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1、初中英语语法学习之时态高频考点四种时态与时间状语(1)一般现在时。1)除单数第三人称外,谓语皆用动词原形表示,包括:经常(习惯性)的行为:He listens to the radio every day现在的状态:They look fine客观真理和事实:The earth goes around the sun常用时间状语;often,always,sometimes,usually,once aweek(month),every day(year),on Sunday等。2)歌诀:“是”有几变要记清, “am,is are”共 三种。“do型”“单三”加s, 其它一律用原形。还有hav

2、e和has, 人称不可胡乱用。表“有”还有there be, be要随着主语定。现在经常反复事, 主语能力或特征。定律、规律和真理, “时、地、条件从句中”。3)行前系(助)后sometimes,usually,always,often常用于行为动词之前,系、助动词之后。如;He often walks very slowlyHe doesnt often walk very slowlyHe is often very angry(2)现在进行时。1)由be的现在时形式现在分词构成。表示:说话时刻正在进行的行为:He is writing a book now现阶段正在进行的行为:He is

3、 writing a book thesedays常见时间状语;now,these days(years)等。2)歌诀:进行时,很好记: be加“动词ing”,be表时态“现、过去”, 形式随着主语易。某点阶段用进行, 动词必是延续性,动词若是非延续, 最近将来时常用。(3)一般将来时。1)表示将来的行为或状态,可由下列方式表示:shall(will)原形动词:He will be fifteen next yearbe going to原形动词:Hes going to buy a car soonbe动作动词(go,come,leave,start)ing形式to be to原形动词:Th

4、ese children are to go toschool next termto be about原形动词:The meeting is about to be-gin对照区分:He will leave home tomorrow他明天将离开家。He is going to leave home tomorrow他打算明天离开家。He is leaving home tomorrow他明天就要离开家了。2)歌诀:事情在将来, “一次”或“经常”。shall和will, 加在“原形”上,还可来表示, “必然”或“倾向”。3)口语用be going to来表示人的主观上的意愿和打算、人对一

5、种必须或趋势的主观判断以及一个在眼前即将发生的动作。换句话讲,与人的主观愿望或判断无关的,客观上将来必要发生的事情一般不用be going to,而用shall或 will。有时还可以用“beabout”表示即将发生的行为,请看歌诀:啥事即将要发生, 不带主观和感情,常用句型有一个, 用be加上about。(4)一般过去时。1)用动词的过去式表示。包括:过去经常的行为(或状态):He wrote to me twice amonth过去某次的行为(或状态):He wrote to me last Tues-day常用时间状语:yesterday(yesterday morning),lastw

6、eek(year),ago(如three years ago),this mroning(Monday),then,at that time等。2)歌诀:be用was或用were, Have,has变had。“Do”型正规加ed, 若是特殊得硬记。事情发生在过去, 经常、反复或连续,时间可长也可短, 动词时态用“过去”。时态的呼应英语中的时态呼应(the sequence of tenses)就是在主句时态为“非现在时”时,从句的时态必须与主句相呼应。其规则如下: 1.主句谓语为现在时或者将来时态,从句中的谓语时态可以不受影响,即按照意思决定时态。如:It is reported that t

7、hey are building a new railway. Will you please tell us how you got to know it? 2.如果主句谓语为过去时,则从句谓语的时态要做相应改变。 (1)一般现在时改为一般过去时,如:I dont know where they live. I didnt know where they lived. (2)现在进行时改为过去进行时,如:He wants to know how youre doing. He wanted to know how you were doing. (3)现在完成时改为过去完成时,如:I won

8、der if they have got a reply. I wondered if they had got a reply. (4)现在完成进行时改为过去完成进行时,如:I know you have been worrying about us. I knew you had been worrying about us. (5)一般将来时改为过去将来时,如:I hope she will find a job soon. I hoped she would find a job soon. (6)将来进行时改为过去将来进行时,如:I think she will be playing

9、 golf this time on Sunday. I thought she would be playing golf this time on Sunday. (7)将来完成时改为过去将来完成时,如:I expect he will have changed his mind by tomorrow. I expected he would have changed his mind by tomorrow. (8) 将来完成进行时改为过去将来完成进行时,如:She will have been teaching in this university for 20 years by t

10、his summer. She told me that she had been teaching in this university for 20 years by this summer条件现在时A 条件现在时由wouldshould+动词原形构成(用于第一人称),或由would+动词原形构成(用于其他人称):肯定式: I wouldId workI should work you wouldyoud work等否定式: I would notwouldnt work或I should notshouldnt work you would notwouldnt work等疑问式: wo

11、uldshould I work? would you work?等否定疑问式: should I notshouldnt I work? would you notwouldnt you work?等B 这种形式用于:(a)条件句中。(b)would和should的特殊用法中。(c)过去将来时。当主句的主要动词是过去时的时候,从句中就必须用 wouldshould而不用 willshall:I hope(that) I willshall succeed我希望我会成功。I hoped(that) I wouldshould succeed我曾希望我会成功。I know(that) he will be in time我知道他会赶得上的。I knew(that) he would be in time我当时知道他会赶得上的。He thinks(that) they will give him a visa他想他们会给他签证。He thought(that) they would give him a visa他本想他们会给他签证。I expect(that)the plane will be diverted我料想飞机会改变航线。I expected(that)the plane would be diverted我本料想飞机会改变航线。学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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