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1、2014届高考英语一轮复习 专题2.1 Tales of the unexplained精品讲案 第一板块 知识回顾一、高频单词熟记英语汉语英语汉语witness n.& v.n. 目击者,证人;vt. 目击,见证;是发生的时间或地点appropriate adj.适当的occur v. 发生discount n.折扣incident n.发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的)award v.& n.vt. 授予,奖励n. 奖,奖品,奖金aboard adv. & prep.adv. 在(轮船、飞机等)上prep. 在上attack v. & n.vt. & vi. 攻击;进攻n. 攻击;进攻ca

2、se n.案件;具体情况,实例reserve n. & v.n. (动植物)保护区;储备vt. 预定;保留;储备dismiss v不予考虑;解雇;解散link v. & n.联系,关联base n. & v.n.基地,大本营;底部;基础vt. 以为基础track n.足迹;踪迹词性(词形)变化puzzled adj. 困惑的,茫然的puzzle v.使困惑、茫然puzzle n.困惑;谜;难题puzzling adj. 令人困惑的assume vt. 假定;认为assumption n. 假定,设想construction n. 施工;建筑物construct vt. 建造possibilit

3、y n. 可能性possible adj. 可能的possibly adv. 可能evidence n. 证据evident adj. 明显的injury n. 伤害injure vt. 伤害,损害injured adj. 受伤的;受损害的enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热烈的;满腔热忱的enthusiastism n. 热情exist vi. 存在existence n. 存在existent adj. 现存的;现有的statement n. 声明;陈述state v. 声明;陈述 organize vt. 组织,筹备;安排,处理organization n. 组织length

4、n. 长度lengthen v. 加长;使延长long adj. 长的strength n. 力量,力气;长处,优势strengthen v. 加强strong adj. 强壮的convince v. 使确信,使相信convinced adj. 确信的;深信的convincing adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的survive v. 生存;挺过(难关)survival n. 生存;幸存survivor n. 生存者;幸存者二、重点短语背诵英语汉语英语汉语step up加紧,加强,促进 run into偶然遇见,碰到due to 由于,因为;预定,约定more than不止,多于,不仅仅,非常

5、show up出现,现身dream of梦想;向往take charge of 负责,掌管separate from与分离,脱离make up编造,杜撰;构成;和好;化妆convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 look into 调查get into shape 强身健体dozens of 许多,很多be similar to 与相似belong to 属于 pick up捡起;接某人;偶尔学到make ones way to前往,到去run after追赶carry out履行,实施go missing 失踪;消失三、经典句型仿写1.【教材原句】Standing insid

6、e were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.(P2) 里面站着许多白皮肤、眼睛又黑又大的奇怪生物。【典句仿写】坐在我们教室后面的是来自南京大学的一些教授。_ are some professors from Nanjing University.【答案】Sitting at the back of our classroom2.【教材原句】The aliens took me aboard the UFO so that they could do research on me. (P3) 那些外星

7、人把我带到UFO上以便对我进行研究。【典句仿写】那个好心的妇人把那个孤儿带上了轮船以便随时可以照顾他。The kind-hearted woman _ the ship _ she could take care of him at any time. 【答案】took the orphan aboard; so that3.【教材原句】So, while we have not dismissed the idea, we are looking into other possibilities.(P3)所以,尽管我们不排除这种想法,但是我们也在调查其他的可能性。【典句仿写】虽然他爱他的学生

8、,可是他对他们很严格。 ,heisverystrictwiththem. 【答案】Whileheloveshisstudents,4.【教材原句】The Yeti is said to be a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being. (P18) 据说野人是体格粗壮、多毛像人一样两条腿走路的动物。【典句仿写】据说她一年挣一千多万。She _ over $10 million a year. 【答案】is said to earn5.【教材原句】They made copies of these tracks

9、and had them examined by a scientist in the USA .(P18)他们复制了这些脚印,并让美国的一位科学家进行研究。【典句仿写】他在踢足球时腿受了伤。He while playing football.【答案】had his leg injured第二板块 考点详析一、词汇考点考点-1. search【教材原句】Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing two days ago in Dover, New Hamp

10、shire. (P2) 国警方现已加紧对一名15岁失踪男孩的搜索,该男孩于两天前在新罕布什尔州的多佛市失踪。【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分Im at present in search of a new house. _So far ,they have been unluckily in their search for gold and have no money at all. _The police searched her for drugs. _The police searched the forest for the lost child. _【答案】寻找一栋新房子 寻找金子搜查

11、她(搜她的身) 在森林里搜索寻找那个丢失的小孩【自主归纳】用不同的方式译出下列句子:他们正在整个村庄搜寻那个丢失的男孩。They are the whole village the lost boy.They are the lost boy the whole village.They are of the lost boy the whole village.They are their the lost boy the whole village.【答案】searchingfor searching/looking forin n searchin insearch forin sear

12、ch through 查遍,搜遍 search after truth追求真理search ones memory想了又想, 苦思良久,使劲地想,搜肠刮肚【即时巩固】用search的恰当词组填空They the books on the shelves to find a book by Lu Xun.The policeman the criminal a gun.She her room the missing money.To support the family, they left home work three months ago.Ive ,but I cant remember

13、 that mans name.考点-2. witness 【教材原句】Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10:45 pm.(P2) 目击者也说在下午十点四十五分看到Justin朝他家走去的。【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分的意思I was a witness to the car accident which happened yesterday._The year 1949 witnessed the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China. _She was punished severely for giving false witness. _【答案】那起车祸的目击证人 见证了中华人民共和国的成立 做伪证 【自主归纳】witness n. 目击者,证人



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