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1、翻译方法和技巧(一)翻译的基础知识 一、翻译的定义 “translation” : “The conversion of one language into another, often used specifically with reference to written texts, as opposed to the interpretation of spoken language.”二、翻译的标准 Alexander F. Tytler 提出了翻译三原则: First general rule: A translation should give a complete transcr

2、ipt of the ideas of the original. Second general rule: The style and manner of writing in a translation should be of the same character with the original. Third general rule: A translation should have all the ease of original composition. 严复的信达雅翻译标准 用今天的话说,“信”为忠实准确,“达”为通顺流畅,“雅”为文字优美。 “ 既须求真,又须求俗” 商务

3、文体的翻译,该种文体的翻译不仅要忠实于原文所要传递的信息,而且译文要 规范精确、明白易懂, 符合译入语的文化习俗和读者的可接受性。所以在商务文体 翻译中,“信”必不可少,“达”则更显重要。 例 1:Treasury securities are revalued daily. 珍宝的安全每天都在重新估算。(误译) 这个译文的错误主要在于对securities 一词的理解。作为普通用词security意为“安 全”例如The Security Council,但在商务背景中,可以理解为“抵押、担保”或证券、 债券”等。因此,该句应改译为: 国库券每天都重新估算。 例 2:New York ECO

4、 Group has 5 share-holding companies.纽约ECO集团拥有5个控股子公司。 译者的商贸知识有所欠缺, share-holding company 指控制或持有某公司股权的股东 公司。原文的意思是:5 个公司持有纽约 ECO 集团的股份。 回译应改译为:New York ECO Group is a holding company of 5 subsidiary companies. 或者 New York ECO Group holds shares of 5 subsidiary companies. 例:中国民生银行有限公司 China Minsheng

5、Banking Corporation, Ltd. corporation本身为有限公司,相当于limited company,英文译文中无需再力”Ltd” 应改译为: China Minsheng Banking Corporation Corporation 法人、集团公司、股份有限公司 Microsoft corporation Inc. 股份有限公司 (Incorporated)Apple Inc. Co., Ltd Company Limited,有限公司 Company 公司的总称三、翻译的过程三个阶段 1. 理解阶段 :理解内容,还要理解原文的语言特点和创作风格。 例 1: Th

6、ere are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef. 地里放牧的是牛,餐桌上吃的是牛肉。 例 2: This Bill of Lading is issued a negotiable form, so it shall contribute title to the goods and the holder, by endorsement of B/L. Negotiable “ 可谈判的,可协商的”但在商务英语当中则理解为“可转让的,可买卖 的” 所签发的提单为可转让的,故只要在提单上背书,就确定了货物和持票人的所有权。 考考“ ti

7、tle” 有什么意思? 2. 表达阶段:好坏既取决于译者对原文的理解,以关涉译者的文学水平,翻译技巧 的运用和百科知识的深度和广度 例 1: Payment will be made by 100% confirmed, irrevocable letter of Credit available by sight draft. 应该按照 100% 即期的,不能取消的保兑信用证进行付款。 付款方式为 100% 即期、保兑、不可撤消信用证 例 2:他们闹着要吃李先生的喜酒。 They insisted jokingly that Mr. should invite them to a drink

8、 of happiness. They insisted jokingly that Mr. should invite them to his wedding feast. 3. 校核阶段: “一字难易”四、翻译方法直译和意译 直译不但要把原文的意思完整准确地表达出来,而且基本保留原文的语言形式,如 词语、句子结构、修辞手法等等。 例: shed crocodile tears/ Pandora box /a wolf in sheeps clothing blue chip (蓝筹股)/bull/ bear market For your reference, were enclosing

9、 few copies of leaflets, and will send you samples under separate cover. 供你方参考,兹随函附上几份说明书并另寄样品。 意译是在直译行不通的时候。在原文正确理解的基础上,重新遣词造句,把原文用 通顺的译文表达出来。 例: Turn swords into ploughs 化干戈为玉帛 China cant develop in isolation from the rest of the world. 关起门来搞建设是不成的,中国的发展离不开世界。 翻译的方法和技巧(二) 汉英句子的结构差异和翻译 一、汉英句子的结构差异-

10、树与河 “ 就句子结构论,西文是法治的,中国语言是人治”。英文是形合(hypotaxis)以谓语动词为中心,通过大量反映形式关系的动词不定式、 分词、介词、连词、关系代词、关系副词把句子层层搭建,有中心向外扩展。 汉语是意合(parataxis)。通过多个东西连用或流水句,按时间顺序,一件一件交代 清楚。层层铺开。英语句子结构是语法的(SVO);而汉语句子结构是受阴阳逻辑,结构分为话题和说 明两部分。 二、汉英句子互译技巧 英语重形合,汉语重意合销售人员回来时已经很晚,将近晚上十一点了。(话题+说明) It was quite late when the sales representativ

11、e got back, nearly eleven oclock in the evening. Why waste breath on them, who have turned such an unwilling ear?(既然)他们不愿意听,何必对其白费口舌呢?(时间的顺序) 英语重前心,汉语重后心 Anyone involved could not escape from the net.任何有牵连的人都无法漏网。 揭开这种老八股、老教条的丑态给人民看,号召人民起来反对老八股、老教条,这 就是五四运动时期的一个极大功绩。 A tremendous achievement of the

12、May 4th Movement was its public exposure of the ugliness of old stereotype and the old dogma and its call to the people to rise against them. 英语是静态语言,汉语是动态语言。 The meeting is a success.这次会开得好。 We are short of hands.我们正缺人手。英语重物称,汉语重人称 A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Tom in.汤姆进门时,带来一缕雪茄烟雾。 你怎么啦? What

13、 happened to you? / whats wrong with you?英语被动句多于汉语 She was asked 10 questions in the oral exam and answered every one correctly. 口试时问了她十个问题,她都一一答对了。 A few years ago it was thought unusual that program could ever be called up by viewers to be displayed on their screen at home.几年前人们还认为,观众居然能够打电话要求在自己家

14、里的电视上点播节目是一件 稀罕事。英语多复合长句,汉语多简单短句 I am happy to think that there will be no difficulty in finding plenty of people whose loss will be a distinct gain to society at large. 我十分欣慰地认为, 将来会不难找到大批这样的人物:他们以自己的损失,给整个 社会带来极大地利益。英语多头轻脚重(孔雀尾),汉语多头重脚轻(狮子头) It is a good plan to imagine an argument with a person h

15、aving a different bias. 借助于想象与持不同偏见的人进行辩论, 是一个很好的办法。 汉语的定语状语等修饰语常常位于被修饰语的之前。英语则相反。另外英语重视末 端重量,甚至使用假主语来避免头重脚轻, 英语重时体;汉语轻时体 He is trying to persuade his boss. 他试图说服老板。 What were you doing at 9 oclock last Sunday?上周日晚上九点你在干什么?英语常用间接肯定否定,汉语常用直接肯定否定 I couldnt agree with you more. 我太赞成你的看法了。 If you have a car, you are independent of trains and buses. 如果有小汽车,就不用去坐火车或挤公交车。 英语或在主句否定,汉语在从句否定 我们建立公司的目的不只是为了追逐利润。 We set up the corporation not merely because we want to make profits.



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