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1、Unit 3 My Friends 教学目的:1能听懂,会说:whats her name? Her name ishe/she likes 2 能听懂,会说:boy or girl ?以及其它带有or的句子。3 学说lets chant的歌谣 。教学重点:掌握句型whats her name? her name ishe/she likes教学难点:区分whats his name?与whats her name?教学过程:Step 1 warm up1.greetingT:class,are your ready? S:yes.T: now, class begins. good morn

2、ing, boys and girls.S: good morning. 2.revionsT: everyone, look at me. I do, you say ,OK?S: listen to music/do sports/make friends/paint/play computer gamesT: youre right.Step 2 learn the dialogueT: class, lets have a match. youre group1,youre group2.(将全班分成两大组进行比赛,看哪组苹果树上的苹果多,苹果多的哪组就是这节课的获胜者。)T:this

3、 time,lets play a guessing game.(课件展示物品,学生根据内容回答。)T: red or pink? tall or strong? long or short? notebook or story-book?S: pink/tall/long/notebook.T: oh, youre right. can you spell this word or?S: yes, o-r, or. (板书boy or girl? 将苹果奖励给表现好的哪组。)T: boy or girl?(课件出现mike) S: a boy.T: whos he? S: hes mike.

4、 T: whats his name? S: his name is mike.T: boy or girl?(课件出现Amy) S: a girl.T: whos she? S:shes amy. T: whats her name? (放慢语速,并指导学生回答。)S:her name is Amy.(板书her name is Amy. 学生拼读单词her)教师走到学生中询问学生的名字,学生用已学的和新学的句型回答.(his name is /her name is )在练习回答的过程中,教学新的句型whats her name?(板书)。运用男生女生问答、小组问答来操练新的句子。对表现好

5、的组奖励苹果。T:this time,answer my questions.(课件出示白雪公主 樱桃小丸子 红太狼等 )whats his/her name?S:his/her name isT:(课件展示图片)look, this is my friend. He likes painting. Now, you say he/she likesT:(课件出示对话图片)whats his name?/whats her name?S: his name is john./her name is Chen Jie.教师要求同学们带着问题听对话。who is johns friend? who

6、 is Chen Jies friend?Step 3 lets chant课件展示内容,教师指导学生认读。1. 听录音,学生伴着节奏跟读。 2. 学生边做动作边说唱。Step 4 games听音猜人。请一名学生上台背对全班同学,台下一名学生变声打招呼hello, good morning/good afternoon台下同学问:boy or girl?台上的同学根据声音判断a boy/a girl.台下同学接着问whats his/her name?台上同学用his/her name is说猜的人的名字。Step 5 homework请同学们课后将你好朋友的特征及爱好用英语描述出来。教学反思: 这节课上过之后,感觉学生学得还是很快乐、自然、实在,学得也很投入。课堂中在进行游戏、比赛时,学生的热情很高,也乐于参与其中,愿意去用语言去表达。我在教学进行到后面游戏环节时显得急了点,急于结束课。从这节课中,也看到了学生薄弱点,今后要多加强学生的听力训练。



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