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1、The Trial that Rocked the World. Word explanation1. forlorn A. typical B. unhappy C. crowded D. simple2. ponder A. strike B. injure C. cut D. think3. shrewd A. quick B. industrial C. suspicious D. clever4. livid A. clear green B. dark red C. light brown D. blue grey5. scorch A. touch B. burn C. toas

2、t D. baked6. prairie A. mountain B. basin C. high land D. grassland7. twirl A. stir B. flow C. spin D. move8. spectator A. onlooker B. participator C. orator D. partner9. magnetic A. skilful B. attractive C. energetic D. industrial10. exhort A. make sb. tired B. go abroad C. advise D. welcome11. fes

3、toon A. stride B. display C. display D. decorate12. erupt A. explode B. raise C. elevate D. break13. indict A. explain B. charge C. write D. indicate14. anticipate A. advance B. wait for C. foresee D. overlook15. counsel A. lawyer B. officer C. governor D. teacher16. reassure A. make sure B. confide

4、 C. comfort D. convince17. prosecute A. perform B. accuse C. predict D. defend18. sprout A. appear B. grow C. develop D. all the above19. rickety A. strong B. brave C. sweat D. boiled20. sweltering A. hot B. heat C. sweat D. boiled21. nominee A. elector B. candidate C. voter D. representative22. ver

5、dict A. punishment B. penal C. opinion D. judgement23. hail A. accept B. greet C. welcome D. receive24. image A. shape B. figure C. feature D. likeness. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the following words or expressions in its proper form. Each word or expression is to be used only once.adher

6、e to, adjourn, advance, collapse, contaminate, on hand, overlook, reconcile, rule out, snowball, take on, under way, violate 1. All his old friends will beto see Jack receive the medal of honour.2. He resolutelywhat he had said at the meeting,. He wouldnt change his mind in any way.3. The biologista

7、 new theory of life.4.They blockaded the Suez Canal, whichthe international agreement.5. Once the business starts, we should be able to take on more staff.6. After the students put up Christmas decorations, the classrooma holiday appearance.7. The yearly campaign to raise funds for the Red Cross is

8、alreadythat he wouldnt want to talk to her after their quarrel.8. The Middle East Peace Conferencedue to the fact that the Israeli government had just expelled 12 Palestinians.9. Friends managedhim with his wife after years of separation.10. From our house on the hillside, we canthe whole of the por

9、t and harbour.11. The water in this part of the riverwith waste from the factory.12. The earthquake caused many building.13. The police havemurder but are still holding several people for questioning.Replace each underlined part with one word learnt in the text, the first letter of which is given:1.

10、 She felt her confidence restored after the teacher told her she could pass the examination.r 2. Meningitis is widespread especially during early spring.r 3. China Daily receives messages from all parts of the world.d 4. Her performance exceeded my expectations.s 5. Caught at the scene of the theft,

11、 the pickpocket bent low from fear at the corner.c 6. He criticized severely and publicly the practice of heart transplants.d 7. Dr. Quilty sat on the corner of his desk.p 8. She slipped through a large crowd of people, frantically searching for David.t . Make up the missed letters of the words acco

12、rding to the context provided.1. Something that is c is connected with crime or with the punishment of crime.2. If a situation or activity i someone or something, it includes them as a necessary part or it uses them in some way.3. If you can d_ one thing from another thing or d_ between two things,

13、you can see or understand the difference between them. If you describe someone as d_or describe their work or career as d_ you mean that they have been very successful in their work or career and therefore have a high reputation.d 4. When you w something, you say something to someone very quietly, u

14、sing only your breath rather than using your throat, so that other people cannot hear what you are saying.5. A l translation is one in which you translate each word of the original work rather than giving the meaning of each expression or sentence using words that sound natural.6. When animals, plants, insects, etc e , they gradually change and develop into different forms.7. If you v_ an agreement, law, or promise, you break it. If you v_someones privacy or peace, you disturb it.v 8. R_ is the state of being w



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