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1、 英女王戴狐皮帽被指“太残忍”Royals are accused of ”ostentatious cruelty” over their fur hats英国女王伊丽莎白二世和康沃尔公爵夫人卡米拉因带皮帽参与教堂礼拜而遭到动物爱护者的剧烈责备。虽然女王的发言人随后发表声明说“女王不确定皮帽是真皮做的,卡米拉也强调说她的帽子是用她母亲的帽子翻新制作而成,但是动物爱护者们并不买账,照旧指责说王室成员穿戴动物皮毛会“给人们树立不好的典范”。2022年索菲王妃就因戴一顶狐皮帽子去滑雪而遭到动物爱护者们声讨,事后她不得不赔礼说她的行为是“推断错误”所致。善待动物组织(Peta)发言人说“英国人很喜爱

2、动物,盼望女王陛下以后选择穿着的时候,能够选择一些更人性化,更能表达英国人民价值观的衣物。”The Queen and the Duchess of Cornwall came under fire from animal rights campaigners yesterday after they both wore fur hats on Christmas Day.The Russian-style hats they wore to attend a church service in Sandringham with other members of the Royal Famil

3、y were made from fur from different types of fox, claimed experts.Andrew Tyler, director of Animal Aid, said: “This strikes me as an ostentatious display of cruelty. To parade fur in 2022 says something unpleasant about the person wearing it.“The Cossack-style hat worn by Camilla was made from ”vint

4、age fur”, by designer milliner Philip Treacy, using a piece of fur which had previously belonged to the duchess”s mother.A spokesman for the Queen said she could not confirm if Her Majesty”s cream-coloured hat and matching coat trim were made from real fur but experts said they were convinced it was

5、.Many fashion designers continue to use fur in their collections, and campaigners have expressed fears that it has come back into style. They have called on celebrities and members of the Royal Family to ”set a good example” by choosing not to wear animal pelts.The Queen has worn fur in the past and

6、 her official robes for State occasions are trimmed with ermine, the winter coat of the stoat.Camilla faced anger from animal rights organisations last year, when she wore fur twice during an official visit to Canada.First she wore a grey rabbit stole when she visited Newfoundland, together with a h

7、at trimmed with fake fur. She then donned a calf-length cape lined with grey fox fur.Both pieces were said to have been ”refashioned” from vintage fur that had belonged to her grandmother, Sonia Cubitt, Baroness Ashcombe, whose mother, Alice Keppel, was a mistress of Edward VII.The ethical question

8、of ”recycling” vintage fur has split opinion, but Mr Tyler said: ”It doesn”t matter when the animal was killed, its a body part and a product of cruelty.”In 2022 Prince Edward”s wife Sophie apologised after she was seen wearing a fox fur hat. The Countess of Wessex said her decision to wear the hat

9、on a skiing holiday in St Moritz, Switzerland, was ”an error of judgment”.Legislation to ban fur farming in Britain was passed that same year following a lengthy campaign highlighting the physical and psychological distress suffered by animals in some fur farms.However, it remains legal to import fu

10、r and in China, now the world”s leading fur exporter, millions of animals who are killed for their fur are often skinned alive, according to the campaign group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.A Peta spokesman said: “Britain is a nation of animal lovers and more than 90 per cent of Britons refuse to wear fur. We hope that Her Majesty will choose to wear something more humane in future, that better reflects the values of the British people.“



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