Sexism in English and Chinese英语专业毕业论文

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《Sexism in English and Chinese英语专业毕业论文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Sexism in English and Chinese英语专业毕业论文(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语和汉语语言文化中的性别歧视Sexism in English and Chinese ContentsAbstract. 1 Key words1I. Introduction2 II. Different Views about Sexism.3III. Sexism in Languages 5 1. Sexism in word-formation rules.52. Sexism in the lexicon6 IV. Sexism in Social Life71. Sexism in names .7 2. Sexism in place names.8 V. The Caus

2、es of Sexism in English and Chinese.9 1. Historical factors9 2. Physiological and psychological factors.10 3. Cultural factors .10 VI. The Desexism in the English and Chinese.11 VII. Conclusion .11 References 12 Sexism in English and ChineseAbstract: The research on sexism in English can be traced t

3、o a long time ago. In the 1920s many linguistics and socialists have put forward this view that there were so many words in English that can only be used for male or female. The research on sexism in Chinese just followed womans rights movement in 1919. Words that show the discrimination based on ge

4、nder, especially discrimination against women are very common phenomenon not only in past period but also in our time. Studying this issue would help English learners understand both languages and cultures from this aspect. It will also benefit us to focus on the comparison and contrast of these two

5、 languages. Furthermore, it helps us establish our harmonious society, hence more and more linguistics and socialists are doing their contributions to such problem. This paper discusses sexism in the two languages and cultures from a comparative perspective.Key words: Sexism; English and Chinese; La

6、nguages and Cultures摘要:很久以前就有人对英语中的性别歧视现象进行了研究。二十世纪的二十年代,许多语言学家和社会学家认为英语中的大量词汇只能单独用于男性或女性。中国的性别歧视研究是在“五四”运动跟随西方女权运动而兴起的。基于性别的差异而出现的语言歧视,特别是针对女性的现象不仅存在于过去也存在于如今。通过对这一现象的研究不仅能帮助英语学习者更好的了解二者的语言和文化,而且能让我们受益非浅通过对汉语和英语的对比研究。更重要的是它将有助和谐社会的建立。因此,越来越多的语言学家和社会学家投入到这项工作中。这篇问章将从对比的角度讨论汉语和英语语言、文化中的性别歧视。关键词:性别歧视;

7、 英语和汉语; 语言和文化I. Introduction Language is the carrier and mirror of culture. All kinds of phenomena, good or bad, can be reflected in it. Firstly, let us find out what sexism is. Webster Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary provides a definition: prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially discri

8、mination against women. Longman English Dictionary gives another explanation: based on sex, especially man looks down upon female. America Traditional Dictionary gives such a definition: one sex directs the other, esp. man looks down upon female. So, based on the above definitions, “sexism” refers t

9、o the gender discriminations against female at the most time.Otto Jesperson, a Danish linguist, in his Growth and Structure of the English Language (1923), pointed out that English is the most masculine language as far as he is concerned. So its necessary to discuss sexism in English.The phenomenon

10、of sexism exists in English. Does it exist in Chinese? Of course, it does. Like other cultures, China has a long history of sexist social conventions, and the Chinese language is pervaded with evidence of sexism. Something in the Chinese tradition never quite gave woman her due from primeval times.

11、The respect for woman, certain tenderness toward the female sex, which was characteristic of the Teutonic races already in their barbaric days, was absent in the early pages of Chinese history. As early as the time of the folk songs, collected in the Book of Poems, there was a gender inequality, for

12、 “when a baby boy was born, he was laid on the bed, and given jade to play with, and when a baby girl was born, she was laid on the floor and given a tile to play with.” However, woman was not subjected until she was civilized. The progressive subjection of woman followed pace by pace the increasing

13、 development of Confucianism. Confucianism saw that this sexual differentiation was necessary for social harmony. Perhaps, it was quite near the truth or maybe not. And the author of Womans Guide, Pan Chao, was the great exponent of the “Three Obediences and Four Virtues”. The Three Obediences were: when a woman is in her maiden home she obeys her father; when married she obeys her husband; and when her husband dies she obeys her son.” Furthermore, in the Ming Dynasty this doctrine of chaste widowhood became an official institution. Along with the developmen



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