without the meat and cursed thebread;And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,And he was always quietly arrayed,And he was always human when he talked, But still he fluttered pulses when he said, Good-morning,


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