期末检测卷2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语上册(word版 含答案)

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1、人教版七年级数学上册期末检测卷(笔试)(时间:60分钟,满分:90分)二、语法选择。(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When I was 14, I went to a boarding school(寄宿学校).At first I 31 my family a lot. I oftencalled them on the phone. But after two weeks, I found I enjoyed 32 with my classmates at school

2、.I had many friends and they were all boys. I often played and studied with 33 . I thought theywere my best friends. I never thought my friendships with boys would become 34 problem.One day, one of my friends told me that some girls said I was hanging out with boys all day long35 attention from them

3、. A few weeks after that, Mr.Wang asked the class to choose some studentsto join the Student Union. I thought I was the right person 36 I was doing well in school. I was thetop student in class. A week later, the result surprised me: I wasnt chosen. I was upset.Mr.Wang came to me after class and sai

4、d, “Dont be 37 . I know youYe an excellent student!Maybe you 38 be a little closer to the girls in our class. They don*t know much 39 you. Tryyour best to get to know everyone and I think youll get chosen nextI thought about what Mr.Wang said 40 and I truly agreed with him. I will try to be friends

5、witheveryone, 5,1 said to myself.()31.A.will missB.missedC.ammissingD.miss()32.A.tostayB.stayingC. stayedD.stay()33.A.themB.theyC.theirD.theirs()34.A./B.theC.anD.a()35.A.getB.gotC.gettingD.to get()36.A.thoughB.becauseC.until.unless()37.A.sadlyB.saddestC.sadD.sadder()38.A.shouldB.mustC.wouldD.might()

6、39.A.inB.atC.withD.about()40.A.more seriousB.seriousC.seriouslyD.mostserious、完形填空。(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。When I was a junior high school student, life gave me a gifthappiness.One weekend, on my way home a car ran over me and cut off my 41 because of its highspeed.S

7、everal days later, when I 42 in the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my lifewithout arms. I felt 43 at that time. I was full of fears(害怕),but 44 I knew that I had to face thefact and get over it. I couldnt get my arms back even if I 45 every day.However, its easier said than done. It

8、took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness. I got somuch from my past story. From then on, I could treat my life with a 46 mind. But in my daily life, Ioften see my classmates 47 little things: they get a bad grade on a test; their bus comes late; theydont have a mobile phone but others ha

9、ve, and so on. But I only enjoy life.Happiness depends on what we have! It*s in our heart. Its a state of mind. Happiness comes fromlearning the art of appreciating and taking pleasure in what you really have.()41.A.feetB.armsC.legsD.hands()42.A.put upB.stood upC.cut upD.woke up()43.A.sadB.bo redC.e

10、njoyableD.angry()44.A.hardlyB.loudlyC.slowlyD.quietly()45.A.laughedB.criedC.foughtD.shouted()46.A.traditionalB.funnyC.terribleD.normal()47.A.shout atB.find outC.lookafterD.worry about()48.A.accidentB.activityC.competition.discussion()49.A.caughtB.planedC.lostD.won()50.A.finishB.improveC.returnD.brea

11、k四、阅读理解。(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读A、B两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AEmma has just finished traveling by herself in Europe. Are you interested in her journey? Lets readsome of her travel diaries.EmmaJune 12 at 19: 35-New YorkIm so excited, also a little nervous(紧张的)! I will be off on a trip by

12、 myself. Yes! Alone! I am feelingso brave and cant wait to start. I am going to Europe to see some cities I really want to visit. It is greatbecause I can choose what I want to do in each city. I am going to travel by train in Europe.EmmaJune 15 at 15: 30-SalzburgNow I am in Salzburg, Austria. The q

13、uiet hills of Austria are great places to relax. The movie TheSound of Music was filmed around this area. I can enjoy the view of the mountains and the river frommy hotel window. Mozart, the famous musician, was from here. So there are many classical concertshere.EmmaJune 17 at 8: 15-AmsterdamThe tr

14、ain ride to Amsterdam was a long one. It gave me time to write some postcards to send backhome. Amsterdam is a fun city, full of friendly locals and travelers. I spent the whole day visiting the artmuseums here. The museums are historic and filled with beautiful art. I also took a boat ride along th

15、eriver.EmmaJune 19 at 21 : 20-CopenhagenTraveling by myself, I have been very careful to keep safe(安全的).Luckily, I am in Copenhagen,Denmark, and people tell me that it is one of the safest places in the world. There is very little crimehere. Andersen, a famous writer of childrens books, once lived in this city. I bought two of his fairy talebooks.()51. Emma was in New York on.A. June 12B. June 15


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