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1、单元加餐练基础过关卷.单句语法填空1.The particularly (particular) huge building across the street blocked our view of the mountain.2.The lady shut the door heavily and burst out crying (cry).3.I have no sympathy for students who get caught cheating in exams.4.The discouraging (discourage) result made him disappointe

2、d.5.Stop spending your savings so fast, or youll end up as a failure.6.The more careful you are, the better results you will get (get).7.Having been ill for weeks, he had a hard time passing (pass) the exams.8.Women and children were the first to get (get) into the lifeboats.9.I will not have you ta

3、lking (talk) to your mother like that.10.By the time I got up, my sister had washed(wash) all the clothes.选词填空end up,have sympathy for,count on,go wrong,figure out,knock over,in a way,be particular about1.I knocked over the bucket and the water poured out all over the floor.2.Dont be particular abou

4、t what you eat and wear; pay attention to your study.3.In a way, I can see what you mean, even though I dont share your point of view.4.I have sympathy for her because she brought up the two children on her own.5.Dont count on it. Youll be disappointed when you are lack of money.6.I still cant figur

5、e out why she burst into tears just now.7.At first, he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing.8.Should anything go wrong, let me know at once.完成句子1.All the books in the library will be available to the students.图书馆里所有的书籍将供学生们阅读。2.Write the phone number down in case you forg

6、et.把电话号码记下来以免你忘记了。3.If you do as she told you to, you wont go wrong.你要是按照她说的去做,就不会走弯路。4.The less carefully you work, the more mistakes you will make.你工作越粗心,出错就越多。5.I cant put up with their bad behavior any longer.我再也不能忍受他们的恶劣行为了。6.They had intended to arrive in Shanghai before ten oclock, but the tr

7、ain was late.他们本来打算十点前到达上海,可是火车晚点了。7.The village has expanded into a mediumsized town in the past ten years.在过去的十年中,这个村子发展成为一个中等的城镇了。8.The bridge was named after the hero who sacrificed his life for the country.这座桥是以这位英雄的名字命名的。他为国家牺牲了生命。.单元语法专练一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.He said he would go to see the play,alth

8、ough he had seen (see) it before.2.My classmate said he had given (give) the book to the English teacher two hours before.3.Did you go anywhere on holiday?I had hoped (hope) to go to Hawaii,but I didnt catch the plane in time.4.He told me that he had known (know) her since he was a child.5.We had pa

9、inted (paint) the house before we moved (move) in last year.6.I didnt leave until he had finished(finish) his homework.7.When she turned around the corner,she found that the road had already been blocked (block) out.8.I still didnt figure out what had happened (happen) to her because she was discour

10、aged when I met her.9.It was the second time that he had rushed (rush) out of the classroom without permission.10.They got discouraged (discourage) and went home.11.He wants to have his eyes examined (examine) tomorrow.12.You cant get the stubborn boy to change (change) his mind.13.The troublesome b

11、oy had his fathers car window broken (break).14.You shouldnt have had the precious time wasted (waste) on computer games.15.It was very cold.No matter how hard I tried,I still couldnt get the car running (run) again.二、单句改错1.Experiments of this kind has been conducted in both the U.S. and Europe well

12、 before the Second World War.hashad2.By the time Jack returned home from England,his son graduated from college.在graduated前面加上had3.It was the first time I walk in the park together with a girl.walkhad walked4.Claire had her luggage check an hour before her plane left.checkchecked5.The peasants had t

13、he tractors to work day and night at the harvest time.to workworking.微写作 根据提示,利用本单元所学知识,完成下面的小作文。1.在回家的路上,我偶遇一个老人在路边乞讨。(on ones way home, come across)2.又冷又饿,他躺在地上。(cold and hungry)3.除此之外,他还忍受着来自他人的漠视和嘲笑。(put up with)4.我不理解他是怎样来到这儿的。(figure out)5.他被子女抛弃了吗?(abandon)6.我毫不犹豫地尽我最大的努力帮助他。7.他告诉我说这是他第一次感受到来

14、自陌生人的温暖。(It is the first time that.)8.从那以后,我想既然每个人都有年老的时候,我们应该善待自己的父母。(now that)【参考范文】On my way home, I came across an old man who was begging by the road.Cold and hungry,he was lying on the ground. In addition to this, he put up with indifference and ridicule from others.I didnt figure out how he a

15、rrived here. Was he abandoned by his own sons and daughters? Without hesitation, I tried my best to help him. He told me that it was the first time that he had felt the warmth from a stranger. After that,I am thinking now that everyone gets old,we should treat our parents kindly.题型组合卷.语法填空Aziza Rahimzada,only 14 years old,is a candidate (候选人) for the International Childrens Peace Prize.She as well as millions of other children in Afghanistan (阿富汗),1.lives (live) in the flames of war.Many people are poor because of the war.Some children there cant



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