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1、高一英语外研版必修三第一单元测试题一,单词填空1. In the center of the garden stands the s _of the famous physicistAlbert Einstein. 2. How do you usually spend your free time on holidays, Martin? I spend my free time visiting g_ and museums. 3. The European Union is an o _of European countries.4There was a garden on the o_

2、side of the street.5Donnot you know the white bird is a s_ of freedom.6We are _(面对)with a lot of problems but we will win.7. The Eiffel Tower is also _ (位于) in the capital city of FranceParis.8. Every year, thousands of _ (游客) come to see the Milu deer in Dafeng, Jiangsu .The building is a famous _

3、(标志性建筑)of the city.The country is _ (统治)by a group of military leaders.二,单选1.Everyone shouts “Kill it!”when a rat is seen to run_the street.A. alongB. overC. acrossD. cross2. He is now _a new novel, which is supposed to come out in half a year.A. working onB. carrying out C. thinking ofD. putting up

4、 3. Huaqingchi in Xian is a place _ its hot springs. A. known asB. known with C. is known asD. known for 4. How did you like the trip to Europe? _. Oh, thats too bad. A. I wish you could be with me B. Nothing could be betterC. I enjoyed it very much D. I felt seasick most of the time5.Come and sit d

5、own by the fire.Your hand _.A.feels so coldB.is felt so coldlyC.feels so coldlyD.feel so cold6.John hadnt been able to stop smoking suddenly;he had to control his smoking desire _.A.by and byB.sooner or laterC.little by littleD.from time to time7.Father and mother wanted to go for a ride,and _,the c

6、hildren wanted to stay at home and play with their friends.A.on the other hand B.on another hand C.in other waysD.as a result8.A big disaster took place in _1960s when I was in _teens.A.the;theB.the;/C./;myD.the;my9.As we know,Beethoven is the greatest musician _.A.for all the timeB.of all time C.by

7、 all timesD.at all times10.Scientists have found no _of life on Mars so far,though great efforts have made on the research.A.symbolsB.signsC.marksD.signals11.It took the scientists seven days to_Takla Makan_“the sea of death”.A.climb;callingB.through;called C.across;namingD.cross;named12. _the size

8、of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all。A.to compare withB.to compare toC.comparing withD.compared with13The family settled in Beijing in 1770 and has lived there_。Aever since B。long since C。since before D。since ever14All the preparations for the task_, and we are ready to star

9、t。 Acomplete B。completed C。had been completed D。have been completed15Shortly after we _,a waiter came over to our table with a smile。Aseated B。were seated C。 sat ourselves D。 took place三,主谓一致练习1. About 60 percent of the students _ from the south, the rest of them _ from the north and foreign countri

10、es.A. are; isB. are; areC. is; areD. is; is2. Now Tom with his classmates _ football on the playground.A. playB. are playingC. playsD. is playing3. Neither he nor you _ to go out at night.A. were allowedB.allowed C.is allowedD. allows4. The museum,as well as the pictures_ .A. are worthy seeing B. is

11、 worthy seeingC. are worth seeing D. is worth seeing5. The secretary and principal _ at the meeting now.A. are speakingB. is speaking C. were making a speechD. have a speech6. Either of you _ going there tonight.A. willB. wasC. isD. are7. Where to get the materials and how to get them _ at the meeti

12、ng.A. have not discussed B. have not been discussedC. has not discussedD. has not been discussed8. Every student and every teacher _.A. are going to attend the meetingB. have attended the meetingC. has attended the meetingD. is attended the meeting9E-mail as well as telephons_an important part in daily communication。A,is playing Bhave played C,are playing D,is being played10 Each country in the United Kingdom _ a capital city.A. isB. haveC. hasD. are 答案:一,(略)二,1-5CADDA,6-10AACBB,11-15,DDADB三,1-5BDADB,6-10CDCAC



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