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1、外研九年级英语上册Module 3教学设计一、指导思想:依据以国家英语课程标准对初级中学英语学习的目标及要求为依据,通过语言技能、语言知识、情感、策略与文化意识五个方面,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。二、教材分析:本模块以学生们喜爱参加的体育活动为主线,以谈论体育项目比赛和体育明星为题材来开展学习。能让学生在学习中了解我国体育运动情况和体育明星,并且学习运动员不畏艰险、顽强拼搏的精神。1. 本模块的主要内容:本模块在复习前一模块中出现了一般现在时被动语态之外还大量地使用了一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态,并且对这一语法进行了系统的归纳,为进一步学习其他时态的被动语态做好了铺垫。使学生能更好地判断

2、主动语态和被动语态的区别。2. 本模块的重点:掌握和正确使用下列单词和词组:allow, defeat, stand for, against, tough, encourage, medal, record, set, set up, first of all, represent, advertisement, coach, regularly, race, 掌握和正确使用下列句型:Youve got no chance! What do you reckon? Dont let them get to you! Nice work! First of all, hell be invit

3、ed to competitions around the world. Now that hes well known all over the world. But his coach Sun Haiping is making sure that he trains regularly. Then, in 1998, his skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping.理解下列单词和词组:sporting, season, overnight, yearbook, sportsman, hurdle, hurdling,

4、sportsman, discussion, award, finishing line, marathon, turn, taekwondo, belt.语法:一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态。3. 本模块的难点:如何熟练地运用本模块的单词、句型和词组。能准确地运用一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态。三、学情分析:1、学生对话题的熟悉度:九年级学生对明星有强烈的好奇心,以及对新鲜事物强烈求知欲望,所以本模块就利用学生喜爱的篮球运动这一话题,激发学生的参与热情,调动起他们的学习积极性与主动性,发挥主动意识,积极参与课堂,从而达到我们的教学目的。2、学生已有的基础:通过二年多的学习,学生已积累了一

5、定的词汇量和能熟练地掌握动词的各种时态,加上前一模块的学习,此时学生能区别主动语态与被动语态的区别,并且掌握了一般现在时的被动结构。3.、学生在学习中的困难预测:本模块新单词和词组较多,可能会影响学生在阅读中对课文的理解,读前应先预做处理。而本模块的内容是在前一模块的基础上进一步加深,学生不会有不知所措感,但毕竟是新的内容,因此,在教学的过程中,我们应该多举例子,让学生有机会去总结和发现语法规律。四、教学目标: 1、知识目标:掌握和正确使用下列单词和词组:allow, defeat, stand for, against, tough, encourage, medal, record, se

6、t, set up, first of all, represent, advertisement, coach, regularly, race, 掌握和正确使用下列句型:Youve got no chance! What do you reckon? Dont let them get to you! Nice work! First of all, hell be invited to competitions around the world. Now that hes well known all over the world. But his coach Sun Haiping i

7、s making sure that he trains regularly. Then, in 1998, his skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping.语法:一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态语音:能正确地朗读课本的对话及课文。2、能力目标:能听懂关于介绍体育比赛的对话,能够谈论自己喜欢的体育比赛或报道,能掌握从描写体育明星或体育活动的文章获取有效信息的技能,学会写一篇关于最喜欢的体育明星的短文。五、课时分配及各课时教学内容:Period 1:Listening and vocabulary & Pronunciatio

8、n and speakingPeriod 2:Reading and vocabularyPeriod 3:Writing& Around the world & Module taskPeriod 4:Language in use.六、教学过程:Period 1: Listening and vocabulary& Pronunciation and speakingType of lesson: Listening and speaking教学目标:1. 语言知识目标: 学习并掌握下列词汇和句型:allow, defeat, stand for, against, tough, Youv

9、e got no chance! What do you reckon? Dont let them get to you! Nice work! 语法:学习一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态的结构和用法2、能力目标:能在听懂关于介绍体育比赛的对话的同时谈论自己喜欢的运动队或体育明星。3、情感目标:通过学习体育赛事的有关对话,培养学生将英语运用到日常会话中的能力;通过对体育明星的介绍开阔学生的视野,拓宽学生的兴趣爱好面。教学重、难点:熟练运用本课新词及句型,灵活运用一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态的结构和用法教学过程:Step 1: Lead-in 1. Warming upHello, boy

10、s and girls! How are you? Nice to see you! Its a nice day, isnt it? Lets do sports this afternoon. Do you like sport? Whats your favourite sport? 2. Lead in and present: Look, there are some pictures about sports. Lets have a look at them. ( Talk about the pictures with the students)设计目的:利用学生熟悉的话题激起

11、学生的兴趣,投入到课堂讨论中来。从而引出本课的主题Step 2: Activity 1 Choose several students to read the words in the box and check their pronunciation.Ask the students to look at the photos and describe them in groups.设计目的:进一步地让学生来讨论学生的喜爱的运动来提高学生的口语能力,并且利用直观图片,为引出后面的听力内容做铺垫Step 3 Listen and read: 1. Ask the students to lis

12、ten to the tape and fill in the sentences:1) The Schools Basketball Competition is the big _ next week.2) BIG will play against HAS next _.3) Betty is going to write a _ for New Standard。4)Betty thinks they have got no _!5) Tony and Daming think they will _ the match.Then check the answers with the

13、students.设计目的:锻炼学生的听力水平,以及捕捉关键信息点的能力2. Ask the students to listen to the tape for Activity 3 and then read through the dialogue.3. Go through the main phrases and the sentences.1) allow sb to do sth, 2) be defeated , 3) stand for, 4) play against, 5) a tough match, 6) Youve got no chance! 7) What do

14、 you reckon? 8) Dont let them get to you! 9) Nice work!Tell the students how to use these phrases and the sentences.设计目的:锻炼学生的朗读能力,能正确地朗读本课对话同时适当讲解课文中的词组,加深学生记忆。Step 4 Read and answer 1. Ask the students to complete the table in Activity 4. Then ask the students to discuss the answers in groups. Cal

15、l out the answers.2. Read the dialogue in pairs and finish Activity 5. choose several groups to answer the questions and check the answer.设计目的:锻炼学生的朗读表演能力,强调对学生正确知识的输入,同时还要培养学生的自信心。Step 5 GrammerRead Activity 3 with partners and find out the sentences with the simple future passive voice and simple past passive voice and write them down.You were defeated last time.When will the match be held?I wasnt chosen this time.You wont be allowed to watch with our fans if thats what you think!Discuss and learn the structure of the simple future passive voice



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