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1、M8 U1 The written wordPeriod 1 Word StudyPart The preview sheet预习单 一、 词性变化1. adaptation n.改编,改写vt.改编,改写;使适应,使适合 adapt adj.能适应的,适应性强的 adaptable 2. tension n.紧张(局势);张力,拉力adj.拉紧的;紧张的;易怒的 tense vt.使(某人/物)变得紧张 tense 3. fortune n.财富,运气,好运n.不幸,灾祸 misfortune adj.幸运的 fortunate adv.幸运 fortunately 4. abrupt ad

2、j.突然的;生硬的;(言语)不流畅的,不连贯的;(斜坡)陡峭的adv.突然地;粗鲁地 abruptly 5. prejudice n.偏见adj. 有偏见的 prejudiced 6. wealth n.财富adj. 富有的 wealthy adj.健康的 healthy n.健康 health 7. educated adj. 受过教育的;有教养的v.教育 educate n. 教育 education 8. abnormal adj.不正常的;反常的,异常的adj. 正常的 normal adv. 正常地,按惯例 normally 9. abuse vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用n. 对某人/物的

3、滥用、妄用、虐待 abuse adj.辱骂的,责骂的 abusive 10. pressure vt.对施加压力,迫使n.压力 pressure 11. sigh n.&vi. 叹息,叹气n.符号;手势;招牌;征兆 vt.签名;做手势表示 sign 12. scarf n.围巾,头巾pl. scarfs/ scarves n.屋顶(pl.) roofs n.狼(pl.) wolves n.肚子;胃(pl.) stomachs 13. entertaining adj.令人愉快的,有趣的vt.使某人快乐(with);招待,款待(某人)(to) entertain n.U招待,款待;C娱乐(活动)

4、;演出 entertainment 14. urban adj.城市的adj.乡村的,在乡村的;有乡村特点的 rural 15. tend vi.趋向,倾向(to do sth.)vt.照料,照管(某人/物)n.(人或物呈现的)倾向,趋势(to/towards)/(to do sth.) tendency 二、重要短语1. be desperate to do 拼命做某事be desperate / eager / dying for 渴望得到2. in vain 徒劳的3. spring up突然涌现4. be resistant to 对有抵抗力5. be worn / burnt / t

5、ired out 筋疲力尽6. in rags 衣衫褴褛7. intend sb. / sth. to do打算做 be intended to do 目的是做某事be intended for 为而设计with the intention of 带着意图8. on the run 躲避;忙碌(on the go)9. pose a threat to 对构成威胁10. in debts 负债11. have a reputation for 享有声誉12. the monument to the Peoples Heroes 人民英雄纪念碑13. live up to ones expect

6、ations 不辜负某人的期望Part The consolidation sheet巩固单一 单词拼写1. The 23-year-olds screams alerted a passerby who went to her r_.2. The signing of this agreement will help to reduce international t_. 3. A g_ person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.4. The _ (特征) of a person o

7、r thing are the qualities or features that belong to them and make them recognizable.5. If you are d_, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it.6. When she had attempted to cut his nails he _ (抵制).7. As visitors, the least we can do is be c_ to the people in

8、their own land.8. Three years later, he is still paying off his _ (债务).9. The young man was fined for _ (吐唾沫) in the street.10. In the center of Tiananmen Square, there is the _ (纪念碑) to the Peoples Heroes.二 短语填空Live up to, touch on, be bent on, spring up, be intended for, be desperate for, come to

9、ones rescue1. Carl surprised everyone by _ from behind a chair.2. This report _ a major problem we are having.3. He designed a type of car which _ the disabled.4. The old lady held onto the tree until the soldiers _.5. The results of the experiment have _ the expectations of the researchers.6. James

10、 _ going abroad alone, and nothing could stop him.7. I wish companies _ employees in this year. The job is so hard to apply.三 单选1. The Super Girls Voice cannot _ its name when it does not produce a girl who is the beauty of beauties and whose singing is a girls voice.A. fit in with B. catch up with

11、C. live up to D. hold on to2. To avoid poverty, the young man _ entering the world of the rich. A. is determined toB. is bent onC. decide toD. intends to3. The big hall, which _ the school library is now the place for meetings.A. was intended toB. was intended for C. was used to D. was meant to4. Th

12、e thief broke in, trying to open the safe, but _. A. in no way B. in vain C. without effect D. at a loss5. Whenever he fails in an exam, his parents _ ask him to find out the cause. A. tend toB. intend toC. decide toD. refer to6. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any

13、gift from his patients, so he has a very good_.A. expectation B. reputation C. contribution D. civilization7. _ after a long walk, Henry called and said he couldnt come. A. Having worn out B. Being worn out C. To wear out D. Worn out8. It has been revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overwork9. _ Chinese traditional paintings, Sally has come to China to learn how to paint. AAdoring



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