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1、英语四级写作方法介绍1)议论文的写作要点 从全国历年大学英语四、六级、研究生入学考试以及托福考试等作文来看,议论文已成为主要的写作体裁,而且大有“一统天下”的趋势。 议论文的主旨是针对现实生活中带有普遍性的种种现象、问题或思潮,进行分析、说理和论证,从而表示作者的立场和观点,赞成什么,反对什么,达到明辨是非、惩恶扬善、弘扬正气、说服读者和教育社会的目的。 一篇好的议论文应该是论点鲜明准确;论据充分有力;论证合情合理且逻辑性强,在客观上事实求是,以理服人,在主观上以情感人。此外,无论以何种手法开头,议论文一般总要在开头交待清楚要议论的主题和作者的基本立场观点,有时要说明下文的写作重心。议论文通常

2、分为三大部分,其写作要点如下: 开头段落;引入主题,指出观点(或正面或反面或具体数据)进行议论,进一步阐明主题(或举例或提供相关情况);使用过渡词,承上启下,表明作者的基本态度或提示下文议论的重心。 主体段落:详细论述,说清问题,适当举例;进行具体分析和佐证;再进一步分析和佐证;使论据有说服力,不仅说明为什么“是”,而且要说明为什么“不是”,从而使读者信服你的观点。 结尾段落:综述上文,得出结论(概括性的总结)。 例如: My View on Fake Commodities (1997年12 月四级作文真题) 1、假冒伪劣商品的危害。 2、怎样杜绝假冒伪劣商品? 范文: To most Ch

3、inese consumers buying fake commodities means nothing but “unluck” that is hard to avoid. While many undergo such experience every now and then, few realize the need to rethink of it and battle against the falsehood of the fakes. This is disturbing, however, because the fake commodities bring much m

4、ore than “unluck” to our society. Fake commodities affect our life in many aspects. To begin with, they may turn out to be a threat to our lives, as is confirmed in the news that a couples dream of owning an electric bathing heater ended up by killing the husband. They also give rise to unfair compe

5、tition, which in turn throws many original businesses into a commercial panic. And above all, they lead the whole society to seek dishonesty in making a fortune. Obviously, it is high time that the fake commodities were eliminated from our life. How to do away with them then? The first thing for the

6、 government to do is to root out the local protectionism in China. In the meanwhile, fair competition must be enforced by law upon all the businesses, in which light, if one business takes unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to competing business which treats its goods fairly. In short,

7、only when our society as a whole can resist all temptation of fake commodities will there be no more chance for them to trap any customers. 在开头段落,作者直入主题,提出了绝大多数中国消费者在买到假冒伪劣商品时所想到的不是别的,而是难以回避的自认倒霉的观点,而这一现象不仅令人担忧而且假冒伪劣商品还会给社会带来远不止的所谓“倒霉”危害。接着在主体段落中,作者列举了几个非常有说服力的实例进一步证实它们的危害性:1对生命构成威胁,一对夫妇因使用伪劣商品而使丈夫死

8、亡;2导致不正当竞争;3它们会引导整个社会在致富过程中追求不诚实的做法。最后,在文章的第三段作者提出杜绝伪劣商品的具体办法:1.从法律上要求公平竞争;2从我做起,动员全社会共同抵制它们,使它们失去诱骗消费者的任何可乘之机。从而使文章的首尾对应,有理、有节,使人折服。 2)说明文的写作要点 说明文,顾名思义,是一种阐明事理的文体,写说明文的目的是为了揭示客观事物的原理,或解释某一种抽象概念或介绍某种经验,或提供自然科学知识和启发性信息。简单地说,说明文的定义就是用简单的文字把事物的形状、性质、特征、成因、关系、功能等解说清楚;把人物的经历、特点等表述明白。 说明文已在全国大学英语四、六级作文中出

9、现过几次,其出题的特点是: 怎样理解(为什么说) 试举例说明(例如,又如) 出题者往往选择人类社会特点或文化领域里形成的共识或箴言,或客观真理或格言(proverb),或某种事理为论说主题,要求考生说明其内容,举例加以解释和概说。 3)说明文的写作类别和方法 说明文与议论文没有明显的界限划分。如果进行认真分析和比较,就会发现,说明文强调通过阐明事理让读者对所议事物更加明确,而议论文则强调通过分析说理使读者接受自己的观点和主张,说明文的写作类别可分为举例说明(illustration),对比说明(comparison and contrast),分类说明(division and classif

10、ication), 定义说明(definition),知识说明(informative provision)等。 说明文通常可采用“三段式”结构进行写作,即第一段:下定义;第二段:展开叙述、说明;第三段:结论。 说明文写作: 三段式 第一段:下定义; 第二段:展开叙述、说明; 第三段:结论 (建议,前景的预测等)。 根据目前四级写作的趋势,英语说明文主要分为下面几种类型:1. 罗列法(listing) 在文章开始时提出需要说明的东西和观点,然后常用first,second,and finally加以罗列说明。罗列法广泛地使用于各类指导性的说明文之中,下面这篇学生作文就是用罗列法写成的: 例1E

11、arly RisingEarly rising(早起)is helpful in more than one way. First,it helps to keep us fit(健康).We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides,we can do good to our health from doing morning exercise(做早操)。 Secondly,early rising helps us in our studies. We learn more

12、quickly in the morning,and find it easier to remember what we learn in the morning. Thirdly,early rising enables(使能够)us to plan the work of the day. We cannot work well without a good plan. Just as the plan for the year should be made in the spring,so the plan for the day should be made in the morni

13、ng. Fourthly,early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work,such as to wash our faces and hands and eat our breakfast properly. Late risers may find it very difficult to form the habit of early rising. They ought to make special efforts to do so. As the English proverb says,“Early to be

14、d and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.” 例2 Practice Makes Perfect(l997年1月全国四级作文真题) 1、怎样理解“熟能生巧”? 2、例如,在英语学习中 3、又如 Practice makes perfect, just as quantitative change always goes before qualitative one. The more is made of practice, the better harvest is derived from it. This prove

15、rb holds true for what is worth practicing in our life. In the process of ones English study, for instance, there is so much for him to learn, such as new words, grammar rules and cultural background. It is often a great headache to master a wealth of such stuff. The way he first and foremost takes, however, is to practice and practice as much as possible. He has to read a lot, memorize a lot, speak a lot and write a lot. Only through practice will he be able to perfect himself in English. Another case in point is that of Xu Beihong, who attributed hi


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