外研版初中英语七年级下册教案:Module7 Unit1(初一下)

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《外研版初中英语七年级下册教案:Module7 Unit1(初一下)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版初中英语七年级下册教案:Module7 Unit1(初一下)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 7 Planes,boats and trainsUnit 1 Tony has the longest journey. 教材:英语(新标准)七年级下册课时:1课时课型:Listening and speaking一、教材分析本模块主要学习形容词的最高级形式及“by+交通工具”的用法,围绕“旅游与交通”这一话题进行语言实践活动,使学生达到能够描述自己或他人旅行的目的。二、学生分析由于各种不同的原因,我校刚入学的学生在英语学习方面存在着个体差异性,学生大部分抽象思维能力较低,形象思维能力强,热情高但注意力容易分散。自我认识较模糊、片面,而在乎他人的评价。所以在知识和能力上,我们在

2、为学生打好扎实基础的同时,要特别注重教学方法的灵活性和评价的技巧性,让不同层次的学生都能找到成就感。三、教学目标设计1、知识目标(1) Key vocabulary: bus,subway,journey,bicycle,taxi(2) Key structure: by bus,by bicycle,by taxi2、能力目标To understand conversations with superlative adjectivesTo ask and answer questions about transport and travel四、教学重点和难点重点:知识目标中词汇和形容词最高级

3、形式的讲授与学习。难点:学生能根据教师提供的活动要求能够介绍自己或他人的旅行以及乘坐交通工具。五、教学策略教师尽量通过不同情景的设置,让学生正确理解词汇和主要句型的正确含义及用法,在大量的语言输入后再做口、笔头输出。六、教学过程Step1Warming-up1.Free talk.T:What transports do you know?S:Bus,bikeAnswer the teachers question.渲染气氛,导入新课Step2Presentation of key words and key structures1.Show the pictures.Present the

4、key words and key structures.A:How do you go to school?B:I walk to school./ I go to school by bus. 2.Work in pairs.Ask three groups to practise.3.Have the Ss listen to the tape and do activity2.Then check the answers one by one.1.Work in pairs.Ask and answer.2.Answer the teachers question.3.Listen a

5、nd match the words.以旧带新,引出新单词和句型Step3 Listening and Reading1. Listen to the tape and choose “T” or “F”on the board.Then check the answers one by one.2. Read the conversation by themselves and work in pairs do activity5.Then check the answers with some pairs.3. Read it again and find out some difficu

6、lt points with their partner.4. Read the conversation together.Then ask some Ss. to read the conversation.1. Listen and choose “T” or “F”.2. Read the conversation and work in pairs do activity53. Read the conversation with their partner and find out some difficult points and encourage them raise up.

7、4. Roles play.Read the conversation.能够听取图表信息进行对话训练或看图说话,以及培养学生细节听力技巧Step4Make a survey1. Let the students do activity2 in New PlanP48.2. Ask two or three students to make a report.1.Use the table to ask five students.Write down their transportation.Then do a report.2.Report their survey.用调查报告的形式更容易巩固所学的知识点Step5Sum upSum up总结、归纳、识记消化课堂知识为学习新客内容做铺垫Step6Homework完成学案教学步骤教师活动学生活动活动目的



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