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1、 英 语 教(学)案 时间:2012.8学科英语年级八年级主备人使用人师生课 题Unit Whats the matter? Section B(II)第 4 课时学 习目 标1.掌握at the moment、until等重点词汇用法。2.掌握目标语I hope;Im sorry to hear that;I dont think3.通过给他人提建议,学会关心别人。重 点掌握目标语I hope;Im sorry to hear that;I think;I dont think难 点运用目标语进行写作。主要教学方 法Task -Based Language Teaching,Communic

2、ative Language Teaching教 具A recorder学 具A dictionary教学(学习)内容:一、预习导学:(我会学习)I.用下列动词造句子。give:_get:_need:_believe:_stay:_II.针对下列问题,请给出合理建议。1. I have a toothache._2. I am stressed out._3. I cant sleep._4. Im hungry._5. I have a cold._二、新知探究:(我能参与)I. Key words: 1. moment n.“瞬间;片刻”相关短语:at the moment = now 此

3、时;现在Im busy at the moment. Wait a moment, please. 【即时训练】Im not _(feel)very well at the moment.He_(think)of her idea at the moment.2. until = till conj.“直到之时;在之前” prep.“到为止”肯定句中谓语动词用延续性动词,否定句中谓语动词用非延续性动词。相关短语:notuntil 直到才I shall wait until the snow stops.(介词)He didnt go out until I came back.(连词) The

4、 tired children dont get home until 7 pm.(介词)3. hear v.“听见;听说 ”过去式为heard(1)hear sb.do sth.听见某人做了某事(2)hear sb. doing sth.听见某人正在做某事(3)Im sorry to hear that常用于口语中,表示同情或遗憾。【拓展】常用短语:hear of / about 听说 hear from 收到的来信II. Key phrases:1. enjoy oneself 2. at the moment 3. have a lot of headaches4. conversati

5、on practice 5. practice doing sth. 6. need to do sth.7. see a dentistIII. Key structures:1. I hope youre enjoying my school in New York.2. Im not feeling very well at the moment.3. I study late every night,until 2 am,but I dont think Im improving.4. Im sorry to hear that!三、课内巩固:(我要提升)I. 填空:1. Mary e

6、njoy_(surf) the Internet.2. Miss Chen_(listen) to the radio at the moment.3. Im sorry_(hear) that you have a cold.4. You should_(go) to bed early when youre tired.5. Believe in y ! You can do it well.6. Her English is not very good, so she wants to practice more to i it.7. My daughter drinks a glass

7、 of milk every day. Its really good for her _.8. Tom, if you are_, drink this water.9. There are some_ with my computer. It doesnt work.II. 交际运用:根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。(D = doctor W = woman)D: Whats the(1)_, young lady?W: Im not feeling well. I cant do any work, doctor.D: Do yo

8、u have a cough? W: No, I dont have a cough.D:(2)_? W: Yes, I sleep very well. D:(3)_? W: No, I dont have breakfast. And I only havea little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin.D: Oh, I see. Theres(4)_. You need to eat more food and have three meals a day. And do some exercise every

9、 day.W: OK, I will do like that. D:(5)_. W: Thanks.3.完成下面的请假条。Dear Miss Liu,Im _to tell you I cant come to school today.Could I ask _ two days off? Because I _a cold yesterday.The doctor said I _lie down and rest.Dont worry about me.Thanks a _. Yours, Tom个性补改:板书设计: Section B(II)at the moment, not until hear that教(学)反思:



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