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1、Unit11 SectionB(2a-2e) 教案1.0教情分析 1.1 Teaching objectives 教学目标1.1.1 Language targets 语言目标1.1.1.1 Key Words and Chunks For applying: weight, shoulder, goal, coach, kick, courage, pull, nod, agreement, disappoint, let.down, kick sb. off, be hard on sb. , rather than, pull together1.1.1.2 Sent

2、ence Structures1) He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulder as he walked home alone.2) It was the worst day of his life.3) How could he have missed scoring that goal?4) He had let his whole team down. 5) Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door.6) But whatev

3、er it was, dont be too hard on yourself.7) The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.8) Peter went to soccer team with courage rather than fear in his heart.9) We were so close to winning that game.10) To his surprise and relief, his teammates

4、all nodded in agreement. Grammar Focus1) He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone. (当他走路回家时,他感觉肩上无比沉重。feel like后面引导了一个宾语从句,在宾语从句内部as引导了一个时间状语从句。)2) How could he have missed scoring that goal? (他怎么没把球射进呢?could have done 表示“过去本能够做某事却未做”,包含“责备”意义。)3) But wha

5、tever it was, dont be too hard on yourself. (但不管结局怎样,不要对自己要求太苛刻。to be hard on somebody是一个常用短语,表示“过于严格地要求某人;对某人过于严厉”或“以刻薄的方式批评,对待某人”。)1.1.2 Ability goals 能力目标1.1.2.1 学会通过语境理解成语或习语的含义,并养成积累的习惯。 通过阅读故事,能够对其叙事线索和顺序进行分析,形成一定的逻辑思维能力。1.1.3 Emotional goals 情感目标1.1.3.1引导学生回忆和表达自己的经历。引发学生关于生活中的

6、挫折的反思。培养学生拥有一种积极,乐观的生活态度。1.2 Important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点1.2.1文中出现的重难点单词,短语及句型。1.2.2 掌握文章大意和框架结构分析。1.2.3 让学生学会表达和话题讨论:怎样面对生活中的挫折。2.0 Student analysis学情分析2.1 Fundamental State基本情况通过本单元前面几个课时的学习,学生已经能比较开放的表达自己的情感和对某一情感所持有的观念。本课时的The Winning Team贴近学生生活,谈论如何面对挫折。学生在学习本篇文章时,容易和作者感

7、同身受,激发正确面对挫折的勇气,以及如何正确处理个人与团队的关系。2.2 Knowledge Reserve知识储备 本课时从阅读策略上着重培养学生了解并积累习语和短语,突破阅读障碍的能力,由于文章内容与学生生活经历相似,所以在理解和猜测语义上,学生具备了一定的理解分析能力。从情感态度上,通过前面对幸福观的讨论和定义,激发了学生丰富的情感表达兴趣,为本课时的角色扮演做好了充足的准备。2.3 Class data本班实际 本班学生学习动机明确,能够在小组活动中互相帮助,积极与他人合作,敢于用英语进行表达。本课时读前引导学生谈论自己失败或成功的经历与感受,内容贴近学生实际,接近本单元话题内容,学生

8、愿意讨论,应该有话可说。对于阅读篇目,教师应该使用恰当的阅读策略,引导学生从读前讨论,进入读中的思考,进行有效的思维训练。同时,读后的难句理解分析也应该为学生留足空间。3.0 Teaching methods教法建议Thematic teaching method主题教学法;Discussion method讨论法 4.0 教学辅助blackboard and chalk, computer, projector5.0 Teaching procedures 教学进程5.1 Leading-in and warming-up 引入与激趣活动Brainstorming:Have you ever

9、 made a mistake? How did it make you feel? 5.2 Reading Practice 阅读训练5.2.1 Pre-reading 读前导入5.2.1.1 Present a picture and tell a story of Li Ming(using the first persons tone) “Last week, I had a fight with my best friend Li Wei. At the beginning, it made us very angry. We didnt talk to each other for

10、 days. I felt like there was a heavy weight on my shoulders and the fight let me down. My mind couldnt stop thinking about what happened. How could we have fought with each other? My father knew this and had a conversation with me. He said, “It is normal to disagree with friends. Fight isnt just one

11、 persons fault. No matter who is right, its important to learn how to communicate with others and learn from the mistakes.” The next day, I went up to Li Wei with courage rather than fear. I said sorry to him. To my surprise, he nodded in agreement and also said sorry to me. At last, both of us smil

12、ed. I felt lucky to have such a good friend. From then on, we were better friends again. Present some phrases in the story5.2.2 While-reading 读中理解5.2.2.1 Skim reading5. Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and rearrange the statements after it.Answers: 2 4 1 3 Scan reading Activ

13、ity 2c Encourage St to read the passage carefully and answer questions in 2c.Answers: 1.Because he was angry with himself for missing an important goal and letting his team down. He was worried that his coach may kick him off the team.2.He advised him not to be too hard on himself but to learn from

14、the mistakes.3.The answers vary.4.They asked him not to worry about it and it wasnt one persons fault. They agreed that they could do better next time.5.Because his team has a good team spirit. Activity 2dAnswers:1.missed scoring that goal2.let.down3.kicked off4.be too hard on yourself5.pull

15、together5. Help Ss to practice in using the phrases from the passage to make new sentences. Ask some Ss to share their sentences.5.2.3 Post-reading 读后提升5.2.3.1 T provides Ss with some key words or clues to help them retell the story of Peter5.2.3.2 Divide Ss into groups of two or thr

16、ee and role-play the conversation between Peter and his father.5.3 New points interpretation 新知感悟(贴标签)5.3.1 Discovering chunks 语块发现Get Ss to read the text once again, this time, and underline all the useful chunks in it. 1) Peter kept his eyes on the ground.2) He felt like there was a heavy weight on his


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