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1、Uni5D ouhve aoccral?PeriodOne (1a2c) 实验中学 秦旭格.eachin Ams:1.The words about balls: occer bal, volleall, bsketbal, png-ng ball, tenis ball, sball,bat.2 ret anguage a a/an. eshea a/an.-D youhav? -Yes, Id. /No,I dont.Does she/e ae?-Yes,/he does./No,she e st能运用句型体现自己和她人所具有的东西3.理解听力内容,听懂别人与否具有某物;eaing imp

2、orant points:1. h wrdabal2. T targtlauae.-Do ave? Yes, do. /No, Ion.-Does she/h have?-es, she/e des./No,sh/ he doesnt.eacing diffiulpoints:1ave 与hs 的使用.o 与doe 开头的一般疑问句Teaching repaatons:Engish oos, PP课件,choth, tap plyr.Tchn Poceues:Step1. Revie andd-iTecher show omethings ad asksme qesions. ke ths:T

3、: Wha t?s: Itsan raser: Where is t?Ss: Its on thedskThenteacher putouthocerblnd sT: What thi?: Ita footb.T: Yes, we an aso call it “soccer all”I hv a soccebll.o yo have asocerba? h show the oic “Unit5 you hve socceral?” n t sceen.Stp2. Learig Amshowthe leninams othe scre A eplin hem to the sudents.S

4、tep3 how wrds1. o the piuabou he bals onthe scre. Letsentssaythe ds Py atntinto te rouniaton Ak studes o readn different ys til theycan maser2. Chck if they an say. Ask different tudents o say.Sep4.Sentnces1. So thefollowing words nte senI have ccr allhavesomeboks I hae an rasr Lestents imtate the s

5、entenes tomak snce.Tacher ks soe students to ay.Thnshow the ptures about he by and thegir Letstnts tr os.“Bob/He as a rler. Alc /Se has a enil”sk“wy ue as?” an summary. Gp orAsk sudsto work in goupfurMakeconversatons like tis. S1: Ihava pncl S: He hsa ncl. I ave a oo 3: He as a pcil.Sehasa bok. I ha

6、v an erasr. : He has a pnil She as a ok. Heas an erser. Iave some en. Teer say“aveasocer ball.D u have a soccer bal?” Frst,let Ss tyto nwer.Then lay th recordinglet Ssisen how to anwe. An fiish the bla -Doou hva ing-png ?-Yes, _ u av a pig-pon ball?No, _ech teenteces howtread. Show pcture abut diffe

7、rent ball Askstuents te e abv sentncs tmake coeratins. Thn ask some pirs toshow.Shw he itures aout dfeent peplA “我想懂得Jim有无一辆自行车该怎么问呢?” Let Ss try o say Then showthe senens.A: Does a ?B:Ys, h/he oes N, /she doesntA workinpais nrae the enenesccordig tothe picre. Give thmseveral minues.Then sksome pis

8、tosw.Step5.Ltning 1 2a t sues l the recoring a numberthe ictrs. irstlet Ss toreath ams on the picts Rmid thm pa attntiont he name henlay the recoin Las,heck th answes.2. 2sten again n ner the all. ookat e bal ad sayfrs. he play te eordng. At lat, chk heanes.3. Liten againifh epe ae the as f heshehas

9、, plase draw“”. If h/she dest a, pleaeraw“”.cShow e emlefirst Then let Ss wor n airs dprtcthe conesations.Se6 Can yu say e nences. 你有一只棒球拍吗? _you _a baeba _?2. 埃里克有一种网球吗? _ Ec_a _bll?3. 戴尔有一种足球和一种排球。 Dle_ a _balanda _. 我有一种篮球和一只乒乓球拍。 I _ a _ ada pg ong _.Showsentenceadask Ss to sa.Step7. SummaSumary the ete with a chartVoly, vollyal;I haveaolleyball.Soccerbll, cce bllD you ae a occe ball? aseball,bseball; Seasa basbal.Basktball, basetball.Ds hhave a bakbal?



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